Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2897: One person crush

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"You just learned the essence of this boxing. How can the Holy Dao Dharma be learned casually? If it is so easy to learn, then the Holy Dao Dharma has no meaning at all. . "

Bingchi God clapped his hands. He just used **** together, the sword gas penetrated, and in a blink of an eye, he broke the punch.

It was only for a while, which made the soldiers' heart feel a shock.

Not only the God of Bingchi, but the soldiers in the back looked at each other.

"I don't know your name?"

The soldiers' heart was slightly alarmed.

He guessed that the unknown big man in front of him may be half holy as he is.

But even if the other party is a half-holy, I am afraid that the strength will be higher than myself.

Not only that, I am afraid that the other party should be familiar with their soldiers.

The punch just now was a warfare of the soldiers, and now only three people have learned it.

One is his uncle Changwei, who, like him, is a cultivator of the half-holy level, and the time for him to achieve the half-holy is far longer than himself.

Uncle General's Warrior Fighting is a very high level of cultivation, at least much higher than his own.

But compared with his elder brother, it is a lot worse.

His eldest brother is also the jade soldier of the contemporary saint, holding the holy power of Qiankun.

The threshold for fighter training is too high, not everyone can practice.

It was Rao who had practiced for three hundred years before he could understand some of the essence.

Not to mention outsiders, even if they are children of the military strategist, I am afraid that nine adults do not know that the military fighters fight.

It was actually broken directly by a mysterious big man, and he broke his flaws in one word. How could he not be shocked by the soldier's heart of war.

Therefore, the warfare heart determined that the mysterious big guy in front of him must be very familiar with their military strategists, and had even dealt with them before.

That's why Bingzhanxin directly put away the previous arrogance, but settled his heart to tentative inquiry.

"My name, you are not qualified to inquire." Bingchi Shen glanced at the heart of the war.

Upon hearing the words of the God of Bingchi, the heart of the war of war would suddenly become difficult.

But after seeing the eyes of Bingchi God, he pierced his heart like ten thousand swords, more like a thousand knives of severe pain, and the soldiers could not help but retreat again and again, feeling a kind of panic.

There is nothing wrong with Bingchi God's words. His seniority cannot be inquired by Bingzhan.

The God of Bingchi is at least four or five generations older than Bingzhanxin, and can be said to be of the grandfather level.

"Second Uncle, don't let them go, they hurt Shao Gong, they make trouble in my Bingjia City, and they just disrespected the old man directly."

At this moment, a middle-aged woman ran out of it.

It was Zhao Feier before.

Zhao Feier's voice was sharp, and there was a faint anger in his tone.

"Huh? Disrespectful to Brother?"

Bingzhan was stunned, "Dao friends, can this happen?"

The God of Bingchi said indifferently: "You are talking about the current generation of heads of military strategists. Who is the sacred soldier? What is he good? At least it is much stronger than those of you who are crooked. It ’s a pity that he ’s a little bit bad, just do n’t care about you useless guys. ”

When the words of Hyochi God came out, all the soldiers in the field took a breath, one by one with anger, their faces flushed, and their eyes were even more angry.

Xiao Naihe just told the Bingchi God about the general situation of the soldiers by voice, and the Bingchi **** felt that the soldiers were really not as good as before.

"Who said yes, even if you can't say my elder brother. What is your identity, dare to disrespect my elder brother." Bing Zhongwen said in a cold voice, can hear his emotions have reached a critical point.

"So what? Don't say you don't respect him, even if he is in front of me now, I dare to point to his nose and say him."

Bingchi God smiled coldly.

His seniority is larger than that of Bingyugan, and he is also much deeper than Bingyugan in terms of his strength. He really has the qualification to teach Bingyugan.

But when others heard it, Bing Yugan seemed to humiliate their entire strategist.


"Don't rush nonsense, you wait first."

At this time, the **** of war directly interrupted what the warfare heart was about to say, but turned his head and asked Xiao Naihe: "Mr. Xiao, I have to teach these juniors who are not long-eyed. Can Mr. Xiao let me take action? "

"Never mind, I am not a soldier."

What Xiao Nai said, these things are the business of their soldiers.

The God of Bingchi didn't want to do anything, but if he didn't look at the blood of the soldiers in his body, he couldn't be so angry.

"Okay, then get me in."

Bingchi God's voice had just fallen, and it seemed to him that a hurricane had erupted.

This hurricane formed by the supernatural power directly rolled up all the soldiers and threw them into the soldiers.

The whole door was shattered.

One by one fell to the ground, Pi Qing's face swollen.

"How is this going?"

Zhao Feier was stunned and dizzy. She only felt that the source in her body could not be mentioned. She was thrown in and wanted to be slow.

It ’s not just her, it ’s the same for everyone else.

The God of Bingchi just grabbed his hands with nothing, and the soldiers were even thrown into it with hundreds of guards.

"This ... this is too fierce."

Zulong was dumbfounded.

Rao is his ancestral dragon, and he dare not do this.

This is a family of sacred people, and doing so is equivalent to the work of the contemporary people, giving him an ancestor of a hundred guts, it is estimated that he dare not have this idea.

However, Zulong thought about it, this mysterious strongman also exists, the so-called art master is bold.

The saint is a saint, and he is also a saint.

As a result, Zulong felt less surprised.

"This old guy, he really does."

Xiao Naihe shook his head. He had nothing to do with nothing. He also followed into the soldiers' house.

At this time, the enemy is facing the enemy.

Those who were thrown into it, all stood up trembling.

After a while, I only heard a whining bell. Numerous soldiers and guards suddenly surrounded the practice field, and the water was not leaking!

"No matter how many people there are today, it's useless."

Bingchi God snorted coldly, stepped **** his feet, and stomped **** it, as if the whole earth was about to be tipped over. With a bang, a rockery in front of him collapsed like this.

An unspeakable coercion broke out from the body of Bingchi God, mixed with his own strong determination.

The God of Bingchi at the moment is like the invincible God of War.

The soldiers and guards who surrounded him were all soft, showing a look of horror.

Together with those soldiers of the military who are usually arrogant, all are silent.

The coercion of a saint is like the **** of heaven and earth, while the others are just ordinary people.

After being coerced into a town, no one could even resist.

"A strong enemy is definitely a strong enemy. Even if this person's strength is not the Holy Lord, I am afraid that there is no difference from the Holy Lord. It is the kind of existence that can be broken through only one opportunity when you step into the Lord. "

The warfare heart is blessed with half-holy power, which can barely stabilize your body.

But the warlike desire of the Hyochi God made him feel no trace of resistance.

too strong.

This was the first thought of the war of war, and even he couldn't fight it.


At this moment, a gust of wind blew, and the yellow lights of the sky gathered together.

One hundred thousand Dao Fuzhuan formed a powerful array, actually protecting all the soldiers directly.

"This is the" Tianfu Spirit Formation "planted by those three old guys, and it is still there."

Seeing countless arrays of seals and seals over the soldiers, the soldiers of Bingchi couldn't help but reveal a burst of memory.

After a while, he seemed to sigh a little, and seemed to be feeling disappointed. Seeing these unconventional juniors, he didn't have the thoughts he wanted to learn from before.

"It's all right, things are right and wrong, let's let these juniors take care of their own affairs."

Bingchi Shen received his magical power and waved his hand, and all the coercion was immediately regained.

Without the powerful coercion of the Bingchi God, all the talents were relieved.

But now, their eyes on Bingchi God have completely changed.

"This ... what kind of master is this?"

"Is this really half-holy?"

This was Bing Zhongwen's first thought.

Zhao Feier looked at the Fuzhuan array above the sky and suddenly exhaled. The coercion of the Bingchi God just now made him dare not resist.

At that moment she even thought that she had to win these people before, which was a bit ridiculous.

"What about Uncle?" Zhao Feier suddenly thought of something, and asked quickly, she was going to find Bing Changwei before, but she couldn't find it.

Bingzhan said with heart: "Uncle and sister-in-law seem to follow their elder brother to the Terran League to discuss certain things about the Terran Continent, and they should be back soon."

"Sister is out too? Can we deal with this person without an uncle?"

Zhao Feier is not a stupid person. She was stunned by anger before and wanted to avenge her son.

But now that she saw the horror of the Hyochi God, she calmed down and showed her own style as a master soldier.

Bingzhan shook his head: "It's hard to say that this person's strength is not under me, and the driver behind him is not weaker. That is to say, this should be a double and a half."

"A double and a half saint?"

Zhao Feier frowned.

"But the two seem to be dominated by the young man in the center. It seems that the young man wants to resolve this dispute."

"Some way to drag, I must drag them back to the master. I have secretly passed the signal to get it, and tell the master what happened here."

"Okay, then I will try my best to hold back."

The soldiers heart exhaled.

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