Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2895: Slap in public (Part 1)

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"Soldier! I haven't come for many years. Since I stepped into the world's money road, I wanted to forcibly seize control of the world's money road. In the end, it triggered the ban and was suppressed in Jiuyuan. After that, I have n’t come out yet. "

Bingchi God's tone seemed very vicissitudes, like an old man who has gone through dozens of times.

At that time, the God of Bingchi was also arrogant and proud. Because of his existence as a passive peak, he wanted to forcibly seize control of the world's money road.

It is a pity that he later realized that when he compared with the world's money road, it was that the earthworm shook the tree and it was ridiculous.

But it was precisely because he was suppressed in Jiuyuan for so many years, the Bingchi God also washed away the original arrogance. Slowly, over time, he became deeper, hiding the sharp energy, but became deeper. Unpredictable.

Now only one line away, you can directly step into the mid-level of the Lord.

"Starting with the suppression of Jiuyuan? I heard that you seemed to have run away from home at first. It seems that the soldiers cannot understand your practice of the alien devil."

Xiao Nai said suddenly.

Bingchi God nodded.

The avenue he cultivated is not the orthodox devil road in the human race like the devil building.

Rather, it is a demon from the foreign race, which belongs to the demon that is orally called the demon.

There were not only two or three sages among the human races at that time, because other sages were not in the company of the Bingchi God, and the soldiers did not seem to like the Bingchi God.

Later, the **** of war was simply running away from home, leaving the warrior, and traveling outside by himself.

This has been a thing many years ago, and even the Bingchi God could hardly remember.

Thinking of coming here, the Bingchi God couldn't help but feel sighed.

"Mr. Xiao came to the military this time, and I don't know why?"

Bingchi God's attitude towards Xiao Naihe is also very polite. After all, he has also entered into a contract with Xiao Naihe, and Xiao Naihe has to be effective for tens of thousands of years.

"It ’s okay to tell you now, anyway, you will definitely stay in the future. In my body time, there is a sect called Yantian Pavilion. Yantian Pavilion was brought by me from other places and stays in mine temporarily. The inner world. But you have to find a place to settle in among the human races, and the current master of the human race is the soldiers of your military family. "

"Yan Tian Pavilion?"

"Yes, I also plan to do it. If Yantian Pavilion settles down, you can stay inside and practice."

Bingchi God nodded: "Fortunately, I have also stayed in Jiuyuan for too many years, and now I have lost the idea of ​​traveling in the longevity world. It is not a bad thing to find a place to retreat and practice well."

When Xiao Nai was soliciting the Bingchi God, he had actually planned to let the Bingchi God work for them and protect the Yantian Pavilion.

Before Yantian Pavilion did not really train out the strong level of the sacred level, the Bingchi God could first sit on the side of Yan Tian Pavilion.

Zulong, who stood by and watched Xiao Naihe talking with the Bingchi God, just carried it quietly, without a socket.

This is not the first time he has seen the Bingchi God.

The last time Zulong was sealed in the crystal, he had seen Xiao Nai summon the Bingchi God to come out once.

He knows that the mysterious master in front of him is also a strong man of the Holy Rank.

"The Son is the Holy Master himself, and this master is also the Holy Master level. And the last time there was a mysterious monk, who was also a Holy Master strongman. It is equivalent to the influence of the Holy Son that can contend with the three Holy Saints Respect level. And the Son estimates there are some cards that I do n’t know, "

Zulong felt more and more that following Xiao Naihe was the most correct decision he had made for so many years.

At this moment, suddenly a lot of guards came out of the mansion.

A group of bodyguards surrounded Xiao Naihe and them all at once.

Each bodyguard was wearing armor and treasure clothes, and his body was fierce, showing his powerful cultivation.

These people stand together, it is almost unstoppable, there is a feeling of sweeping everything.

"What does it mean?"

Zulong frowned and drank coldly.

"Your Excellency is half strong."

At this time, Bing Zhongwen walked out with a few masters.

Bing Zhongwen did not dare to neglect when facing Zulong, and he carefully watched Zulong.

Bing Zhongwen is only in the late period of passiveness, and the gap is still not small compared to Ban Sheng.

The half-holy strong are among the human races, that is definitely the existence standing in the top ranks.

It is also a famous master on the longevity list.

No one dares to underestimate such a master.

Bing Zhongwen is no exception.

"A man from the military?"

"He is battling Zhongwen."

"Since I'm from the military, my son just came to visit the military sage this time, and there is no malice. I don't know what your intention is for your move?

Zulong was very frustrated by the soldiers. This time there were two great masters watching behind him, and Zulong didn't want to be too embarrassed.

"Since there is no malice, why didn't the predecessor show the coercion in front of the door of my military home not long ago?"

No matter what kind of person, in front of other people's hometown, the blood is exploded and the pressure is released, which is no different from provoking others.

The Zulong itself is a strong man of the half-holy level, and this kind of thing does not care at all.

Now that Bing Zhongwen directly talked about this matter, Zulong didn't even think about how to care, but said: "At that time, the guards in front of your soldier's door were repeatedly blocked. The son is just a general. "


Bing Zhongwen subconsciously looked at Xiao Nai who was sitting in the car and had opened the curtain.

This is the first time he saw Xiao Naihe. This young man has blood and blood, and there seems to be no cultivation practices. He really can't feel the spiritual fluctuations in the other party.

It was as if the young man in front of him was really just an ordinary person.

However, Bing Zhongwen naturally knows that this young boy is definitely not an ordinary person, and can let a half-holy strong protect the Tao, at least the top ten families, or the inheritors of the martial holy land.

As the children of the military family said before, this young man is just an ordinary student at Suzaku College.

Bing Zhongwen was originally doubtful, but now it seems that, especially feeling the strong coercion of Zulong, he can let such half-holy strong follow him, and Bing Zhongwen would never imagine, This teenager is just an ordinary student.

"Shaogong, these little guys, can cause trouble. This young man is afraid that he is not an ordinary person, and there is a strong man beside him. I said nothing."

Just when Bing Zhongwen felt embarrassed, suddenly, from the depths of the soldiers' house, a force of blood and blood burst out.

This power of qi and blood is like a **** phoenix, with a sharp air, killing it directly in the mansion.

"Who hurt my soldiers' children, leaving me behind."

The voice is boundless, like the chill from hell,

Before I saw anyone, I heard the sound first.

Xiao Naihe and Bingchi God just stood on the spot. In this thunderous sound, it seemed that the thunder could not move, the look remained the same, and it did not move like a mountain.

It was Zulong, with a more cautious look on his face.

"Half Saint."

Zulong felt that the breath from this thunder sound was definitely not under his own strength.

Only the half-holy level strong men have this threat.

Zulong got a slight body and stepped on it, just snorted coldly.


Suddenly, I only heard a click, and the ground continued to crack.

Countless cracks are like spider webs, cracking endlessly.

After the piece of land split open, a shield was formed to stop the thunder of nothingness.

"Shake Tenjin Fist."

At this moment, a boxing intention came from the soldiers, as if breaking countless time and space, and instantly came to them.

And the moment when this boxing intention was blasting, it was with endless desire to fight, as if to crush everything into a powder.

"True Dragon King Fist."

Zulong is also not weak, a punch is isolated from the air, this punch is huge in strength, showing the true dragon's prestige.

The two punches collided in mid-air, as if it were a collision between the world and the world, tearing everyone apart.

Bing Zhongwen and the guards of the soldiers were shocked to the back.

Those who were cultivated to be shallow were directly shocked and foamed and lost their wits.

Only a few strong players who have entered the passive middle and early stages can stabilize their emotions.

Even so, Bing Zhongwen's face was slightly pale.

This half-holy level of punching power has a great impact on him.

"Is this the match of the half-holy strong?"

Bing Zhongwen exhaled deeply.

He knew who the shot was.

"Second brother."

Soon, a figure appeared in the sky, as if rushing to the place from another space.

It was a man in a gray coat and his eyes were like a torch, and his eyes were gleaming.

The prestige of the half saint is self-evident.

He is the second brother of Bing Yuqian, the heart of war!

Bingzhanxin is also one of the two most powerful sages among the soldiers.

Also belongs to the youngest half-holy strong.

"Are you the one who injured my soldiers' family?" As soon as Bing Zhanxin appeared, he immediately asked Zulong them.

Xiao Naihe smiled slightly at this time: "If you are talking about those junior strategists who don't know the sky and earth, it's right."


As soon as Bing Zhanxin heard Xiao Naihe's words, his eyesight suddenly appeared, as if it were King Kong's wrath, and his eyes were like lightning thunder, and he directly looked at Xiao Naihe's side.

If a half-holy strong man uses his own eyesight and forcibly uses his own eyesight to lock on another person, he can be broken by people's heart and mind in an instant, achieving a result of not attacking himself.

However, for Xiao Nai, this method is useless.

Xiao Naihe shook his head and smiled faintly: "Sure enough, it's a small one, and the old one will come out. This is really old truth."

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