Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2945: stimulate

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Xiao Nai urged his own breath to the extreme.

If anyone noticed him, he could find that the airflow around Xiao Naihe all surrounded him, forming a vortex.

It's like distorting the boundary of time and space. Anyone who touches this boundary will be taken out of life.

It was Xiao Naihe's avenue that was constantly evolving and turning, forming countless weekly cycles.

At this moment, Xiao Naihe is like a bomb that will burst at any time. Anyone who approaches him will be blown to pieces!

But in this battle, Xiao Naihe was like a part of the sea.

Because in the battlefield, there are still a lot of strengths that are not under their own existence.

They are fighting, but Xiao Naihe is in the sky, ready to go, waiting for the opportunity.

The flesh was still shaking, slowly cracking out of the gap, and there was already green blood seeping through the gap of the gap.

And Xiao Naihe's mental strength is concentrated to the extreme, and he can take action at any time.

Those beings and spirits that are fighting each other are also fighting even crazier now.

They have waited for so many years to wait until now.

If you can't get flesh and blood, the next time may be tens of thousands of years, and you don't even know it is the year of the monkey.

These existences must be promoted by this flesh and blood.

Although the separated flesh is only a part of the heart.

But flesh and blood are still part of the essence of the heart, and everyone wants it.

"Teng Teng Teng!"

At this moment, suddenly, the gap collapsed directly, and a huge blood clot flew out of the gap.

This blood clot is almost ten acres in size, but the power contained therein has reached an extremely terrible state.


The existence of those crazy fights, at this time, they were flying crazy toward the sky, and they were desperately fighting for this huge flesh.

All kinds of terrifying extreme force collisions, like the squeezing between the stars, will almost turn this radius into a powder.

Even Xiao Nai could feel that this star was shaking.

The existence of these terrors, if there is a collision of power, falling into the longevity world, it is enough for a moment to evaporate the entire territory of the clan in the longevity world.

It is even enough to destroy all lives of the clan.

In the face of such a crisis, Xiao Nai still can't stand it. The time is now less than the best. He is now shooting, and it is no different from death.

After the heart was separated from the bleeding meat, the gap on it was healed again, forming a knot and defending itself.

And flesh fluttering in the sky, countless powerful existences are robbing, but each can't help each other.

Flesh fluttered like this, across a long galaxy, and followed.

The flesh fluttered past, and those strange things chased past while fighting.


At this moment, flesh and blood took a slight meal under the galaxy, and finally several powerful spirits could not help but reach out to grab the flesh and blood.

As for the other fighting beings, when they saw these spirits take the lead, they wanted to start first.

Immediately, the others put their hands down to fight, but actually gathered together and rammed towards the spirits.

Several spirits also sensed extreme danger and wanted to retreat.

But those powerful beings are already killing red eyes, colliding with several great spirits, and immediately generating a powerful explosion between the stars.

The entire outer starry sky is now illuminating the entire starry sky under this flash of blood.

Under this powerful wave, the flesh was directly flicked out, and for a time it slid along the front.

"good chance."

Xiao Naihe knew that his opportunity came, if he didn't take action at this time, he wouldn't need to take action later.

Promoting his own powerful momentum, Xiao Naihe's body turned into a streamer, just like a star.

The speed is fast, and even beyond the boundaries of time and space.

The vortex of airflow around him formed an invisible position under the impulse of this force, as if pushing Xiao Naihe's body.

Xiao Naiho turned towards the front in this way, with five fingers open one at a time, Jie Longshi directly changed the entrance of the space, and absorbed this huge flesh into the entrance of the space.

Subsequently, Xiao Nai did not hesitate at all.

Grabbed Jielong Stone in one hand and turned to run, not even looking.

He couldn't look back, because he knew that if he stayed a little bit, he would be torn apart by those terrible existences.

The speed of these things is not under themselves, even though Xiao Nai has a lot of cards, but in front of these monsters, it is still too thin.


At this time, those spirits and beings finally saw how Xiao Nai took away flesh and blood.

They would not have thought that, under their desperate struggle, there was an extra mantis, and they took their prey directly.

At this moment, all spirits and beings were flying towards Xiao Naihe in a frantic manner, and a chill was even locked in Xiao Naihe.

Xiao Naihe suddenly felt an unprecedented danger in the moment locked by this chill.

Rao didn't make Xiao Nai feel such a danger when he met any enemy himself.

This kind of dangerous thought can only be felt when entering Taiyu and encountering that phenomena-level disaster.

Now, Xiao Nai is not his own. He is already the middle and late stage of the Lord.

Even if placed in these monsters, Xiao Naihe is still one of the best.

"Vajra is immortal, Fayin is long."

When Xiao Nai's words sounded, a layer of golden light condensed from his back, and one of these golden lights gathered together, which directly became eighteen powerful Buddha statues.

These Buddha statues were transformed by Xiao Naihe. From the Buddha Avenue that he got, he took out the shadows of those who were the Holy Masters of Buddha and Buddha, and turned into fantasy.

The moment when the eighteen giant Buddha statues were formed, they were like rolling hills. They were directly suppressed and turned into heaven, blocking these monsters.

If such eighteen Buddha statues descended into the human race, they could even destroy any of the great powers of the human race in an instant.

The formed sky is even thousands of miles across, and it seems that this outer starry sky is to be split directly to form different spatial areas on both sides.

Xiao Naihe moved like a cannonball and flew towards the front.


At the moment Xiao Naihe's body just crashed out, the eighteen Buddha statues were transformed into fly ash in an instant, and even a breathing time could not be stopped.


Xiao Nai took a breath, he also knew that the eighteen Buddha statues he had transformed out of his mind would definitely not be able to stop these existences, at most it was a delay.

But what Xiao Nai did not expect was that he was broken so quickly that he was even too late.

Just when Xiao Nai's thoughts turned a little, the terrifying existence underneath, the major spirits rose directly from the wind, and flew towards Xiao Naihe.

Xiao Naiho now faces an extreme danger.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, there was a radiance between his eyebrows, and countless artifacts and holy objects flew out of his eyebrows.

This is almost what Xiao Nai got from the ancient holy clan and ancient clan.

If Xiao Nai took these things out, he could even create a racial force no less than the ancient saints and ancients.

But now Xiao Naihe had to take out all these things.

Thousands of holy artifacts flew directly out of Xiao Naihe's eyebrows, and then, Xiao Naihe detonated the mark of the sacristy.


Colorful flames burst from many holy objects.

Thousands of holy objects exploded directly at this time.


Just like the catastrophe of heaven and earth, the fluctuations in power generated by these holy weapons exploded to a very terrifying level, directly submerging these existences and spirits.

You know, how magnificent and horrible it is that the holy objects exploded for thousands of years at the same time.

I am afraid that even if the five great gods of the five rounds of heaven come at the same time, the power generated by the simultaneous explosion of so many holy weapons can blow them up.

Seeing so many sacrificial instruments explode, even Xiao Naihe's face showed a painful look.

After all, these things are very precious, and Xiao Nai originally had to rely on them to cultivate the Yantian Pavilion and form the top power in the longevity world.

But I didn't expect that it would even be the way to play today.

In the endless explosion of light waves, there are already several powerful spirits under this impact, and the smoke is extinguished.

But more of them have been drilling shock waves one after another.

Xiao Naihe knew that now that he had not distressed these holy weapons, as long as he hesitated to breathe again, those powerful beings would emerge from it.

After all, relying on the fluctuations generated by the self-destruction of these holy weapons to kill all these existences and spirits is undoubtedly a fool.

Xiao Nai settled down.

The body is transformed into a sky wheel, and the eternal life Qi and the origin Qi are merged together at this moment, forming a powerful shock wave, breaking the seal of the front, revealing a gap.

Xiao Naihe got a meal, drilled directly from the gap, and left the outer starry sky in the next moment.

When Xiao Naiho looked back, he could see those spirits and beings that could not catch up with Xiao Naihe, but ran wild, but they did not dare to leave that place easily.

Because they don't know when the heart will produce bleeding meat again. In case they chase it out, the heart separates the bleeding meat again, and they can't catch Xiao Naihe.

Because of this, Xiao Nai can safely leave the outer starry sky after taking away flesh and blood.

"It's finally out."

Recalling the picture just now, Xiao Na couldn't help but bear a cold sweat.

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