Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2925: So treacherous boy

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Xiao Naihe's punching intention did not stop after penetrating the souls of the world. Instead, he locked on a certain position and directly bombarded the past.


The powerful fist is like a broken vacuum at this moment, piercing the void world.

The souls in the world can no longer bear Xiao Naihe's fist, and they are smashed directly.

And in a distant place, it was inside a dim house.

At this time, there was a man sitting in the room. This man had a strong breath, and a magical energy blended around his body. The power of the blood above his head was directly condensed into a wolf smoke, constantly moving in the void.

At the next moment, I saw the man open his eyes, a burst of light erupted in his eyes.


The man raised his head and locked his eyes with his eyes.

At this moment, a fine awn suddenly appeared in front of him, as if coming from another time and space. Looking closely, it was a pure punch.

With a punch, as if ignoring all the time, even this void aura directly squeezed and disappeared.


Powerful punching intent came from another space, blowing the dim house directly to the sound of a clatter.

But the man stretched out five fingers, formed a claw, and grabbed hard forward.


This fist was caught by his five fingers and smashed directly.

This person is no one else, it is the Devil God who is in the world.

As soon as he saw this fist crushed by him, Zhu Shi smiled coldly: "But so, after all, it is the holy sage of the human race. The dragon **** guy is also too careful, must say this is dangerous. In my opinion , It ’s just a kid. "

After speaking, the world shook his head.

Just now, his avatar was broken by Xiao Naihe, and Xiao Naihe ’s fist intention actually followed him, smashing the void space from the air, and breaking through countless spaces from the distant human race area, that is, the Mei family To the hiding place of the world.

However, just after catching the world, Xiao Naihe's punch was already broken.

"It seems that even the Lord, this kid is only in the early and middle stages, not afraid,"

Between the words of the world, at the end of his own voice, I suddenly heard a very clear tear.

Look forward subconsciously.

Subsequently, Zhu Shi's face changed.

Because in the sky, there is a fist formed by golden light.

This punch is far stronger than the punch that was smashed by myself just now.

"Fist in the box!"

This time it was known to the world, just now that Xiao Naihe's punch was only a sign, the real killing was in the second punch.

And this second punch is actually hidden after the last punch, it is simply unpredictable, even the world did not expect it.

"Shield open."

With a light drink, a black gas emerged from all around the world.

The black gas spread out, forming a shield enchantment, it seemed to stop this second punch.


The fist bombarded the shield, and immediately made a huge sound, like a collision between mountains, and like a squeeze between two pairs.

Zhu Shi was about to forcibly counteract this punch. Suddenly, he felt that there was a very pure force in the punch, and this kind of power was somewhat similar to his breath.

"Devil Dao Qi! Does this kid actually repair Devil Dao?"

Suddenly, the depth of the magical Daoqi deepened, and the body of the world receded slightly, and the black gas shield suddenly "clicked", and it was broken directly, and the world made a groan.

Obviously, what effect that moment just had on the world.

Soon, this fist dissipated in the void.

This time it really dissipated and did not reappear.

His eyes turned, and there was a trace of blood on the corner of the mouth.

Although it can't be shallower, it is definitely not easy to hurt masters like the world.

The world slowly wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, and made a cold voice: "The third punch, in this third punch, the magic Tao Gang gas was actually used. This is not only the cultivation of humanity and Buddhism, but even the magic Taoism? Treacherous kid. "

After speaking, all the people in the world breathed out a deep breath, and he finally knew why the guy of the Dragon God wanted to say Xiao Nai was not easy.

When I was in the war demons that day, I really didn't see anything.

But when he played with Xiao Naihe again today, he knew that this son really did, and he definitely had capital comparable to their five "Gods".

There is an expert like him among the human races, it is absolutely impossible to come out of this human race, I am afraid that this son came from a certain area in the longevity world.

"Xiao Nai? I remember you!"

During the speech, the world's eyes revealed a cold killing opportunity. The coldness on his body seemed to be like a cold sky and snow, and the room suddenly became like a cold hell.

On the other side, Xiao Nai could feel that his boxing intentions had already hit the world.

Although he knew that even if it hit the world, at most it would cause some damage to the world, but it would not be fatal.

After all, it seems that the world is also in the middle and late stages of the Lord.

Xiao Naiho is now also in the middle and late stages of the Lord with his many cards, he is really not afraid of this world, and even has an absolute victory.

But as long as the world is not on its own, even if Xiao Nai is so powerful, he can't help each other.

"Teacher, are you okay?"

"It's okay."

Bing Xueqi just saw Xiao Nai and He stood quietly in the same place, unable to move, and couldn't help but worry.

But at the sight of Xiao Naihe's calm expression, it seemed to be really okay, and he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But in retrospect, the one who was defeated by Xiao Naiho just now is the demon of Wuluntian.

Bing Xueqi is also very clear about ‘Five Rounds’, which is a force with the capital of any race at its peak.

Even when her father said five rounds of heaven, it was inevitable to reveal a deep fear in his tone.

Especially the mysterious demon **** just now, even Bing Xueqi couldn't imagine how such a powerful character would be to each other.

But the next moment, it was directly defeated by Xiao Naihe.

"Teacher, was that person bombed by you?"

"Kill? It's not that easy. Even if it's a master of the same level, that guy is unlikely to want to kill him. If he wants to kill him, either he can cultivate his strength to crush the other party, or he can have an absolute weapon Class, to kill the other party directly, but there is no other way. "

Why did Xiao Nai want to kill all the people in the world?

Although it is not impossible, with Xiao Naihe's many cards in hand, he still has that confidence, but the opportunity is not great.

"Although I did not kill him, but he also suffered a lot of losses under my fist, it is estimated that now I have been thinking about how to deal with me."

Being stared at by masters like this, Xiao Naihe didn't have the slightest pressure, but smiled.

Subsequently, Xiao Naihe's eyes turned.

But his eyes slowly turned to Mei Renfeng's body. The woman was shaking like a little sheep stared at by a fierce beast.

She already knew what character she was facing.

The existence of this level is definitely a holy person.

In the field, apart from Bing Xueqi and Yun Weixue, only Mei Renfeng guessed Xiao Naihe's identity.

As for the other masters of the Mei family, their vision is not as good as the Mei Renfeng, and they do not know the identity of the world. They never thought that this young boy was actually a master of the holy.

"Mei Renfeng, as a human family, you collude with foreigners. I don't care about this. But the grievance between you and me is still there. Now that the bug is gone, let's continue."

Xiao Naihe spoke word by word. When Mei Renfeng heard it, there was a boundless pressure.

It seems that Xiao Naihe carries a force that can judge life and death in every word.

Mei Renfeng's face was pale, but there was no other way.

In the Mei family, those children are all dumbfounded.

They absolutely did not expect that the owner of the house actually colluded with foreigners.

Only those seniors of the Mei family vaguely knew what.

I only heard an elder from the Mei family in front of me, trembling and asked, "Homeowner, is this true or not? Are you ... really colluding with foreigners?"

As of today, Mei Renfeng also knows this matter, and can't be good anymore. He simply keeps his heart down and smiles indifferently: "Yes, the other party is a demon."


The children of the Mei family, who still had a little hope, were shocked immediately after hearing this, like a nightmare. The **** in front of them suddenly collapsed and fell.

However, the high-level strongmen of the Mei family all showed sad expressions one after another, shouting: "Why? Why do you want to collude with the foreigners and betray my human race?"

"Why not? Because even if I stay in the human race, there is no hope to step into a higher level. Since the five-round promise can allow me to be a holy lord in my lifetime, why don't I agree? In other words, you have this Will you refuse the opportunity? "

Several masters of the Mei family froze, and they naturally understood the meaning of Mei Renfeng.

Which cultivator does not regard the holy deity as the ultimate goal, instead of them, I am afraid that it is difficult to resist the temptation.

Mei Renfeng shook his head: "I've never regretted, killing the child, don't share the sky, it used to be the same, now it is the same, and the future is also inconvenient. Xiao Nai how to do it, I said, as long as you and I are in the day , Either you died or I died. "

"Okay, then I will fulfill you."

Suddenly, Xiao Naiho took a step forward, and suddenly a pure rune form appeared around him, which seemed to be some kind of innate magical power.

In the next moment, Xiao Nai thought, these runes formed a sword spirit, breaking through the void, and the speed was unimaginable.

Mei Renfeng knew she could not dodge, and she also knew that Xiao Naihe would definitely not let herself go, and could only fight hard.

But after all, Xiao Naihe's offensive could not be stopped, only to see Jian Qi traversing, Mei Renfeng's body was immediately penetrated by a hole.

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