Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2870: Look away

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The python king smiled yinyin, and his eyes were like poisonous seeds. He looked up and down on Xiao Naihe as if he wanted to see Xiao Naihe's whole person through.

Others are no exception. When he saw Xiao Naihe, his unwilling gaze was constantly on Xiao Naihe.

The seven people here, each in the wilderness, are top powerhouses.

Although they are all competing objects, when entering this place, several people are on their own sides, and they are afraid of each other.

Because they admit that the other party has the capital to win the treasure.

And now an insignificant human race cultivator came in, just like when a certain high-ranking sect was meeting, suddenly an ordinary disciple under the door came in and said that he would meet with them.

It's so weird and awkward.

"Brother of the human race is not the ban of the slave family. On the contrary, the slave family wants to be the ban of the brother of the human family."

The charming fox fairy had a charming smile on her face. After almost every man on the scene saw the woman's smile, it would not react in the mind or under the body.

"This fox is a stunner."

The Yin-Yang Shuangzun licked his lips, without revealing their greed for the demon fox fairy.

Even white-faced scholars felt dry.

In such a ghostly place, although it is not that women are not found, but these strong men do not look down on ordinary women.

Only women like Meixianxianxian deserve their interaction.

Therefore, after the behavior of the fox demon fairy caused a lot of people's fire, instead a few men looked at Xiao Naihe's eyes, which was even more fierce and jealous.

They can't forcefully take over the succubus demon fairy. After all, this woman is also a half-holy strongman and can't be twisted.

And this woman actually brought such a human child close to her, and this caused a lot of jealousy.

"Hey, little fox, you should know that the rules are, the seven of us are the strongest existence in the entire wasteland. Everyone is eligible to take a slice of the soup. It's this humanoid boy. Do you want to bring him here? Does it break the rules? "

Ghostly grinned.

"Of course not, the younger brother was not brought by the slave's family. Here is the younger brother who wants to come in. It should be said that the slave's family is just behind the younger brother."

"Oh? So, it's the human race who doesn't know how to do it, is he going to take a slice of it?"

The python king glanced at Xiao Naihe and suddenly showed a chill.

Xiao Nai turned a blind eye. When he came in, he sensed this space, and indeed Zurong's breath remained.

And the champion's idea of ​​incense has become more vigorous in it, obviously somewhere in it.

The Python King didn't know Xiao Naihe's thoughts. When he saw Xiao Naihe looking around, he thought that Xiao Naihe didn't put himself in the eyes, and he suddenly showed murderousness: "Human bitch, old man talking to you, what are you looking at?"

Xiao Naihe still ignored this python king, but after finding the python king, he seemed to perceive something.

Seeing Xiao Naihe's behavior, the Python King felt completely ignored by Xiao Naihe,

He was so despised by a holy clan, and this moment gave Python King a boundless murderous chance.

"court death."

Suddenly, the python king raised his hand across the sky, his five fingers shrouded like mountains.

The entire space world was suddenly filled with the poisonous gas of the python king.

Several other half-saints subconsciously receded towards the back.

After all, the poison in the Python King is also a problem for them.

"Python King!"

The charming fox demon face was cold, showing an unpleasant look.

But she didn't do it. She had some speculation in her mind after seeing the performance of Zhaoling outside.

If she guessed right, it is estimated that even if she did not do it herself, this Python King would not hurt Xiao Naihe.

"The Python King has been in retreat for so many years, but I didn't expect to go further. It seems that he is indeed the person closest to the Lord."

The yin and yang double respects of the three-eyed demons changed slightly, and after glancing at each one, they seemed to be a little worried.

Several other people also showed fearful expressions.

After all, Python King is showing a powerful magical power, which is to show that he has greater capital in this competition.

They seem to be a river that does not violate well water, but in fact they are competitors, and no one can guarantee that when they see the treasure, they will not fight and **** it.

So the more powerful the Python King is, the more they must be careful of the Python King.

As for Xiao Naihe, in the eyes of several people, it was already a dead person.

The impression that the human race has been weak for so many years has long been deeply ingrained in these people's minds.

"This human race kid will definitely die. The poisonous gas of the python king, even the half holy saint can be poisoned, and if he receives him a positive gesture, he will definitely die.

The white-faced scholar looked indifferent and thought secretly in his heart.

The five fingers of the python king were enveloped with poisonous gas, and the surrounding air flowed backwards, exploding like a bomb.


At this moment Xiao Nai raised his head, indifferently missing the python king.

But when Python King saw Xiao Naihe's indifferent eyes, somehow, the shock in his heart seemed to feel very cold, and the body had a subconscious move to retreat.

But this thought was stopped in an instant.

Before the five fingers of the python king fell, Xiao Naihe waved his right hand, and a white light flashed, just like the sword and sword, falling on the palm of the python king.

next moment.

The hand of the python king was cut and flew directly, blood flowing.


Several other people's faces changed dramatically.

They didn't even see Xiao Naihe's move just now, only to see that Xiao Naihe waved his right hand as if the sword and sword were flashing. The palm of the Python King was already flying out the next moment.

Xiao Naihe looked at the palm flying in mid-air, and suddenly his palm turned into a spark, which disappeared instantly.


The python king paled slightly and pulled back.

As a semi-holy strong, let alone cut the palm, even if the head is cut off, as long as the source is not damaged, it can grow back at any time.

But now, the python king actually feels that there is no breath of life in his arm fracture, completely actuated without bleeding.

"Did you see clearly just now?"

"No, but the kid seemed to wave his right hand, and the light flashed. It should be some kind of powerful weapon, and cut off the palm of the python king."

"It's not easy to look at the eyes and look at the eyes. This person is not easy. I know that anyone who dares to walk in and get a slice of soup is simple. It should be said that there is no good in the wilderness. "

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