Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 3304: No suspense

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Yu Longshen's fist is open to the sky and goes straight to Xiao Naihe's life gate.

In an instant, Man Tianquan was already wrapping up the entire 18-story ladder, and Xiao Naihe was bound to go through it.

The momentum is unstoppable.

"It's not difficult to take a punch."

Faced with such a heavenly fist, Xiao Naihe still maintained a light smile, only to see him reach out, and Feng Qingyun lightly swiped in the air.

Afterwards, a streamer flashed into the air instantly, as if it had turned into nothingness.

The Taoism of the Infinite Dao is directly condensed, piercing the void, and the sword is vigorous, as if it is the flame of the sun, it is necessary to burn everything clean.

Man Tianquan intended to be burned by the flame of nothingness, and it was dissolved completely.

Yu Longshen's face changed, although he had already overestimated Xiao Naihe as much as possible, but Xiao Nai didn't take it, it was a blockbuster.

The punching power under his full strength can't move the other party's hair, and even for a time, even Longshen has developed a thought of weakness.

"It is not rude to come and go, since I take a punch from you, can you dare to take a punch from me?"

Xiao Naihe's voice is like the heavenly sound of the supreme miaofa, and every word contains the supreme Taoist rhyme.

Even the many cultivators who are underneath, after hearing Xiao Naihe's voice, felt even more vigorous, as if they were about to soar.

"Dao Hammer, this is the highest state in the magical sound of heaven, and I can't even do it."

Dao Gong Shengzi's complexion changed, and he kept his heart, and he did not dare to neglect.

Yu Longshen's face was pale, but in the face of such an offensive, Yu Longshen was not far behind, stubbornly shouting: "Why not dare?"

"Okay, have the courage. Then my punch, called Kaiyuan Zhen Feng Quan, was suddenly created by me, and you are about to catch it."

Xiao Naihe extended his hand while talking.

Five fingers clenched fists, slowly punching a punch toward the front.

This punch seems to be slow, as if the old man is playing Tai Chi, and is weak.

With a simple punch, it looked flawed.

But with such a simple punch, the expression on Yu Longshen's face was very pale, like an enemy.

"Ten Thousand Laws World Cover, open."

When Yu Longshen drank, there was a flame in the middle of his eyebrows.

This flame ignited, directly forming a shield, which will protect Longshen up and down.

In his view, there is nothing more terrifying than this punch in the world. This simple punch seems to contain all the mysteries in the secret realm between heaven and earth.

Even Yu Longshen couldn't see through the key at all. The more he couldn't see the subtlety of this punch, the more Yu Longshen was shocked!

When that punch came to Longshen, the enchantment shield on Yushen suddenly made a ‘clicking click’ sound.

It turned out that all the enchantment shields were instantly broken through a crack, and Yu Longshen was under the bombardment of this fist, like a broken kite, he was directly knocked out.

"It's too strong, but it's a sage strongman, but was directly hit by the other party. This Xiao Nai is so outrageously strong."

"Look, what is he doing?"

Some cultivators could not help crying when they saw Xiao Naihe's behavior.

At the moment, Xiao Naihe swiped his finger in the void, flashing the void like a long time.

Then, in the void, a mysterious crack of the void broke apart directly.

When everyone saw Xiao Naihe's move, his face could not help but change wildly: "Do you want to banish Longshen even if you banish the dimension?"

"This is to repay one another by the other way."

Mrs. Snow God sighed.

When Yu Longshen saw that Xiao Nai had propped up all the cracks in the dimension space, he did not dare to keep his thoughts for a long time, and instantly withdrew his own thoughts and wanted to retreat.

However, Xiao Naihe's speed is faster, his dimensional space cracks open, and suddenly all dimensional space cracks.

"Spatial symmetry? Dimensional exile of supernatural supernatural powers? Xiao Nai He did not allow Yu Longshen to have a way of life. After being exiled by such dimensional space, I am afraid that I wouldn't want to come back within a thousand years."

Mrs. Snow God took a breath.

Experts like them are extremely dangerous even if they are exiled for thousands of years in the dimensional space.

Yu Longshen wants to escape the scope locked by the dimension space, but the cracks in the dimension space in all directions will directly wrap up the whole person in Longshen.

At the next moment, Yu Longshen didn't even have the room to resist, and was forcibly sealed into other spaces by Xiao Naihe.


At this time, all the cultivators below clearly saw that the actions and actions that took place above were all calmed down by Xiao Naihe's common means.

Even the strongest in the extreme of the sage, said to be banished.

Since you exiled me, then I will exile back.

It is important to know that if the non-sage extreme powerhouse is exiled to the dimensional space, then it is basically impossible to return.

If a master like Yu Longshen is exiled, as usual, it should be trapped for a while.

But everyone felt that if Yu Longshen was exiled this time, he was afraid that he would not escape for thousands of years.

The powerhouse of the Nine Palaces has become a country.

Yu Longshen didn't even realize the supremacy of Taoism, and he wanted to break through Xiao Naihe's exile in the dimension space for thousands of years.

"Okay, it's your turn next." Xiao Naihe turned his eyes and looked at Dao Gong Shengzi with a smile.

Dao Gong Shengzi was expressionless, even when Long Shen was exiled, he did not have any fear.

However, Dao Gong's eyes flashed with unprecedented fear.

After waiting for a while, Dao Gong Shengzi exhaled deeply and said: "Mr. Xiao is worthy of being a celestial figure, and he can get the Holy Spirit Stone, and it is not a mortal. This kind of magical power, this seat is indeed not your opponent. Usually, I am afraid there is no chance of winning. "

He heard that Dao Gong Shengzi personally admitted that he was not as good as Xiao Naihe, Li Shuang was also surprised.

But when other people heard it, they felt a little shocked.

In this ladder, there are actually many followers of Dao Gong Shengzi.

In their eyes, the Son of Dao Palace is already a figure in the sky,

But even the heavenly idols in their eyes admitted that they were not Xiao Naihe's opponents, and at once made many people shocked!

"However, this seat also has a back stroke. It is not impossible to defeat you."

"Really? Since that is the case, then I will give you one last chance, so as not to say that I will not give you a chance. If I go directly, you have no chance."

"Thank you, Master Xiao."

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