Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 3294: Zhong Ling Tian Lai

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The Zhongling ladder is not open at all times.

The ladder was opened once every three hundred years, and each time it opened only three days.

This is why the 18th floor of Zhong Ling Tian Lai is banned, and it has never been cracked.

According to theory, a person can only enter the Zhongling Ladder eight or nine times at most. After all, the reincarnation ban is placed there, and 3,000 years of cultivation are restricted.

However, the 18-layer ban can only be cracked in just three days, which is why many people cannot crack it.

If there is no limit for these three days, and if it is replaced by thirty days or sixty days, someone may crack it.

But the third day is the third day. This difficulty even for masters like Zhuge Zhenge and Daogong Shengzi has left them unsure.

"Zhong Ling ladder is open, let's go in."

Ye Jiugu saw the entrance open at first sight, without a word, he turned into the Zhongling ladder.

The Jianzong master who followed Ye Jiugu was also close behind.

Then Zhuge Zhenge and Xiao Naihe clenched their fists and said, "Brother Xiao Dao, son and daughter, I will take a step first."

"Brother Zhuge is kind." Dao Gong Shengzi nodded and clenched his fists.

Zhuge Zhenge and Zhuge Yi also flew into the Zhongling ladder. As for the dozen or so beautiful maids around him, they were silently staying outside the ladder at the moment and did not follow in.

Dao Gong Shengzi looked at Li Shuang and smiled, "Sister Shi, let's go in too."

Li Shuang nodded, but did not speak to Dao Gong Shengzi, but leaned slightly towards Xiao Naihe: "Young Master Xiao, the younger sister took the first step, wishing Xiao Dao to break the 18-layer ban and let the Holy Spirit stone reappear.

"Holy Spirit Stone, I will definitely get it."

Xiao Nai smiled a little, not thinking.

It was Dao Gong Shengzi next to him. When he saw Li Shuang, he said hello to Xiao Nai. This gave Dao Gong Shengzi a calm smile and a stiff expression, and a gloomy glimmer in his eyes.

Immediately hiding this trace of gloom, it seems that it has never appeared.

"Brother Xiao, we have to go first."

Dao Gong Shengzi didn't want to stand with Xiao Naihe anymore, but took Li Shuang into the Zhongling Ladder.

After watching the crowd enter the Zhongling Ladder, the practitioners in the back are waiting to enter the Zhongling Ladder, but none of them dare to take the lead.

After all, Xiao Naihe was still there, and since they knew that Xiao Naihe was also a strong sage, these people did not dare to overtake them one by one.

This young strong man, but they exist at the same level as Zhuge Zhenge and Dao Gong Shengzi.

Before Xiao Naihe didn't go in, the people around didn't dare to cross Xiao Naihe and entered the Zhongling ladder.

But when everyone considered whether to remind Xiao Naihe, Xiao Naihe finally stepped into the ladder step by step and disappeared at the entrance.

After seeing Xiao Naihe enter, he waited for a while, and suddenly called "Zhong Ling's ladder opened, we also went in."

"Chong ah, maybe we can also break the ban, and then get the Holy Spirit Stone and open Yunqi Tiangong."

Although the pressure from Xiao Naihe and others was indeed too great, the temptation of Yunqi Tiangong was too strong. These people could not withstand it at all, and then everyone like a locust, all poured into the Zhongling ladder.

The moment Xiao Naihe walked inside the Zhongling Ladder, he seemed to be in a strange world of thousands, and the long ladder stretched across the sky, and the light released by the Holy Spirit Stone was still so dazzling.

"Zhongling Ladder, finally came in again."

At this moment, Xiao Naiho's voice appeared in the mind of Qian Qianyu.

Xiao Nai He smiled and said: "Correct, you are not coming in directly, you are just in the Chaos Heaven Palace. If you go out of the Chaos Heaven Stone, enter the Zhong Ling Tian Lai, I am afraid that I will be rejected directly."

"You don't need to remind me to know."

Phantom Qianyu didn't have a mad mouth, but his tone changed, and he said again: "I've been in this Zhongling ladder several times, but it's really impossible to crack the 18-layer ban."

"How many did you crack?"

"Twelve, the three-day limit really severely constrained my ability. If you give me a little more time, it may be possible to crack the eighteenth layer of the ban."

Magic Qianyu sighed slightly, and said with some regret.

Afterwards, Magic Qianyu said again: "Xiao Naihe, I don't know how many can you crack? Did the world tree give you a crack?"

"The world tree is not a panacea. Although it knows the existence of Yunqi Tiangong and the things about Zhongling Mountain, it is not a panacea after all."

Xiao Naihe shook his head, and Magic Qianyu regarded the world tree as a omnipotent existence.

"That's true too, but you said so confidently to the little girl in the Ice and Snow Temple before. I thought you really got a way to crack the 18-layer ban in the World Tree."

"Although I haven't got a definite solution from the world tree, I also have the ability to get the Holy Spirit Stone directly."

"You are so confident. If you know that the Holy Spirit Stone is so easy to get, it will not be placed in this place. After so many years, no one has gotten it."

"What they can't do doesn't mean I can't do it."

"I had only cracked the twelve-layer ban, but I wanted to see how many cracks you can crack."

"I am different from you. At least I am now more capable than you were." Xiao Nai He laughed.

Upon hearing this, Huan Qianyu couldn't help but feel a little bit angry and uncomfortable, but she was helpless. She admitted that Xiao Naihe was indeed more hopeful than she was in the ladder.

When Xiao Naihe entered the ladder, Dao Gong Shengzi and Li Shuang also appeared in the ladder one after another.

"Brother Dao, I will go to the first level of prohibition first."

"Shimei, please first."

Dao Gong Shengzi waved his hands, let Li Shuang take a step first.

Li Shuang also has no hypocrisy. There is a time limit in this kind of place. The three-day time is very urgent. She has no casual feelings and chats with Dao Gong Shengzi.

Take a look at Zhuge Zhenge and Ye Jiugu when they came in, they did not speak to others, but went directly to the area where the first layer was banned to crack.

Dao Gong Shengzi turned his eyes and looked at Xiao Naihe behind him. Xiao Naihe stood at the spot looking at the Holy Spirit Stone above the ladder, and did not know what he was thinking.

At this moment, behind the Dao Gong Shengzi suddenly appeared a black shadow, this black shadow issued an inaudible voice: "Holy Son, is this Xiao Nai really possible to break the ban? We want Don't ... "

"Don't act rashly, go ahead and talk!"

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