Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2950: Avenue area

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The appearance of Xiao Naihe must have disrupted the plan of the longevity world.

Because Xiao Nai has a celestial star map, he can evade his own existence, and avoid the perception of the will of the longevity world.

Similarly, the will of the longevity world suddenly appeared, and Xiao Nai could not perceive it.

But in any case, the flesh and blood were robbed by Xiao Naihe. This is a fact. The ontological will wants to take the flesh and blood from Xiao Naihe.

It is a pity that the longevity goddess shot.

She is in the Qilian Mountains, but her eyes are everywhere in the longevity world.

When the plague appeared in the old Terran, she knew that because she also had ‘eyes’ in it.

Through the calculation of the Seven Seas Overlord, the long-lived heavenly daughter can rescue Xiao Naihe.

All this can be regarded as doing to fight against the will of the longevity world.

"Young Master Xiao, during this time, don't leave Qilian Mountain first. It is estimated that the will already knows your existence. You will definitely use some ability to perceive you. You have just obtained flesh and blood, and you cannot completely avoid the existence of flesh and blood, Wait until you completely avoid flesh and blood, and it is not too late to leave. "

Longevity Heavenly Daughter thought for a moment, then said suddenly.

"Alright, I really need a little time now. I want to refine part of the flesh and blood. If I can analyze some subtleties in the bleeding meat, I should be able to avoid the breath of blood and flesh."

Xiao Nai nodded.

Between the words, Xiao Nai and his five fingers spread out, and suddenly a **** ray of light emerged from his palm.

Just like a lotus blooming, it turned into a **** Tanglian.

Looking at the flesh-sized flesh in Xiao Naihe's hands, Zhenzu couldn't help but ask, "Is this the flesh and blood separated from the heart?"

"Yes, the flesh is too big. I finally sealed it in my body. Once I take it out, I worry that I can't control it, so I can only take out a small part of the flesh."

This is the truth, although the flesh and blood were taken away by Xiao Naihe and hidden in his own inner world.

But the power in the flesh is still there. If you leave the body of the heart, it will run away at any time.

Xiao Naihe can only seal up the flesh and blood until he slowly refines it in the future.

Now, Xiao Naihe only has a part of flesh and blood in his hands, and taking away a part is nothing.

This piece of flesh, the size of a fist, glowed with blood, and the particles formed floated in the void like petals.

Afterwards, Xiao Nai shrank with five fingers, and a powerful qi was injected into the flesh, and a blank world emerged immediately.

At the moment, a few people in the field seemed to have entered a strange world.

"This is the realm of Avenue!"

The expression of the longevity goddess moved suddenly.

"Master Tiannian, what is the avenue field?" Zhen Zu asked modestly.

Before waiting for the longevity daughter to speak, Xiao Naihe said one by one: "The avenue field, that is, when the Lord is in contact with the highest level, that is, when the Lord is at its peak, his own world will derive a field In this field, any avenue you practice will show the most essential state. Just thinking about the concept when the practitioner enters the state of ecstasy. "

"It's just that this avenue realm can only be derived from contact with the highest realm of the Lord. Unexpectedly, this flesh and blood can actually produce the avenue realm?"

Longevity Heavenly Girl added a sentence: "I have only entered the avenue field once, that is, when I hit the summit of the Lord before, I entered it accidentally. And since that time I entered the avenue field, my realm has been leap The promotion will reach my current level. "

Hearing the explanations of Xiao Naihe and Changsheng Tiannv and Xiao Naihe, both the Seven Seas Overlord and the Patriarchs knew that this avenue field was extremely rare.

Actually, the field will appear only when it comes into contact with the highest level of the Lord.

They are now far from the top level of the Lord.

This flesh and blood can be directly derived from such a avenue field, and it can't help making the Seven Seas Overlord and Zhanzu feel incredible.

"Since Mr. Xiao took out part of his flesh and refined it, you should not waste this opportunity and set your mind immediately. If you do not seize this opportunity, you will regret your life."

The longevity goddess suddenly spread with thunder, and the Seven Seas Overlord and the Patriarch were shocked. They sat down quickly, entered the set, entered the realm of ecstasy, and concentrated on cultivation.

The same is true for Xiao Naihe. He closed his eyes, and his body continued to work as a source of power. At this time, he practiced multiple avenues for himself, as well as the ‘polar’ road he created.

All kinds of Taoism and magical powers have evolved one by one in their own minds.

"Avenue in the avenue area, but unfortunately I have just been in the avenue area, and now even if I are in the avenue area again, it won't help much."

Longevity Tiannun said regretfully.

Not long ago, she hit the summit of the Lord and came into contact with the avenue field.

At that time, she did get a lot of benefits, and she digested all the details over the years.

Now, once again, the Dadao realm appears, and the details of the longevity heavenly daughter are almost digested. This time, the Dadao realm is almost insignificant for her.

If you give her another hundred years of training, if you enter the realm of avenues for thousands of years, you can still get great help.

However, the avenue field is inevitable. Even the strongest of the Holy Peak, they dare not say that they can enter the avenue field at any time.

"Does it mean that Master Xiao gets flesh and blood and can use flesh and blood to enter the realm of Dadao at any time?"

Longevity Heavenly Girl thought of this, could not help but stunned.

If this is really the case, it is really amazing.

Looking at these three people with their eyes closed, the rhythm of Dao's body constantly flowing, and they knew that they had reached the critical moment of cultivation.

I don't know how long.

Both Qihai Overlord and Zhenzu opened their eyes, and a powerful Daoyun suddenly produced a qualitative change.

The two men had a strong atmosphere, and they looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

"This time it was really a bumper harvest. The doubts accumulated over the years have been completely solved."

"Me too, and I feel that my state has reached a critical point. After a while, as long as I get an opportunity, I can try to impact the middle and late stages of the Lord."

"This time, thanks to Master Xiao, this is a true kindness."

Jinzu couldn't help but sigh, turned his head and looked at Xiao Naihe.

They found that the rhythm of Xiao Naihe's body was still running, and the pulse of the operation was completely different from theirs.

"How much realm Xiao Xiaozi practiced in the end, I feel his Dao Yun seems to be somewhat out of our cognition."

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