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"Four Heavenly Kings? Never heard of it!"

Xiao Nai shook his head in a serious way.

The four big men's faces were flat, and the leading man smiled coldly: "We haven't heard of the four heavenly kings, so don't you think of our Zonghengmen."

"I have a little impression of Zonghengmen. I remember that the backing behind Zonghengmen is the Mei family of the ten great families."

Xiao Naihe now knows everything about the longevity world, and he knows most of the information in the human race.

After all, he accidentally got the memory fragments of the long-lived heavenly daughter, and the information in it has long been seen by him.

"Now that you know my Zonghengmen, don't quickly let go of the big formation, let us the four heavenly kings go in."

"I haven't heard of any cats or dogs. After all, I have a bad memory. I can't tolerate so much useless information in my head. I'm in a good mood today, so how quickly do you guys get away How far."

Today he just settled Yantiange, and he didn't cause too much trouble.

But these big guys seem to not appreciate it.

The four of them are Good Fa, Monkey Kongzi, Xu Wuxin, and Yang Pan, especially Xu Wuxin and Yang Pan.

Even if it is placed in the human race, it is definitely a dominant figure.

Over the years, Zong Hengmen, following the mighty power of the Mei family, acted as a blessing. With the Mei family as a backer, the Four Heavenly Kings have been rampant.

Coupled with the two headed by the Four Heavenly Kings, their strength is strong, and many people cannot afford to provoke them.

For a long time, it has been the arrogance of these four people.

The four of them are also shrewd. Although they are arrogant, their eyes are very easy to understand, knowing who can bully and who can't provoke.

So in the past few years, even though they offended many people, there is still no one to get them.

On the one hand, they meet those who have a strong background and higher strength than them, and they all stay away.

On the one hand, wherever there is benefit, they go wherever they go.

Now the name Four Heavenly Kings is not a good name, but some people regard them as the Four Heavenly Kings like a plague.

The four people were originally going to the Mei family after performing a mission. Just after passing nearby, they immediately felt a strange spiritual fluctuation.

Several people thought that a strange treasure was born, and immediately ran to this place.

Just entered the small world of Aoba, the surrounding mountains were blocked by a large formation.

This time it was concluded that someone wanted to block this place and monopolize the unique treasure.

Just after trying to hit the Enchanted Great Formation, Zulong and Xiao Naihe appeared.

Although these four people could clearly see that Zu Longxiu was unfathomable, but they were not reconciled to the birth of the 'Yibao'. Just standing there are many people, want to intimidate Xiao Naihe.

Xiao Naihe just calculated at will and knew what these people were thinking.

"Boy, there are treasures born, and seeers have a share. You know, if we spread this news, you will face the chasing and killing of many masters at that time. in danger."

Xu Wuxin smiled coldly and wanted to threaten Xiao Naihe.

"Oh? I was so kind and wanted to let you go. It seems to be free now. I am the most rare person who is threatened by others and threatens the people around me. In that case, the four of you today Just stay. "Xiao Nai said lightly.

At this time, Zu Long, who was standing next to him, shook his head. These four people were just looking for death. Xiao Nai intentionally let them go. Instead, they sent them to the door to die. This is no wonder Xiao Nai.

"Brothers, you do n’t need to talk nonsense with them. We teamed up to break through this big formation. We will kill them when the time comes. We are looking for treasures and move faster. The movement just now was very big. It ’s probably not easy baby. Someone rushed over. "

Yang Pan was too lazy to talk nonsense. He was greeted by the other three people and he had to start.

Just when Xiao Naihe wanted to get started, Bing Xueqi next to him suddenly stood up and quickly said: "Teacher, students are willing to invite tassels."

"Well, okay, let me see how far you are practicing now."

After talking, Xiao Nai thought about it, and the enchantment was directly opened.

And Bing Xueqi's figure moved like a breeze, and moved towards the front.

At the next moment, the figure of Bing Xueqi had arrived in front of these four people.

"Does the chick want to shoot? See you really light-hearted, as long as you follow me, I can be of no benefit to you."

Monkey King saw Bing Xueqi looks gorgeous and unparalleled, suddenly showed a *, hey smile.


Bing Xueqi said two words, and then a pair of white gloves was added.

This white glove glowed faintly, still very conspicuous under the sun.

"This glove is good. It has been used for 100,000 years of snow crystals, and it already has the qualifications of the upper stage tracker."

Xiao Naihe's eyes lighted up, and immediately saw that Bing Xueqi's gloves were not ordinary.

Bing Xueqi shoved with both palms, and immediately formed a gust of wind that swept slightly and shrouded above the heads of the four.

"However, look at me."

The good law smiled, and the force under his feet was to spread his five fingers, and grabbed Bing Xueqi like an eagle claw.

"Good Fa, you have to be merciful, I want this woman ..." Monkey Kongzi quickly screamed.

When Monkey Kongzi called on the Good Fa, Bing Xueqi's body suddenly disappeared, only hearing a crisp tearing sound.

At the next moment, I saw that the arms of the good law had been torn apart by Bing Xueqi. Even if the blood was spilled, her white gloves were still not stained with blood.

"Spiritual magic finger!"

Bing Xueqi's voice was like a bird's language, and it looked very light.

But the moment her voice fell, the expression on Shan Fa's face was frozen, and the whole person was broken by Bing Xueqi's chest.

Passive powerhouses are able to recover on their own despite being traumatized. For example, they can regenerate after breaking their arms.

But Bing Xueqi's method was to forcefully block the blood of good law and destroy the source.

No one saves the good law unless it is a saint.

The good method is like a broken kite. It is thrown down and dying. It seems that even if it survives, it is already crippled.

"There are three of you."

Bing Xueqi's finger-pointing skills abolished a passive master at the early stage. He had no trace of blood and no damage, revealing his powerful cultivation and calming skills.

At this time, the other three people looked at each other.

Yang Pan recovered in an instant, he knew that he looked away.

"This chick is not easy, be careful."

Being able to abolish the good law in a face-to-face manner is, at the very least, the existence of the passive late period, not under the four of them.

"I will try first."

Xu Wuxin also put away his contempt, and walked carefully.

He hadn't raised his hand, only felt a strong wind sweep.

"Be careful."

As soon as Yang Pan's rapid voice came, Bing Xueqi's white shadow seemed to be ghostly, sweeping in front of Xu Wuxin.

"Between the square inches, close to the horizon!"

As soon as the voice fell, Bing Xueqi pointed out with two fingers, it seemed that the whole world shrank at the moment, and time and space disappeared.

The distance in this world is like nothingness in Bing Xueqi's eyes.

Point **** a bit, as if the sword gas swept across, breaking the void, and immediately pierced Xu Wuxin's brow.

Xu Wuxin felt an unprecedented danger, and immediately withdrew his body.

Bing Xueqi rolled like a satin-like body, ten fingers spread open, and caught Xu Wuxin directly.

"Fist out three days!"

Hearing Xu Wuxin's grumbling, a pure punch was immediately released from his body, and a punch came out as if smashed into the air.

"Let's go too!"

Yang Pan called out, and Monkey Kongzi knew that the matter was serious, and immediately attacked.

They aren't brilliant men. Those who can fight in groups will certainly not be singled out.

"Ten Emperor Palm Artifact."

"One punch breaks everything!"

The two fists and palms increased their strength.

The three men united together, and the powerful force was like a vacuum smashing, slamming into Bing Xueqi.

Zulong, who was standing behind, watched the three men attacking Bing Xueqi, frowning slightly: "Holy Son, do you want Lao Long to start?"

"No, although Xueqi is only in the late period of passiveness, but her ability is much higher than the three of them. Don't look at her as poor as you. If you really start, you can't help her within 30 strokes. "

Xiao Naihe shook his head, he saw it clearly, and naturally knew that these three people would not be Bing Xueqi's opponent when they joined forces.

Sure enough, Bing Xueqi faced the joint of these three people, his appearance remained unchanged, standing in the air with his hands together, a flourishing Tanglian bloomed in the void.

"No, this is the 7th Xuelian technique of the soldiers. Are you from the soldiers city?"

At this time, Yang Pan finally knew bad.

As the head of the family in the era of the human race, no one does not know.

The military strategists have been fighting the Quartet for so many years, and many people have seen the magic tactics of the military strategists.

Yang Panyi recognized Bing Xueqi's magical power, which was actually the tactics of the soldiers. He knew immediately.

"Human saints? Are you after the saints?"

"No, let's go."

Xu Wuxin knew that the situation was wrong and did not hesitate at all.

Where did Bing Xueqi take care of them, the snowdrop fell from the sky and fell among the three people, exploding in the next moment.

The powerful spirit directly upset all three.

Even Xu Wuxin and Yang Pan in the late period of Yuanyuan suffered some injuries under such a powerful explosion.

And Monkey Kongzi was directly blown away by Bing Xueqi, life and death unknown.

Bing Xueqi was deliberately aimed at Monkey Kongzi. Just now the other party spoke not badly to himself, but Bing Xueqi was not so kind.

Gentlemen revenge, not too late in ten years.

There was an opportunity to revenge immediately.

And the other two people had been scared and dared towards the depths of the sky.

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