Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2883: Tough stance

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On the other side, after Chu Taishi was suppressed, the flesh was double-squeezed by the ancient world palace and the boundary dragon stone.

Due to the strength of these two holy objects, even masters like Master Tai, the flesh could not be completely supported, and was crushed by the city.

And Master Chu's burning source, because Xiao Nai blocked the other party in time, so that Master Chu's source would not burn too much.

How precious is the origin of a holy and powerful person.

It can be said that borrowing the origin of the holy deity, he can even allow a semi-holy level strong man to have a great opportunity to step into the level of the holy deity and achieve the passive peak.

All this is in Xiao Naihe's calculation.

To completely suppress Master Chu, you cannot let Master Chu escape, or even die, and you cannot allow Master Tai to consume her own resources.

To achieve these three points, it is more difficult than Xiao Naihe's promotion to the passive middle and late stages.

"Fortunately, all this is not in vain, I got this Chutian human origin."

Xiao Naihe directly collected a group of fine elements between the Ancient Realm Hall and the Realm Dragon Stone into his heart and escaped into his body.

But did not withdraw the two great magic weapons.

Looking at the source absorbed by Xiao Naihe, whether it is Zulong, Champion King, or Dragon Girl, I am a little surprised.

Champion King is a little better, after all, he has been under the control of Xiao Naihe after being converted.

Zulong and the dragon girl have a stronger sense of independence. They know what the origin of a passive peak is.

No matter who they were, they got the origin of Master Tai, I was afraid that they would have a great chance to see the supreme passive peak.

But apparently Xiao Naihe had no reason to give this thing to them, and he was not able to do anything. This time it was all Xiao Naihe who saved them.

"What about the ancestor's body?"

Suddenly the dragon girl thought of the dragon corpse of Chishou who was found by Chu Tianren. The dragon corpse has been sent into Xiao Naihe's own world just now. It seems impossible to let Xiao Naihe take it out.

Xiao Nai He smiled and did not answer.

Although the dragon corpse is the corpse of their ancestors, but after so many years, this corpse has long been an unowned thing. Whoever can get it will be in control.

The dragon girl still knew this.

What's more, the battle between Xiao Naihe and Master Tai Chu was just how dangerous it would be. It would be a dead bone, and whoever is the winner will have the victory.

This is Xiao Naihe's capital.

"The emperor also wanted to ask, what about the ancestor's body?"

It was at this time that the voice of the emperor Chi was heard from a distance.

This voice clearly came from tens of thousands of miles away, but at the next moment, the area of ​​tens of thousands of miles seemed to be shortened, and the body of Emperor Zuo had appeared in front of Xiao Nai and others.

The emperor Chi, dressed in a yellow robe, looked at Xiao Naihe's expression at this moment, revealing a slight dignity.

But the emperor Chi did not show Longwei too much.

But the masters who followed the emperor Zhi are all celebrities of the emperor.

There are at least tens of thousands of battles they have experienced, and no master has ever seen them.

But in the face of Xiao Naihe in front of them, these masters all showed the only caution before them, and there was a slight nervousness in their eyes.

After all, this human race teenager is not an ordinary master, but a saint who stands side by side with the emperor Chi.

Under the holy lord are all ants, and several of them are no exception.

"Father Emperor ..."

"Don't talk, Feng'er, come to the side of the emperor."

Emperor Zhishou smiled lightly, preventing the dragon girl's next words, "This emperor knows what you are going to say, son Xiao, this emperor thanked the sons for helping the first clan to recapture the ancestor's corpse. "

Xiao Nai shook his head, revealing a playful smile: "Dragon Emperor did not walk in the longevity world on the first day. Don't you know the superficial truth in the practice world, His Majesty the Dragon Emperor?"

"Why did you say this?"

"The dragon corpse of Chishou is the bone of your ancestor, but that was the thing many years ago. I worked hard to get it from the surname of Chu, and then the Dragon Emperor wanted me to take the dragon corpse of Chishou , Your Majesty is not stupid, just think about these naive things. "

"Since it is the bones of the ancestors, it should be my first tribe."

"There are still many human captives in your first kingdom! They are also part of the human race, why not say that they are human races?" Xiao Nai glanced.

Emperor Zhishou's face was slightly ugly.

He also knew that it was obviously not easy to get this dragon corpse over. After seeing the power of the dragon corpse, who would be willing to hand it over?

But it was only after seeing the power of Chishou Dragon's Corpse that the Chishou Emperor decided to take it.

If it's someone else, then the emperor's emperor directly snatched it, without reason.

However, the young man in front of him was a saint who stood side by side with him. Only then did he suppress the Supreme Master Chu and fight alone with the saint and the remnant soul of the saint.

Even if he put the emperor's hands, he certainly would not get any benefits.

Emperor Zhishou exhaled, and seemed to have considered it carefully: "There are indeed a lot of human captives in the kingdom of Zhishou, but not only humans, but also other races. This is the rule of the longevity world from ancient times to the present. One side has the right to be captive, and your human race had such a thing. "

"Since you also know the rules of the eternal life world, then you also know the rules of our cultivators. If you want to grab the benefits in the hands of others through Da Yi, do you think it is possible? Is there such a simple cultivator in the world?"

No one who walks in the spiritual world is simple.

Even the simple cultivator, even if the other party is powerful, will be eaten cleanly one day sooner or later.

"Princess Xiao, we have no injustice and no hatred, and you only helped the emperor to eradicate the traitors and saved Feng'er and San'er. You should be a big benefactor of the first tribe of Zuo. We couldn't commit this trouble before."

"Your emperor of the first tribe has been too long, always feel that everything should be centered on you, and the road is different. If you want to take away the dragon corpse, it is absolutely impossible."

Xiao Nai was too lazy to talk nonsense with the emperor.

The three people on the side all saw their faces change.

The champion is okay.

The Dragon Girl was watching for conflict between the two.

Zulong lamented secretly, admiring Xiao Naihe.

Only people like Xiao Naihe dare to challenge the emperor Chi, let the emperor Chi deflate.

When his ancestral dragon faced the emperor Chi, he was somewhat restless and unable to move.

"Since that is the case, there is no need to talk about it, but today it is not just the emperor who came alone. The emperor also specially invited another elder to meet with Xiao Gongzi."

Emperor Zhi said at this moment in a meaningful tone.

When he heard the words of Emperor Zhi, Zulong's face changed abruptly, and he lost his voice: "Is it the one in the first tribe ..."

Before waiting for Zulong to speak, it was at this time that endless dark clouds spread in the sky, covering the sky and covering the sun.

A group of dark clouds surrounded it, forming a huge vortex in the sky, as if the whole sky had been stabbed by a large hole.

Around the cave, there were countless thunder riots, lightning flashes and thunder.

The entire wilderness seems to have turned into a thunder-trapped place at this time.

A kind of trembling Longwei suddenly came from that cave.

The next moment, a huge shadow covered the world.

It was a huge dragon with a blue light all over it.

As long as a hundred feet, even a sweeping sweep of the army.


A long whisper, the dragon under the dragon's power, revealed his true face, and suddenly surprised both the champion king and the dragon girl.

"Great Emperor!"

Although the champion king was transformed and controlled by Xiao Nai and He, he was still in the blood of the first ancestor of the Chi, and under the suppression of the blood of the Emperor of the Chi, the instinctive reaction also produced a kneeling knee.

And the dragon girl also knelt down quickly, daring not to neglect.

Although the emperor was not their ancestor, he had survived for many years, and he had been in the direction of the human race.

In the life of the Dragon Girl, she has seen this Emperor Emperor many times.

The first time was when the dragon girl was interviewed and was appointed to be the object of marriage.

The second time was because the dragon girl opened Huiyantong and became one of the three Huiyantong owners of their first tribe.

This emperor is really a testament to the saying that the dragon is not at the end.

It is said that the Emperor Taishang began to retreat many years ago, and has successfully entered the middle stage of the holy sage. Now it is beginning to impact the later stage of the sage. It is estimated that there is already that capital.

They can become one of the big clans among the clans, because the Emperor Tai is still alive, and is also a member of the Presbyterian Church.

"It turns out that it's no wonder that Dragon Emperor just looked like you were fearless. If you weren't calling the Emperor Taizhuang's Supreme Emperor, otherwise you wouldn't have been so aggressive and your attitude was so tough."

Xiao Nai smiled. In fact, from the beginning, he guessed that the first emperor of Chi is the super emperor called the first emperor of Chi.

It is estimated that when he saw the dragon corpse, he had already called.

The Emperor Taishang, who is floating in the sky, opened his eyes.

Deep in its eyes, it seemed to be all-encompassing, taking care of the whole world.

Even Zulong, after seeing the eyes of the Emperor Tai, there is a spirit to be ingested and willing to submit to the Emperor.


At this time, Xiao Nai suddenly heard a voice.

There seemed to be some mysterious power in this voice.

Zulong, who was already in a trance, was awake at the moment when he heard the voice, his expression changed, and he dared not look at the eyes of the dragon in the sky.

Just a glance, almost controlled by the other party, what a means.

Zulong knew that the Emperor Taishou of the Chishou tribe was much more powerful than the remnant Soul of the Lord, Master Tai, and even the dragon corpse of Chishou.

I don't know how Xiao Nai could carry it.

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