Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2940: Who said I was half holy

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At this moment, not to mention Ji Changfang, even undefeated Pharaoh and civilized real person, did not expect Xiao Nai to agree.

The reason why they did not dare to force Xiao Naihe into face-to-face conflict was because Xiao Naihe had the holy weapon in his hand.

Now Xiao Naihe promised not to use the holy weapon, and he moved with them with bare hands, no matter whether they were any of the three of them, they did not expect that the other party would agree.

It was like a chess player who was in control of the absolute situation and suddenly agreed not to eat their chess pieces and play chess.

"You agreed? No magic weapon is needed?"

Ji Changfang worried that there was still a magic weapon for Xiao Naihe, and asked subconsciously.


This time, Ji Changfang couldn't help but exhale.

The civilized real person glanced and said: "Brother Dao, do you say there will be fraud? Is anyone really stupid like this? Obviously occupying an absolute advantage, actually gave up the advantage."

"I guess it's crazy to touch this kid, maybe he thinks he can really knock us down with bare hands."

"No matter what, now is our last chance. If we can't beat him, then no one wants to leave here alive today."

Although the ominous premonition in Ji Changfang's heart grew stronger, he also knew that this was their last chance. If they missed it, it would really be over.

The undefeated Dharma King and the real person of civilization looked at each other, knowing that the matter had come to this point, and there was no other way to go.

"Be the first to be strong!"

As soon as Ji Changfang gritted his teeth, he immediately issued a thunder blow and stormed it.

The strength is like crushing the world.

"Qilin Three Thousand Realms, desperately long river heart."

The voice came out, Ji Changfang punched out.

In an instant, the space suddenly became dim.

It seems that at this moment, this independent space has formed a sea-like world.

And everyone seems to be a piece of sand in the sea.

"This is Ji Changfang's innate skill, it seems that he is really desperate. The first shot is the thunder."

Bing Xueqi frowned. Although she knew that Xiao Naihe was powerful, she had to admire masters like Ji Changfang. She was indeed very strong.

If it weren't for Ji Changfang's greed, he offended the teacher.

This Ji Changfang may have a chance to step into the realm of the Holy Lord in the future.

It is a pity that all this was destroyed by himself.

The undefeated dharma king and the real man of civilization are also one after the other, and each exerts his unique skills.

"Unbeaten seed!"


I saw a seed emerging above the undefeated Dharma King's head. This seed seemed to be the condensation of a small world.

On the other side, the civilized real person has five fingers spread out, but instead draws out a surging true air, with a fierce breath, like a war aura.

These two master sages are obviously using the trick at the bottom of the box.

They all know that if one blow is not successful, then it is absolutely impossible to succeed.

Therefore, these three people put their lives on their own box of magical powers.


The three forces gathered together, as if the outer world came, and it was like a collision of stars, and it came to Xiao Nai.

At that moment, Yun Weixue and Bing Xueqi, who were standing in the distance, could feel the horror of the gas field released by these three powerful men.

At this moment, Bing Xueqi suddenly had a whimsy, and had an idea, could not help asking: "Master, if these three people unite, I wonder if the Bagua Mirror can rebound their power back?"

The attack of the three big and a half holy strong men is almost overwhelming terror, enough to destroy a small and medium country.

If these three people join together, they can even erase any city directly from the Terran's territory and completely disappear.

Such a boundless power, even Bing Xueqi was a little scared.

But Yun Weixue was calm and slowly said: "If the gossip mirror can't stop it, then it's not a holy weapon. Similarly, if you can't stop it, then he is not a holy lord, but unfortunately, it is a holy lord. No matter how strong the half-sage is, it cannot shorten the gap with the holy venerable. Even if there are more half-sages, it is in vain. "

At this point, Xiao Naihe once told himself.

At the time when Xiao Nai was still a half-holy, even if he had a lot of cards in his hand, he had no absolute certainty in the face of the saint.

The gap between the Holy Venerable and the Semi-Sanctuary cannot be shortened by quantity.

Sure enough, at the moment when these three men broke out and attacked, desperately mad at Xiao Naihe, suddenly this piece of void seemed to stand still.

Xiao Nai raised his hand and pointed a finger in the void, rippling like ripples, turning into an interface defense.

These three forces rushed and hit the interface, suddenly seemed to be swallowed by a force, forcibly reversed.

A dangerous thought was born directly in the minds of the three half sages.

"not good……."

The voice hasn't fallen yet, these three forces that originally hit the interface, this moment actually bounced back directly.

You know, these three people directly used the energy of breastfeeding and launched a fatal attack on Xiao Naihe.

In this way, the three powerful forces gathered together, and any half-holy could not bear it, even the three of them were no exception.

At this moment, these three forces were directly bounced back. Whether it was Ji Changfang or the undefeated King, there was no power to parry, and he could only barely defend.


The flesh and blood of the three people cracked, and the source was severely smashed into the crack, and was directly hit by the fly and hit the ground.

How strong their three offensives were just now, they have multiple injuries now.

"You ... you said clearly that you don't use the treasure holy weapon."

Civilized people are pale and spit blood weakly.

"Yes, I really don't use the holy weapon."

"What about the rebound just now? Isn't that ... this is clearly the ability of the gossip mirror!"

"Who said that only the gossip mirror has the ability to rebound, the gossip mirror was originally refined by me, and that ability is also given to me."


Hearing this, Ji Changfang's original ominous premonition directly rose to the strongest critical point.

He seemed to understand something, and he had a thought in his heart that he didn't dare to face.

I saw Ji Changfang's trembling pointing at Xiao Naihe, trembling and saying: "Aren't you ... are you ..."

"Who told you that I was half-holy since the beginning?"

When Ji Changfang heard it, he couldn't help laughing, shook his head, and said sadly: "It turns out that this is the way it is. It's no wonder that Qilin Emperor will fight you, no wonder you are not afraid of those scarlet flowers. It is no wonder you can hold the holy weapon, if not Lord, who can be as confident as you? "

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