Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2873: Ghost thing

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"Please come to your mind, do you think I will do something that threatens my life?"

Xiao Nai corrected the dagger into scrap iron with one hand, and then crushed it into pieces.

No matter how powerful the weapon is, you can't help yourself if you don't reach the level of a true holy weapon.

Xiao Nai, as a holy figure, could grab the dagger capital into pieces with one scratch.

Python King's face slightly changed back to the back, and he realized that Xiao Nai was so cunning.

"You deliberately attracted the old man?"

"You feel so good about yourself, what capital do you have for me to calculate? I want to kill you, it's easy! You don't need to do these fancy things at all."

Between the words, Xiao Naihe showed a strange smile on his face.

In the eyes of Python King, Xiao Naihe's smile seemed very cold.

The half-holy strong man in his hall was only one step away from stepping into the existence of the Lord. At this time, he actually had a fear of a young humanoid kid.

This is totally instinctive fear, not controlled by one's own consciousness.

"Boy, look for death."

The python king snorted and punched with a punch.

A **** punch of fist broke out like a sea wave, wave after wave, endless, the strength is difficult to estimate.

In the fist, there was a three-point black breath between them, as if they were poisonous seeds.

"True Dragon Boxing."

Xiao Naihe shook his head, also a punch.

This time, he used his own power purely. There is no mysterious magical method of channeling the gods, which is simply a single punch.

But it was such a punch that seemed to pierce countless time and space and smash countless obstacles.

Even the poison fist of the python king was smashed cleanly in an instant.


At this moment, the body of the python king retreated towards the back, and the poison gas on his body was like a bomb, bursting out from the inside, and suddenly a poison gas filled and enveloped.

"No, this is the seven dead venom of Python King."

"What a cunning guy, does he want to pull us together?"

Yin and Yang Shuangzun quickly retreated.

Several other half-holy strong men also retreated towards the back,

Even if they are powerful, they dare not touch these poisonous gases directly.

The poison of the python king is from his cultivation till now, and the accumulated toxin has reached an unspeakable background.

At that time, a half-holy strong attacked Python King, but was directly killed by Python King. It shows how terrible the poison of Python King is.

Even the half-holy strong men were killed by poison, and several of them did not dare to ask them to come into contact with these poisonous gases.

Regardless of being indifferent, Meixie Yaoxian was retreating, but he saw Xiao Nai standing in front of the poison gas and could not help but shouted: "The son still does not retreat, but the seven corpses poison of the python king can be poisoned . "

Xiao Nai He smiled, only to see him open his mouth, a gust of wind sucked up from all around.

Soon, the poisonous gas was directly inhaled into Xiao Naihe's mouth.

And when the last trace of poisonous gas was absorbed by Xiao Naihe, the field was already completely restored.

And the body of the Python King was stunned, and there was an unbelievable look on his face.

All his poisonous gas was absorbed completely by Xiao Naihe, leaving nothing at all.

This humanoid kid is not a human, but a monster.

He didn't even dare to absorb the poison from his body directly into his blood **.

"How is it possible? Absorbed the poison of the python king, but there is nothing at all, how is this done?"

The white-faced scholar was really pale, and looked at Xiao Nai **** in horror.

When a person who was originally equivalent to himself turned into a strong man who could not understand himself, it is no wonder that the scholars of white-faced students will have such emotions.

"Actually absorbed all the poisons of the Python King. Where is this kid, sacred, is it true that the Jingtian tribe cannot succeed?"

Yin and Yang Shuangzun's face is also very weird. Looking at Xiao Naihe, it's like looking at a monster.

The Jingtian tribe is actually a very rare race in the longevity world. The masters inside are naturally purifying and can purify all poisons in the world. It can be said that this kind of character is simply the natural enemy of this type of master.

There are not many people in this race, and it is almost as scarce as the holy weapon in the longevity world.

The reason why Python King will hide in this wild land is because he was chased and killed by the people of Jingtian clan.

In desperation, he would hide in the land of flood and famine, and hiding for tens of thousands of years.

"Of course, these poisons are useless to me. If you don't reach me, you don't know how weak you are."

Xiao Naihe shook his head, the body of his holy lord, with the ability to purify himself.

And Xiao Nai, who has penetrated the Avenue of Life, can recombine any poison and neutralize the poison gas.

Therefore, for Xiao Naihe, once he lost the toxicity, he would not only have no harm, but also benefit.

Although this benefit is very small for Xiao Naihe, it is better than nothing.

"Who the **** are you? When did the Terran have such a master? Has it not been possible for thousands of years, the Terran has not risen?"

Although Python King has not been out for tens of thousands of years, but people outside have entered the wilderness, and Python King can also get information about the outside world of the longevity world from their mouths.

This includes news from the human race.

The news brought in from outside, the Python King also knows that the era of the human race has long passed, and the human race has been suppressed by the various races and can only survive between the cracks.

In addition, the Python King itself looks down on the human race, so from the beginning, he didn't feel that Xiao Nai had anything.

Before he suffered a loss in Xiao Naihe's hands, he thought it was because Xiao Naihe had calculated that Xiao Naihe had a magic weapon.

But now it seems that he is the same as Xiao Naihe said.

Why did Xiao Na want to kill himself, he didn't need to count.

Even his biggest hole card, the poison in his body, could not deal with Xiao Naihe.

Python King takes poison as his way, and now he finds that he can't deal with Xiao Naihe, and the biggest method can't deal with it.

For a moment, he felt like he was facing the masters of the Jingtian clan who chased him.


As soon as the thought moved, the Python King did not dare to stay, but his body was as fast as a flash of light, and he wanted to tear the void tunnel directly and separate.

It was at this time that the six flowers that had appeared a little quiet suddenly burst into light again.

The endless light is directly shrouded, swallowing the python king who is about to fly out.

In the next moment, even the body of Python King was instantly transformed into a corpse, not angry at all.

The soul, the origin, and the divine personality all disappeared and were made into nutrients and absorbed into the six flowers.

The six flowers, the original gorgeous colors, but at this time it appears a dark gray tone.

At this time, everyone looked at the six flowers and suddenly remembered the words Xiao Nai said before he came in.

This is not a holy thing, but a monster.

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