Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2877: Wrong and wrong

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As soon as Chu Taishi shot, it was Thunder's means. The speed was so fast that he could not catch it with the naked eye.

But Xiao Nai was quicker. In two steps, Kung Fu blinked, his body and Jie Longshi remained the same, that is, he lifted it with one leg, landed from the sky, and fell on the top of Master Chu's head.

And at this moment, from the body of Master Tai, bursts of one circle after another, and the endless circle surrounded, like nine hundred ninety-one apertures, were released.

In an instant, it was surrounded by this wasteland.

All the magic circle appeared in the world, it is almost nowhere to escape.

"Yinyang sword, Panlong sword, Longwetu, Xuantianjuan, Fusang bamboo ..."

From the body of Master Tai, a lot of powerful treasures kept flying out.

Although these treasures are far inferior to the boundary dragon stone, they are also difficult to obtain for the half-holy strong.

Now these Taoist instruments are all fused together to form the power of these magic circles.

In an instant, the power surrounding the circle was even more powerful.

"Holy Lord!"

The enchanted fox demon regressed immensely, she was already dripping with sweat, and under the coercion and suppression of Master Tai, she felt a sense of resistance.

She only feels that as long as she has any action, she will be destroyed by the powerful saint strong in front of her.

Even if the other party is just a glance, Meixianxianxian feels unable to resist.

"Holy Lord, Holy Lord, this is the symbol of invincibility in the eternal life."

The demon fox demon shivered, fearing the saints, and longing for it.

She also wanted to be a sage, but the chances were too slim.

The same is true of the other six half sages like her, so just a few of them just took the risk and attacked the Tarot monsters, wanting to get the chance to be promoted.

But in the face of the holy deity, she felt that the gap between the half-holy and the deity could no longer be measured.

"Master Tai Chu is worthy of being the master of the first tribe of Zhe, and he is capable of playing magic with one hand. But even if you borrow these magic circles, you may not be able to deal with me."

Xiao Naihe shook his head, Jie Longshi turned around, and a beam of light instantly turned out.

Each beam of light seemed to be connected from both ends of the heaven and earth, and was blocked in front of each magic circle. It seemed that the magic circle would be broken.

"Ten thousand battles return to the sea."

Between the words, Xiao Nai and his palms withdrew, and his ten fingers were like ten wild beasts. He roared and flew out, pulling each circle into the beam of light.

"The Way of the Saints?"

Teacher Tai Chu frowned, and his face looked very scared.

When he was in the war demons, he had already seen that Xiao Nai was not only a saint, but also a saint.

Even if it is himself, he and Xiao Nai meet up positively, I am afraid that they will not have the upper hand.

After all, the means of Array Sheng are ever-changing, and among practitioners of the same level, Array Sheng has always prevailed.

"You haven't shot yet, and then you want to go, and then you don't want to devour this human race boy, do you still want to restore the flesh and blood?"

Master Tai Chu yelled and locked his eyes on the Tai Luo monster behind.

The Taro demonic nodded and said in a low tone: "I'm giving you the opportunity to express yourself. But it seems that we all underestimate this, the demonic is coming, and the bone-bone **** photo."

At this time, the Taro demons also moved. He stepped on the soles of his feet, and suddenly the landslides cracked, and a huge rift broke open.

The entire wasteland is as if to be broken, and a white skeleton flew out from the depths of the wasteland.

These white skeletons carry a strong death air, just a trace of death air, actually eroded the rocks.

"This is the undead that I refined from the bones of those blood sacrificers after several epochs. It was originally meant to deal with the Lord."

The giant white-boned monster opened its blood basin with a big mouth and shrouded it with a claw, the breath of death circling like a hurricane.

Suddenly, Bai Sensen's big mouth was constantly biting towards Xiao Naihe.


At this time, Xiao Naihe slapped his hands together, and the golden lights behind them overlapped to form a form of Fa.

This fascination was formed by Xiao Nai's "polar" way, just like the advent of the eternal **** and Buddha.


A giant white-bone monster hit Xiao Naihe's golden appearance, and instantly turned into ashes.

Seeing all this, the Tarot demons suddenly changed their faces.

"This kind of Buddha light is not an ordinary purification of Buddhism, is it the Holy Light of the Buddha of the ancient Buddha family?"

Cried Taro.

"You actually know the magical power of the ancient Buddha family, it is worthy of the sacred remains of the Tiangu era."

The magical powers of the ancient Buddha clan are natural enemies to any demon clan.

Otherwise, the ancient demons will not fight with the ancient Buddha for so many years.

The Tarot demons are not ancient demons, but they are aware of the existence of ancient Buddhas.

"Chu Tianren, what monster did you introduce to me? You actually mistake me and want me to be purified?"

The Taro demonic seemed to think of something, and looked at Master Tai very sharply.

On the other side, Master Tai showed a surprised look. It seemed that he did not know how Xiao Nai could master the magical power of the ancient Buddha.

For the magical powers of the ancient Buddha tribe, it is a huge nemesis.

Even if the Tailuo demons in their lifetime wanted to deal with Xiao Naihe, who possessed the power of the ancient Buddha, it certainly would not have any benefit. Now this state is even worse.

Xiao Nai He's grasping the void seemed to hold Qian Kun in the palm of his hand. The golden light behind him opened his eyes, raised his hand, and photographed with the giant palm.

In an instant, several white bone giant beasts turned into fly ash powder under the golden giant palm.

Frightened by the magical expression of Tai Luo, he withdrew and retreated. He dared not do anything with Xiao Nai.

"Heartguard of the Dragon God."

At this time, from the other side, Master Tai, attacking Xiao Naihe's other direction, launched an attack.

With a palm shot, there seemed to be a series of storms, wind and rain between the world and the sky. During the storm, a black dragon shadow flew up and shocked the world.

This dragon wave waved out, and the enchanted fox demon standing behind suddenly felt that the whole person could not be controlled. The aftershock directly flew away and hit the rock fiercely, hitting the rock It was torn apart.

"Do you want to pick up the bargain?"

Xiao Naihe's eyes were like electric awns, and he immediately penetrated into the pupils of Master Tai.

Feeling Xiao Nai's dazzling eyes, Master Tai Chu was shocked and quickly withdrew.

At that moment, he actually felt a danger from Xiao Naihe.

At the next moment, from Xiao Naihe's side, all the formations were not moving.

In an instant, three thousand magic circles spread over half of the barren land in a few breathing hours.

"Zhensheng, it really is not easy to deal with." Master Tai Chu exhaled deeply. Xiao Naiho's strength is really beyond his calculations.

In particular, Xiao Nai knows the magical powers of the ancient Buddha tribes, and restrains the Tarot species. This is the most lethal. It directly allows Master Tai to fail to display all opportunities.

He had originally borrowed the Tarot Seed, and the two of them cooperated to kill Xiao Naihe together.

The demons of Taro engulf Xiao Naihe's flesh and restore the flesh and blood, which is of great benefit to Master Chu.

At the same time, Master Chu can get the treasures on Xiao Naihe, such as the mysterious Jielong Stone.

This is two birds with one stone.

However, Xiao Naihe's strength was completely beyond the estimate of Master Tai. He brought Xiao Naihe here. Not only did his first plan fail, but he also seemed to have a huge threat to his next plan.

Mr. Chu, who has always been unrelenting, has the urge to scold his mother.

If there is no solution, there is another solution. Master Tai Chu pulls back and retreats, so that the crystal is absorbed not far away.

"Xiao Naihe, don't come. If you take another half step forward, the three of them will be dead. Don't you want to save them? Then give me the exit."

"Do you think I will listen to you? Are you threatened?"

Xiao Naihe seemed to be looking at the expression of a fool.

"Are you afraid that I will crush all three of them?"

"If you want to kill them, you've already killed them. If I didn't guess wrong, your plan has been calculated before I didn't show up. You just planned to take the dragon girl to this place at first. Come, the War Devil and his party were not such a plan, but as soon as I appeared, it disrupted your calculations a long time ago? "

Seeing Master Tai's every move, Xiao Nai talked about what he did.

He has analyzed all the plans of Master Tai Chu, even if it is not a complete calculation, he can guess that seven or eight eight.

"The reason why you have been lurking in the palace of the first clan for so long is that you want to get the dragon eye's Huiyantong? And Huiyantong is not so simple and portable, even if the Holy Master is almost impossible. But there is one One possibility is to use the magic skills of the Tarot Demon Clan to assimilate the souls of two people into one body. "

Hearing Xiao Naihe's words, the expressions on the faces of Ta Luo Mo Zong and Master Chu also changed.

What Xiao Naihe said was exactly the same as they had discussed before, as if Xiao Naihe knew the plan of the two of them from the beginning.

"Souls coexist? How much do you know?"

"It's not a forbidden technique of the Tarot Demon Clan, to abandon their own flesh and attach their souls to another person's body. And not to kill away the soul in the other person's body, but to coexist, that is to say a pair The body coexists with two souls. After all, Huiyantong cannot be transplanted at will. Even as long as it forcibly seizes the owner of Huiyantong, Huiyantong will immediately lose all the effects. In this way, there is a way to possess his soul in Huiyan. Master Tong ’s body. He does not kill Huiyantong ’s master, but slowly integrates the other ’s soul into his own Year of the Spirit Fox to achieve a kind of soul assimilation. "

The magical powers of the Tarot demons are too weird, and if Xiao Nai did not get the memory experience of a long-lived goddess, she really does not know this.

As long as you know the soul coexistence prohibition technique of the Tarot Demon Clan, it is not difficult to guess what Chu Taishi is calculating.

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