Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2943: Crazy plan

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In the eyes of the Lord, as long as people who do not reach this level, they are just like ants.

Even if it is a half saint, it is estimated that it is just a larger ant, and it takes only a little effort to pinch to death.

In the eyes of these powerful beings, Yun Weixue and Bing Xueqi are like ants.

Even if there is a huge treasure here, these horrible existences are not afraid of these two little women's shots.

Is this like a strong man afraid of a little baby who babbles and robs himself?

"Although the two of us are nothing, did they not find you?"

"Me? Of course I didn't find me. If a saint appeared out of nowhere, or if there was an extra competitor and their chance to shoot, would you say they would not respond?"

"Then how do I feel that after you came in, they didn't respond a little."

"I naturally have a way to conceal my own breath, so that they can't notice me."

Xiao Naihe now penetrates into the Avenue of Life and completely controls his anger. He can create an illusion by changing his life and death route.

The Avenue of Life, which even the Holy Lord may not be able to fully penetrate, has become a great achievement for Xiao Naihe.

How dare Xiao Nai be sure that even if these horrible beings here are truly the same objects as themselves, they will definitely not be there.

Later, Xiao Naihe held Yun Weixue and they escaped into the middle of a glorious hill.

This star is very large and belongs to the category of outer starry sky in the eternal life world. There is no trace of popularity at all.

Xiao Nai is not worried about being discovered by others.

"Teacher, you said you want to find treasure, now the treasure is found, but how do you get it?"

Although Bing Xueqi admires her teacher very much, even she does not believe that Xiao Nai can take away the big heart.

The quirky existence below, even if the teacher is estimated to be a double fist.

"Who said I want to take the whole heart? Unless I can now step into the extreme of the Lord and achieve the pinnacle, I have that ability. Otherwise, now I can only deal with some of the things below. The whole heart is impossible. "

"Isn't that in vain?"

"That's not necessary, as long as you can get one of the flesh and blood, it is enough. A piece of flesh is enough for any holy lord to cross a large level."

Xiao Nai breathed a sigh of relief. When it came to this place, the fine light in his eyes flashed slowly, as if he was thinking about something.

Yun Weixue raised her eyebrows and couldn't help saying: "Wouldn't it be ..."

"That's right, among these monsters, grab the blood and flesh."

Upon hearing this, Bing Xueqi couldn't help but twitch her mouth slightly, and then said: "But since it's just to get a piece of flesh and blood, such a heart, these existences can easily take a piece of flesh on it, it should not be as difficult as imagined Right? "

"My little ancestor, do you think that the flesh and blood of this heart can be obtained at will? This heart is planted with a prohibition, which is itself the existence of life, is self-conscious, and the self-protection is extremely strong. I dare to say that even all monsters here Joining hands to give this heart a blow will not break the above prohibition. "


This time Yun Weixue and Bing Xueqi could not help but be surprised.

You must know that the ghosts floating below are all the existence of the level of the holy. What kind of horror is the destruction caused by them together?

I'm afraid it's enough to wipe out the territories of the human race from the eternal life world in a moment.

Such terrifying power cannot break the ban on the heart, which is somewhat intriguing.

Bing Xueqi listened to Xiao Naihe's words and subconsciously looked down.

In the cross-flow of the void, endless gangles, reckless meteorite, and countless space storms can freeze all the cold.

In such an environment, among so many horrible monsters, Bing Xueqi could hardly imagine.

"In a certain period of time, because the flesh and blood grow too fast, a part is automatically separated. As long as we get that part of flesh and blood, it is enough for us."

From the huge memory in his mind, Xiao Nai found many clues about this heart.

"But when is this heart's time to separate flesh and blood?"

"It's hard to say, it may be nine thousand years, it may be tens of thousands of years, or it may be 100,000 years, or even longer. The minimum is definitely not less than 3600 years, because any spiritual path of life It takes three weeks. And the more powerful it is, the longer it will run. This heart is so big, time must be indispensable. "

Xiao Naihe shook his head, and in the memories of Wang Yi, Xing Zu, and the eternal daughter, there was information about this heart.

But the three of them did not fully grasp all the news of this heart, and some of them were only speculated by Xiao Naihe himself.

"Then we have to wait until the year of the monkey, the horse and the moon? Do we have to stay in this ghost place for thousands of years?"

Bing Xueqi's face was slightly white.

Not to mention this place for thousands of years, even for decades or even years, Bing Xueqi can't stay.

"Relax, let me figure it out. If it's too long, we will leave immediately. If we can afford it, we have to give it a try."

Of course, Xiao Nai knows that staying in such a ghost place for too long is really unrealistic.

For hundreds of years, Xiao Nai can afford, but this is also his lowest limit.

He has a lot of things to do in the outside world, it is impossible to stay in this place for too long.

Afterwards, Xiao Nai sat in mid-air, and her ten fingers kept shaking, as if she was calculating something.

After a while, Xiao Naihe appeared a faint starlight figure in front of him.

Bing Xueqi was taken aback and quickly closed her eyes and dared not look straight.

Before she was looking at Xiao Nai He Tianji's calculation, she almost lost her self-centeredness. Now she dare not take another look at Xiao Nai He's calculation.


Xingmang flickered, and rune shapes flowed from the star chart, converging together, forming a green mango into Xiao Naihe's heart.

Afterwards, Xiao Nai grabbed a hand and flicked away this star chart.

Yun Weixue saw a smile on Xiao Naihe's face and knew that the calculation result was very good.

"Very good, I counted it. From the heart beat frequency, running rhythm, and breath rhythm, it is the least in three days and the most in three months. It is the period of separation of flesh and blood. From the perspective of the hexagram, this time is separated After 30,000 years of separation of flesh and blood, the next time you want to get this flesh and blood, maybe you will have to wait for 30,000 years later. "

30,000 years!

That's absolutely impossible to wait.

"Then we can wait."

"However, this is a great opportunity every 30,000 years. These monsters probably also know, how do you **** the flesh and blood among these monsters?"

"What else can you do? Of course it is a forced shot. In this case, no matter how smart you are, you must rely on seven points of hard power, two points of luck and one point of wisdom."

Yun Weixue nodded.

In the face of real power, no amount of tactics will work. Only absolute power is the real clincher.

This is a great time.

Xiao Nai forgot about it, if the plague was not an accident, after paying a certain price, it should be possible to come in within three months.

For the five rounds of the two, Xiao Naihe knew that there was a master of the "spiritual" level, and it was not difficult for Pei to deal with such a master.

Now we have to wait until the time for flesh and blood to separate.

Xiao Naihe hides his breath and hides in the dark, temporarily has a certain advantage.

If it was the former self, Xiao Naihe would not be so risky to say anything.

Under this kind of environment, even the pre-medium period of the Lord is only the most downstream existence.

Only in the middle and late stages of the Lord Xiao Naihe is the main force.

"But speaking of it, why there are so many levels of holy presence in the eternal life world, such a number, it is estimated that there are not so many in any era in the history of the eternal life world."

"A part of it is the holy life left over from many times in the longevity world, and some of them have been hidden for many years. In fact, the other part is from outside the longevity world and in Taiyu."

"Life beyond longevity."

Bing Xueqi can be said to be shocked by the successive news today.

"Yes, the ontological consciousness of the longevity world seals this outer starry sky. It must be to cut off more life outside the longevity world and sneak into it. But even so, this approach is just a cure for the symptoms.

Xiao Naihe shook his head.

Even if there is a substantial existence in the ontological consciousness of the longevity world, it is at most close to the existence of the pinnacle of the Lord, but it is not enough to truly stand at the pinnacle of the Lord.

At least the master of this heart is qualified to stand at the pinnacle of the Lord.

Time flows slowly.

In this outer starry sky, there is no general rule of time flow, which is completely different from the outside world.

However, Xiao Naihe was fully resistant, and Yun Weixue could withstand such a time flow.

After all, both of them have experienced the baptism of the river of time, naturally there is no such scruples.

Bing Xueqi is different. In this environment, she really can't hold it for too long. Although this time is not a problem, the problem will appear if the time is long.

Bing Xueqi's spirit has been extremely tense for a long time, and he has begun to feel a little tired.

"Click click!"

At this moment, a very loud voice came from all directions.

Wake up Bing Xueqi, who was originally very tired.

"what's going on?"

Bing Xueqi opened his eyes, and suddenly his whole body was surging, like a cat facing a big enemy, the pimples were floating.

"It's finally started." Xiao Nai smiled.

From the time when they came in, from the outer starry sky, it should be four days.

Instead, Xiao Nai was a bit surprised and came a little early.

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