Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2936: Danger

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"Brother Shangguan, what is the war plague?" Zhao Gongming asked subconsciously.

"I do n’t know very well, but I once read in the book of Clan History that in a truly super-large war, there is a mysterious existence called the war plague. This kind of existence takes war as a living space. The hostility, death, and yin generated by the war survived, grew stronger, and finally turned from "spirit" into a form of blood and flesh. "

Shangguan Qian said here, a slight pause, "but this is also mentioned in the book, and it only records these things. I won't say anything about the specific origin."

Take the battlefield as a living space and war as food.

Everyone thought it was terrible.

Even the semi-holy masters such as Su Yongnan were a little scared when they heard what Shangguan Qian said.

At this time, Ji Changfang took a step back and said in an unprecedented fearful tone: "The last time the 'plague' appeared was in the melee battle between the human race and the clan. I remember that at that time, the two sides had reached the end of the battle, left There will be a few sacred lords in the next few halves, but less than two people have survived the war, and everyone else has died, including the sages on both sides. "

"At that time, the saints on both sides were hunted and killed just because of the appearance of this blast."


This time Qingzhou Princess and others were shocked.

They always thought that the human saints at that time died in the hands of those masters who fought against the clan.

I did not expect to die in the hands of this ‘plague’.

"What's the matter?" Tu Shan asked.

"That battle produced death and hostility, and was absorbed by this 'plague'. Later, the 'plague' did not know from what space it appeared, and forcibly cut into the battlefield, attacking the Holy Powers on both sides. Finally A few saints and strong men were swallowed up by this 'plague'. At first I thought I couldn't live anymore. I didn't expect that this plague would disappear directly after swallowing those few saints and strong ones. not see."

"Why is there no record in the family history of this matter? Ji Changfang, why do you hide it?"

Shangguan Qian was somewhat dissatisfied.

"Even if I say this kind of thing, no one will believe it, and the one who survived at that time, except for me, was left with another person. That person is from the clan, and he is estimated to be like me. Tell others about this matter. I thought this 'plague' had disappeared, I didn't expect it to exist. "

At this time, everyone looked at the ‘plague’ ahead, and all of them sprang back.

I didn't expect such a monster to appear in such a place.

Just when they were about to retreat, this monster called ‘plague’ suddenly said, “Is the human race half holy? It just happened that I finally fully awakened in this life, and I just took your blood as my nutrition.”

"Actually speaking?" Bing Xueqi lost her voice.

"Why can't I speak? I am also a life, and it is a higher life than you. Language is owned by any advanced life. Otherwise, how could this little guy know that I am called" plague "? I introduced myself in those days. "

Grinned faintly.

His voice seemed to be a magic power, and when anyone heard it, there would be a feeling of fear in his heart.

"Humanity, to celebrate my rebirth today, don't leave all of you, just become a part of my body."

"Not good, this 'plague' can devour the flesh and blood of others and go."

Ji Changfang immediately thought of something, directly withdrew and exploded, without the slightest hesitation, the speed was extremely fast, like the flying sword withdrew towards the back.

"Want to go? You also know that I am the" war plague ", can you still leave you safely here."

After talking, Pei reached out his hand. His palm was not five fingers, but six fingers.

These six fingers, as if they were six heavenly pillars, descended from the sky and suppressed their abilities.

A loud bang made the whole land burst apart.

"Do it yourself."

At this time, the two Dousha men who had been standing not far away suddenly moved around and burst into a cold air.

When this cold atmosphere swept through the entire independent space, the two attacked the plague directly.

"This breath ... you are the people there."

When Pei saw the two men attacking, he suddenly made a sound of surprise.

Then I only saw a shock at the bottom of the plague, and the whole earth was directly cracked.

Su Yongnan and Yue Lianxin suddenly thought of what Xiao Naihe said before when they saw the two Dousha men attacking the plague.

There are two very dangerous characters in their group.

It seems these two people.

"These two people dare to attack the weirdo directly, don't they ..."

"It seems that both of them are also holy and powerful."

Yue Lian took a deep breath and shuddered suddenly.

When these two women guessed, the space and the earth were in disorder, forming several space rifts.

And these half-holy strong men are too late to resist, they are directly absorbed into the cracks in space.

"Weixue, Xueqi, come here."

After the whole earth was cracked and produced several storms of spatial dislocations, Xiao Naihe directly operated the source and grabbed Bing Xueqi and Yun Weixue to prevent them from getting lost in this storm of spatial dislocations.

"How come, what is this?"

"The dislocation storm is the" great "space supernatural power, the ability to generate space dislocation, even the Holy Master, it is difficult to escape from this space dislocation ability. But rest assured, I have expected this . "

"What about others?"

"They are all right. Although this space dislocation ability can't resist, but it can't threaten their lives."

"However, the" plague "just now has already dealt with the two people just now, it is impossible to be separated for the time being."

Xiao Nai smiled slightly, thinking of the two Dousha men's attack on the plague just now, he knew that it was impossible for the weirdo to find them, at least not now.

"Teacher, you said before that there were two very dangerous people in that circle of people. Could it be that the two men who did not succeed just now?"

"Yes, those two people are also sacred. It seems that the power is very strong. This plague was just born and reborn. I am afraid that it is still very difficult to deal with the two people for the time being. We still have time to leave here."

Is it the Holy Power?

Bing Xueqi's eyes moved.

Xiao Naiho seemed to see Bing Xueqi's thoughts and couldn't help laughing:

"These two are not human lords, don't think too much."

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