Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 3189: Big variable

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Hundred Battles Pluto left with that exalted Venerable, and Xiao Nai did not stop.

Even if Xiao Nai shot, it is probably unstoppable.

Just like what Phantom Hades said before, although Phantom Hades couldn't move Xiao Naihe, Xiao Naihe couldn't kill Phantom Hades.

In order to kill the Pluto in a hundred battles, Xiao Nai must at least give the true meaning of the Supreme Realm to a 60-70 percent.

Xiao Nai was one step away from that step.

He realized that the true meaning of part of the supreme realm, but only transformed into 20% to 30%, is already powerful enough.

Among the pinnacles of the Lord, Xiao Naihe is now definitely at the top level.

But if you want to kill Pluto, it will not be easy.

Hundreds of battles Pluto iron down to take away a polar power, unless Xiao Naihe exposed all the cards, otherwise it will not be retained.

Even if all the hole cards are exposed, the opponent cannot be killed.

Thinking like this, it won't work.

Xiao Nai shook his head, pressed this thought down, glanced at Yun Weixue, and asked, "How are you now? How are you feeling?"

"I stepped into the half-step polar realm, and got huge benefits from the perspective of the idea. I realized the peak and rhythm of the Lord, but I still have some difficulties to enter the realm of you."

"It's okay, it's impossible to eat fat in one bite. Even the former geniuses have never heard that in the late period of the holy venom, he stepped into the half-step polar world and then entered the polar world again. "

No one could do it before, and Xiao Nai could not do anything.

Half-step polar world and polar world are two different concepts and need too much preparation.

Otherwise, Yun Weixue has just stepped into the pinnacle of the holy deity under the protection of the perspectives, which is obviously unrealistic.

However, Xiao Nai looked at it. Although Yun Weixue did not reach the peak of the Holy Lord, her current strength, as long as it is not a hundred-year-old or a long-term extreme powerhouse such as the will of the eternal life, the general polar world is nowhere to be clouded. Wei Xue's.

"There is another extreme power in the longevity world, it seems that it was in the longevity world a long time ago. Sure enough, this big plane is not as easy as I thought. Next we will make the pavilion. Be careful. "

Xiao Nai thought about it.

Venerable Linglong, this person's title is a bit familiar.

Xiao Naiho seemed a little impressed, of course not his own impression, but from the memory of Xingzu or other masters of the heavenly palace.


At both ends of heaven and earth, in an extremely mysterious area, palaces wrapped in clouds are presented in front of Venerable Long.

Even Venerable Linglong couldn't help thinking when he saw these palaces.

Although these palaces stand in the sky, they seem to have arranged some extremely mysterious formation.

"This is a magic circle arranged in the extreme, named Immortal Array. Did Lord Longlong hear that?" Phantom Hades seemed to know the woman's thoughts and couldn't help laughing.

"Eternal life is not perpetual? Is this the legal array created by the previous generation of regulators in the eternal life?"

Linglong Venerable's pupils shrank, thinking of something, and then seeing from below in the sky, the formation seemed to be transformed into creatures and appeared in front of her.

"Exactly, this is also the last holy place for our saints now."

"It really is a saint. The longevity world has three generations since ancient times. Only the strongest of the saints can inherit one supervisor. Now is it the third generation of the longevity world?"

"Lord Sovereign is really omniscient, and the ancestors are the supervisors of the third generation of the Holy Family."

Hades smiled.

He is the same as the will of the eternal life, but after the holy clan, he knows a lot of things,

Venerable Linglong no longer spoke, she gave this man a deep look.

Although she had just returned to extreme conditions and suffered some damage, Xiao Naihe consumed her too much energy.

But Venerable Linglong is confident that even if Phantom shot, he would definitely run away if he wanted to run.

But now he has arrived at the other party's site. Once he gets deeper into it, he will not be able to escape.

Phantom Hades Yu Guang swept the woman and smiled faintly: "Lord Linglong does not think that once he enters the Holy Land of the Holy Family, he can't escape? Is it that I will make trouble for you?"

"My Lord Venerable suffered a great loss at that time, and Xiuwei was forcibly suppressed for ten million years, and it has only been able to recover now. Now, I don't want to bet."

"Sovereign Linglong has intentions, if I really want to do it, I will do it when it is wild. Besides, even if I don't do it, I can save you, and let me let Xiao Nai get it."

"Huh? Xiao Naihe? Is he Xiao Naihe?"

At this time, Venerable Linglong's complexion changed abruptly, and he seemed to think of something, his complexion became even more ugly.

"Sister Linglong knows Xiao Nai?"

The Phantom King is also curious. Although Xiao Naihe became famous a long time ago, his reputation has not been completely radiated from the longevity world.

The other party actually knew Xiao Naihe, which is a little weird.

Linglong Venerable's complexion kept changing.

Suddenly, the largest palace in front of it was directly broken through the clouds, revealing the true face of the palace.

Above this palace, a man floated.

"The third-generation regulator in the longevity world."

Linglong Venerable's pupils shrank, and his body retreated slightly, as if he was facing an enemy!

The will of the longevity world, that is, the third-generation regulator.

"You are Venerable Linglong, did you not die? This is unexpected."

The incarnation of the will of the longevity world said.

In fact, when Venerable Linglong followed the battle of Pluto to enter here, the will of the longevity world was sensed.

He also seems to know the origin of Venerable Linglong.

"Those of you at that time, don't know how much you are dead now, can't you still be left alive now?"

"Surely not just me alive."

Thinking of that incident, Venerable Linglong could not help but sigh.

At that time, their group of people, although not all of them were Promise, but there were still a few pinnacles among them.

But how many people have died so far?

Venerable Linglong even suffered a great deal of damage, and it is only now that he has returned to the state of the peak of the Lord.

When the will of the longevity world talked about this, it seemed that it was intentionally stimulating the other side.

Venerable Linglong said expressionlessly and coldly: "Three generations of supervisors, you don't need to stimulate me. It's not the same as those people who died dead. Don't forget, we were partners in the past, that When we died so many people, even I almost died, you are responsible. "

"Yes, I do have a responsibility, but you don't want to think about it. It was because of that incident that the battle was almost dead, and I must let go of my flesh and help him reincarnate. The price we paid is also very high.

"At that time, you joined forces with me and others to win the yuan, but you used us as a shield. Sixteen half-step polar regions and five polar regions. How many died?"

"It ’s useless to mention this now. Anyway, at that time, both of us paid a great price. Fortunately, now you and I are still alive, and Yuan has appeared again, maybe after a while, it will be real. Wake up. In short, this plane world is no longer the fairyland I wanted before. "

The will of the longevity world shook his head, his tone depressed.

"Yuan really wakes up?"

Venerable Linglong couldn't help being surprised, but it seemed to be expected. Recalling the horrible existence, even Venerable Linglong couldn't help shaking.

"It's true, Yuan's heart is in the extraterrestrial realm, and has absorbed enough stellar gas, and slowly woke up. It is hidden somewhere in the longevity world, and I can't find it."

"I'm finally going to wake up. I did so much, died so many people, and I couldn't get any benefits."

Between the words, Venerable Linglong suddenly stared at the will of the Hundred Battles and the Eternal Realm, with some precautions: "What did you want to do to save me this time?"

Venerable Linglong does not naively think that the Phantom Hades will be kind enough to save themselves, for fear of having their own purpose.

"It's very simple, I just want to establish an enemy for that kid. We all share the same enemy."

The Phantom Hades spoke at this time.

The same enemy?

"Who are you ... that Xiao Naihe? The man in the cloud before Lei Jie was really Xiao Naihe?"

"Yes, he is Xiao Naihe, how did your exalted Lord know?"

Venerable Linglong's face changed endlessly, and his tone was eerie: "Do you think I'm just in alien consciousness, just a consciousness of chaos? Your longevity will, and that Xiao Nai is in the alien realm, I know everything. Chu. "

The will of the eternal life frowned, so to speak, in the alien realm, the existence of many white consciousnesses seems to be the existence of the exalted Venerable.

Those whites have been wiped out so much, and Venerable Linglong can survive, which is really unexpected.

"You want to unite me and kill Xiao Nai, right?"

"Yes, since you are also the pinnacle of the Lord, if you unite, it is not difficult to kill Xiao Naihe."

The Phantom Hades did not deny it.

Venerable Linglong smiled: "Sure enough, I can see that Xiao Naihe is also an extreme master. Even if you are united, you can't kill that Xiao Naihe. But if you join forces with me, you should kill each other. It should not be difficult. . "

"Lord Long is smart."

"I can promise to join forces with you, but I have a condition. Three generations of supervision, you must have got the heart of the Yuanxin Road, I want a copy, if you agree, I can join hands with you, Go and deal with that Xiao Naihe. "

"You really can't hide anything."

The will of the longevity world narrowed his eyes, and his tone seemed strange.

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