Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2923: you again

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Powerful cultivators, even if the spirit of the soul leaves the body, can retain the body at any time as long as the origin, dignity, and spirit of the spirit are immortal.

What's more, these two robe men, their flesh is not here, they took the flesh, and abandoned it.

Seeing that the primordial gods of these two people came out from above their heads, Xiao Naihe naturally knew that the two wanted to run away, but only smiled coldly.

Then, I saw that Xiao Nai was catching towards the void, and suddenly a strong and extreme pressure descended from the sky, and the rumbling piece seemed to be surrounded by a huge ocean.

The primordial spirit of these two people was dragged down in an instant.

In the next moment, Xiao Nai pointed at five fingers, and the aperture above his head was more like a gust of wind, blowing and closing, directly dragging the two primordial gods down.

The two primordial gods only felt a kind of power that did not belong to them. They drilled out of their bodies as if they were an invisible big hand. They grabbed it fiercely and dragged themselves down.

"Not good, use magic commands."

Both of these people knew that the situation was wrong. After they asked Xiao Naihe's surname just now, they had already guessed who the young boy was in front of him.

If they did not guess wrong, this man was exactly what the Lord Dragon God had told him to let Mei Renfeng investigate the young sage.

These two people never imagined that they would see this young saint in this place.

This young venerable Lord had worshipped the existence of the wrist with Lord Dragon God. The last time it was because of this person that Lord Dragon God's plan failed.

These two primordial gods don't think they have that ability and can defeat this person.

But even if they moved fast, they were still caught by the opponent.

"The devil is the god, helping the villain."

As soon as the voice fell, Xiao Nai suddenly saw a black smoke rising from the heads of the two Yuanshen.

This black smoke seemed to be like smoke, with a smell of sulfur, as if it came from the flame mountain, making people uneasy.

Suddenly, the sky became dark and the gusty wind rolled, and the entire mansion seemed to be attacked by a mysterious force, and became very fragile.

Even the large enclave of the Mei family, at this time, is constantly cracking apart, and it seems that this is going to destroy the general.

"What is this?"

"Can there be a monster coming out?"

All the strong families of Mei family felt extremely shocked and horrified in their hearts, and a fear appeared in everyone's face.

It is a kind of instinctive fear, it seems that as long as there is any trace of his own actions, he will be swallowed up by this endless darkness and lose himself forever.

Even some poorly trained children are now rolling wildly, and their faces are painful and terrifying.

"No, protect them quickly."

When several senior members of the Mei family saw their young children, they knew they were enchanted and could not control themselves.

Let them continue, not only die.

"Magic barrier!"

Some knowledgeable masters see this place and know what is going on.

Some demons or demons who are so powerful as to defy the sky reveal that the magic power can make some cultivators who are not as good as theirs lose their heart.

Once the magic barrier cannot be solved in time, the heart is lost, without the source of strength, the soul will lose money, and there is no difference between death and death.

Experts in the Mei family were busy helping these children to remove the magic barrier, but Xiao Naihe looked calm.

The two primal souls jittered, and seemed to be gathered by a mysterious force.

At the next moment, a black air emerged from the void, and the black air gathered together to form a human form.

This person is no one else, it was the demon **** Xiao Naihe saw in the war demon clan.

And with Xiao Naihe's huge memory, he found clues about this demon among the fragments of the memory of the long-lived heavenly daughter.

This person is the devil in five rounds of heaven.

In Wuluntian, there are five strong men who claim to be ‘God’, standing at the top, holding the order of the universe, reversing the heavens and the earth, and sitting on the power of wearing stars and wearing moons.

The last time Long Qingcang played with Xiao Naihe was the dragon **** inside.

It is also the youngest "God" in five rounds.

This demon **** is another person. This person is called the world. According to the information in the memory, the world is a descendant of the ancient demon clan that has disappeared.

When the Demon God saw Xiao Naihe, there was a sneer on his black face: "It's you again, the person that the Dragon God boy is looking for is you. I didn't expect that the last time I was doing something good in the War Demon Race People are actually the people who destroy the good things of the Dragon God. "

"Don't be so mysterious in the world, when I was in the war demon last time, I vaguely guessed some of your identity. Now that I know who you are, don't you Thinking of finding a reason to suppress me. "

Xiao Nai looked indifferent, and his tone seemed slow.

This attitude is either very arrogant and inexplicable.

Either have absolute certainty and be able to reverse all capital.

Everyone knows that the man in front of him belongs to the last one.

The last time he played against Xiao Naihe, Xiao Naihe spoiled his major event, but he didn't get ‘eyes’.

And the woman with ‘Huiyan’ has been hiding in the first ancestor of the Chi, and it ’s impossible for all the people in the world to kill them directly and catch them.

Among the first tribes, there is also a master who has reached the midst of the Lord.

Moreover, it is said that the first tribe is one of the big clans among the clans, and a member of the Presbyterian Church.

Although Wuluntian is not afraid of the earth, he suddenly took action against a clan and a member of the Presbyterian Association.

This is extremely detrimental to their five-round development.

And it is this kid in front of him that destroys his memory.

But the world did not expect that this son and the last good thing to destroy the Dragon God was actually the same person.

After hearing what Xiao Naihe said, all the people in the world showed a biteful expression: "You ... who are you? In the human race, you can't suddenly appear like you."

"Who am I? I'm just Yannai Xiao Naihe."

Xiao Nai smiled.

"Yan Tian Ge? Xiao Nai?"

The world read these six words, but there is no clue.

Because they have too few clues about Xiao Naihe, they have not investigated anything yet.

This time it was to use Mei Renfeng to investigate Xiao Naihe.

The investigation hasn't started yet. Instead, Xiao Nai came to the door.

When he was called just now, he did not know that he would face this young man.

Regardless of the young man's name, he never heard of Yantiange.

"Can it be the clan power in other regions of the eternal life world? But I have never heard of the eternal pavilion in the eternal life world."

The world frowned.

The field where the human race and the clan are located is actually far from the whole of the longevity world.

In the longevity world, the area is huge, and the human race and the clans are only a part of it.

In addition to human races and other races, there are actually other races, territories, and so on.

There are three huge desperate worlds outside the human race and the tribes.

These are the Celestial River, the Hell Desert, and the Corrupted Land. These three desperate heavens and earth do not even dare to pass by the Lord.

Only those holy sages who have become powerful to the middle and late stages have that capital.

The ordinary saint entered these three desperate worlds, all of which were nine deaths.

It cannot be ruled out that people who come across the ocean may have a lot of luck and do not encounter much danger.

There is no such example in the human race or the clans.

But such examples are of course rare.

"Don't think about it, even if you want to break your head, you won't guess where I came from."

"Indeed, why should I think about this kind of thing, I only know that people who are enemies with our five rounds of heaven, even the **** masters in the world, can only be erased by our five rounds of heaven.

"Oh? Didn't the five of you in five days claim to be gods? You can say something ambiguous."

"The tongue blooming lotus that you said is from the time when you and our five-round heaven are enemies, you are a dead person. No one can save you even in the past, present and future."

"Really? Then I really have to try it. Are you really able to end me in five rounds. The people who used to put such harsh words on me in the past are now dead. Oh, there is one more difference, just this one. Woman. "

Xiao Naihe pointed to Mei Renfeng not far away.

The Mei Renfeng was so pointed by Xiao Naihe, and he suddenly shook his body like a nightmare.

She now knows that the identity of this young man is not simple, it should be the young saint that the two primitive gods said before. ;

If she knew how Xiao Nai was the young sage, how far would she have gone.

It is definitely not a good thing to be stared at by a saint.

Especially now, Mei Renfeng can't run even if he wants to run.

The entire Mei family is locked in a space, even if the Half Saint is in such a space, it is helpless.

"Xueqi, what is Wuluntian?"

At this time Yun Weixue suddenly asked Bing Xueqi softly.

She rarely saw the expression of Xiao Naihe.

Although Xiao Naihe's expression was very relaxed, he seemed to be afraid of nothing.

But Yun Weixue and Xiao Naihe have been together for so long, and the soul is connected. She can feel the concentration of Xiao Naihe's concentration and concentration.

Only in the face of opponents who can threaten Xiao Naiho will he have such a psychic fluctuation. Yun Weixue has rarely seen such a psychic fluctuation.

Bing Xueqi exhaled deeply, revealing deep fear in his words: "It's very strong, very strong, and I don't know very well. I heard most of the five-round news from my father. And, my father has only mentioned a few things. If the human race and the clan are in a world, then the five-round sky grows on top of this world. "

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