Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 3298: Is it difficult?

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Dao Gong Shengzi's eyes were cold, and his vicious curse resented Xiao Naihe, and he wished Xiao Naihe died in the void world.

The holy beast formed by the thunders appeared directly from the small world, and the thunders above and below this minefield were directly coiled up.

It's aggressive and terrifying.

It is about to blow the invaders to pieces.

Xiao Nai He glanced, suddenly opened his mouth, and a huge and innocent qi burst out of his body.

If Dao Gong Shengzi can see the front of Xiao Naihe, he will surely find that there is a small heavenly palace on Xiao Naihe's forehead.

This heavenly palace is Xiao Naihe's condensed chaotic heavenly palace.

After he had penetrated the law of the prohibition of Zhong Ling's ladder, he knew that the prohibition in this ladder was derived from a kind of control of chaos.

But on the understanding of chaos and true energy, who in the entire Zhongling ladder is comparable to Xiao Naihe.

Even now the masters of the ten Heavenly Palaces, Xiao Naihe's comprehension of the true spirit of chaos, already belongs to the first two.

With this experience, Xiao Naihe cracked the ban on Zhong Ling Tian Lai, one by one, without any difficulty at all.

As long as you master the chaos, the ban here is simply unbearable.


I saw Xiao Naihe's mouth wide open, Tiangong condensed, and suddenly countless thunder holy beasts were directly absorbed by Xiao Naihe into Tiangong, from Chaos Tiangong to Xiao Naihe's body Taiyu.

It happened that he needed some big laws in Taiyu in his body, of which Thunder belongs to one.

Xiao Nai is still struggling with how to refine the Thunder Law. Now that there are ready-mades, how could he let it go.

Countless thunder holy beasts were absorbed by Xiao Naihe in an instant, and a void world was instantly squeezed clean by Xiao Naihe, leaving no thunder.

Only the Dao Gong Shengzi who was dumbfounded behind.

"This ... how is this possible?"

You know, not long ago under these thunder holy beasts, the Son of Dao Palace used the gate of the "Nirvan Ring" to suppress it, and paid a considerable price to resist it.

However, Xiao Nai actually just opened his mouth and swallowed so many thunder holy beasts in a single bit. This is really incredible for the Dao Gong Shengzi.

But Xiao Naihe just smiled faintly: "Why, is it difficult?"

Yes, it is not difficult for Xiao Naihe.

But for the Son of Dao Palace, this is difficult to go to the blue sky.

Especially Xiao Naihe's words, when heard from Dao Gong Shengzi, was more like taunting himself. Dao Gong Sheng Zi suddenly had a vicious thought in his heart, and there was a flash of killing in his eyes.

Such a talent, how can he be jealous?

Subsequently, Xiao Naihe once again condensed the Chaos Heaven Palace, and the whole person seemed to turn into a vortex, absorbing the thunder from the fifteenth banned ladder.


The non-stop shock of the entire Zhongling ladder seemed to be intimidated by Xiao Naihe's move.

Even at the bottom, Zhuge Zhenge and others could see some movements above the fifteenth floor of the ban ladder.

"What's going on here? The movement is not small."

"It's not just small, the whole Zhongling Ladder is shaking, is it the handwriting of Dao Gong Shengzi?" Ye Jiugu couldn't help asking.

However, Zhu Geyi shook his head, his face a little deep, and said deeply: "I'm afraid not. Dao Gong Shengzi shouldn't have the ability yet. This kind of movement, I'm afraid it's caused by that person."

In fact, even if Zhu Geyi didn't say, Ye Jiuguo they guessed that Xiao Nai caused it.

Even more so, Ye Jiuguo and others felt a kind of unfathomable to Xiao Naihe.

On Xiao Naihe's side, all the thunder in the entire 15-story ban ladder has been cracked.

It should be said that all the Thunder were absorbed by Xiao Naihe.

That is to say, from now on, these fifteen layers of prohibition ladders will become an empty area, without any restrictions, it can be said to be a safe place.

Because the thunder area here has become the law of thunder in Xiao Nai's Taiyu.

And Dao Gong Shengzi, who saw all this from start to finish, was shocked to be speechless.

His heart was shocked, horrified, resentful, and jealous, and all emotions were intertwined.

At this moment, Dao Gong Shengzi secretly said in his heart: "This Xiao Nai, absolutely cannot live, otherwise the position of the first person of the new generation in the future, I am afraid it is not mine."

Dao Gong Shengzi could see that Xiao Naiho's threat to himself was too great.

Even if Dao Gong Shengzi no longer resented and jealous of Xiao Naihe, he must admit that Xiao Naihe's strength is not under himself, even more than himself.

How can such a person, such as Dao Gong Shengzi, have a narrow-minded mind, can keep the other person alive.

However, Xiao Naihe didn't pay attention to Dao Gong Shengzi at all. He gave birth to a cloud of clouds at his feet, drove up, and flew to the 16th floor of the ban ladder.

Dao Gong Shengzi hesitated a little, and then he didn't hesitate anymore, he quickly followed.

After all, the fifteenth floor of the ban ladder has become empty, even the Dao Gong Shengzi can leave.

But all this was given by Xiao Naihe, which made Dao Gong Shengzi faintly feel a trace of shame.

The more jealous of Xiao Naihe, the more he has no good intentions for Xiao Nai.

On the sixteenth floor of the ban ladder, Dao Gong Shengzi deliberately slowed down a bit. He admitted that Xiao Naihe did have that ability. Following Xiao Naihe was much better than cracking the ban.

Now Dao Gong Shengzi is playing with the cardinals. If there is really a suitable time, he can take advantage of it and even grab the results.

But it was just a matter of time when the Dao Gong Shengzi deliberately slowed down and fell behind Xiao Naihe, but it was only a few breathing hours.

Suddenly, the entire 16-story ban ladder also vibrated, as if the flames of the sky were pounding, forming a world of nothingness.

These flames were absorbed into a huge vortex.

Seeing this vortex, there was another bad feeling in Dao Gong Shengzi's heart, because he had seen this vortex on the fifteen floors.

Sure enough, the entire 16-story ban ladder suddenly broke up, and all the bans seemed to evaporate in an instant, and became the same as the 15-story ban ladder.

"This ... Did he take away all the rules of the 16-story ban ladder? He wanted to absorb the rules of Zhong Ling Tian Lai completely?"

In the mind of Dao Gong Shengzi, an absurd thought suddenly appeared.

The law here prohibits even sages from killing.

The prohibition of the law of absorption is simply a fantasy.

But why does the Dao Gong Shengzi believe it, but there is a hunch in his heart, why Xiao Nai may really be playing this idea.

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