Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2935: Are you Xiao Nai?

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Suddenly, he seemed to think of something. He hurriedly shrunk his hand back and pulled back.

Ji Chang's room shrank, as if he was afraid of the hands, not dare to touch the scarlet flower.

Subsequently, Xiao Naihe grabbed the air again, and the scarlet flower that had floated out was returned to Xiao Naihe.

"I thought you said so much justice, just want this flower, did not expect you still do not want it. Since that is the case, why did you just say so much."

Xiao Naihe shook his head and walked back. He was holding a blood-colored flower, and then handed it to Yun Weixue, saying: "Wei Xue, this is for you."

This blood-colored flower is the most dazzling one in the flower cluster, with the most runes on it, and the most profound mysterious breath.

At this time Yun Weixue gave Xiao Naihe a glance, without any hesitation, his face showed a colorful smile, and he accepted it directly.

Although the scarlet flower made everyone fearful, in Yun Weixue's eyes, as long as Xiao Nai gave it, this is nothing.

She knew that Xiao Naihe would certainly not harm herself.

Sure enough, everyone didn't think that Xiao Nai actually gave this scarlet flower to the woman beside him, and they were all a little stunned.

However, everyone did not think that this girl had nothing at all.

This time, not only Ji Changfang, but also Tu Shanji and Zhao Gongming around were a little skeptical that they had been wrong in the first place.

In fact, this scarlet flower did not do much harm to them.

Even Ji Changfang's face changed a bit, and hurriedly said: "Dare you say you haven't done anything? If you didn't do anything, why didn't anything happen to the woman in this **** flower? If you don't say one of them The reason, then I think it ’s your three human friends who died in the sea. "

This time, Ji Changfang was too lazy to excuse himself, and directly decided that Xiao Naihe was the one to do things.

He did not conceal his killing intention and hostility towards Xiao Naihe at all, showing his determination to start to Xiao Naihe.

"Are you called Ji Changfang?"

Xiao Nai suddenly turned his head and glanced at Ji Changfang.

Everyone who knows Xiao Naihe knows that when Xiao Naihe shows such an expression, it means that Xiao Naihe is already impatient.

Xiao Nai He Ke is not yet kind enough to let a jumping beam clown provoke himself in front of him twice.

Especially when Ji Changfang showed his killing intent, Xiao Naihe had already made a decision.

Bing Xueqi also said coldly at this time: "Ji Changfang, you are enough, my teacher also made it very clear just now, if the three of you continue to struggle, I will tell my father what happened here. grown ups."


At this time, Ji Changfang discovered that there was another girl beside Xiao Naihe, and this girl was also very young, dressed in white, and she was beautiful.

But when Ji Changfang saw the girl, the expression on his face suddenly changed. Although it disappeared soon, the expression just changed, but he could not hide it.

"You are a saint's daughter."

"It turns out that you still know my father's lord, I thought you had no sense of shame, and would only target my teacher."

Bing Xueqi smiled coldly.

"Your teacher?"

Ji Changfang frowned, and this boy was actually Bing Xueqi's teacher.

As Ji Changfang's identity, naturally knowing Bing Xueqi's things, knowing Bing Xueqi's identity.

But he didn't expect that he would meet Bing Xueqi here, and what he didn't think was Xiao Nai was Bing Xueqi's teacher. What strange combination was this?

Although Ji Changfang doesn't take Xiao Naihe's eyes, the soldier standing behind Bing Xueqi is the jade soldier, which makes Ji Changfang very worried.

"She's a saint's daughter?"

This time, those around him who didn't know Bing Xueqi's identity changed their faces.

What is the identity of Ren Sheng, that is the strongest existence of the human race, standing on the peak of the human race.

And his daughter is naturally of noble status and cannot be offended.

Shangguan Qian also said with some curiosity: "Xue Qi, why is Xiao Nai your teacher?"

You should know that even the five deans of the five colleges are not qualified to become Bing Xueqi teachers.

Xiao Nai could actually become Bing Xueqi's teacher, but this surprised the Shangguan Qian who was turned into a guru.

"You are Xiao Nai?"

At this moment, Ji Changfang's eyes widened, his pupils shrank again, and then his eyes flashed, locking Xiao Naihe.

This young man is Xiao Naihe?

It seems that Ji Changfang didn't think that this young man was Xiao Naihe, or that he knew Xiao Naihe.


Xiao Naihe glanced at Ji Changfang. Ji Changfang didn't recognize himself at the beginning. He certainly didn't know that he was a holy deity or the burial plateau.

And when Shang Guanqian said that he was Xiao Naihe, Ji Changfang reacted, apparently thinking of something.

Xiao Nai could not help but secretly calculate it, using the sky and star chart to figure out a few possibilities, and figured out why Ji Changfang heard his name, there would be such a reaction.

Afterwards, Ji Changfang's eyes turned and he was about to say something.


A thunder burst appeared from the depths of the sky, like a lightsaber descending from the sky, with a fierce momentum, fell down fiercely.

This loud noise directly disturbed several people around.

These people's faces changed sharply, and they looked up to the sky.

Ji Changfang also reacted, snorted coldly, and then body again, toward the position where the thunderbolt landed.

Others are not far behind, just flying forward.

They knew that it was very possible that something was born.

Now there is no time to struggle with Xiao Naihe.

Looking at these few people in the past, now only Xiao Naihe is the pedestrian.

"Mr. Xiao, shall we go?" Yue Lian asked carefully.

"You can go, but be careful when you wait. I figured out that there must be danger ahead. I can't fully figure out the danger."

Xiao Nai nodded.

Later, these people also followed carefully.

And the things of Scarlet Flower were temporarily forgotten by them.

It was Yun Weixue, who seemed to be not interested in this opportunity, but was interested in Scarlet Flower.

"How come, what is this flower?"

"This Scarlet Flower is a carrier of Dadao, a form of the purest Dadao. If it can absorb the Scarlet Flower, it will be of great help to you."

"But why did the three people disappear as soon as they met?"

"The key lies in the rice and the Thunder Pond we have used before, and the vitality given to them can offset the fierceness in this flower. Hey, of course, they don't have this ability.

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