Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 3327: Win over

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"Young Master Xiao is careful."

Li Shuang's face changed, too late to shoot.

I saw Shuangying, the sword beside Wu Po's invincible, suddenly burst out at this time, and the sword and sword rushed up in the blink of an eye, shining like the sun and the moon, so dazzling.

The cold icy infiltrated people, and made a sharp sound of ‘hiss hiss’.

Xiao Naihe's expression remained unchanged, extending five fingers and spreading in the void.

Suddenly the seal of the law opened, and a huge **** wheel rolled up, as if it were a big **** wheel in the storm, which merged with the purification of all ages and showed a colorful light.


There was a loud noise, and the weapon of the sword Shuangying hit the condensed boundary formed by Xiao Naihe, and was rebounded at once.

"Quickly and slowly, open."

A small heavenly palace emerged above Xiao Naihe's head. As soon as the realm opened, the power of the Supreme Realm directly wrapped up this piece of heaven and earth.

In the beginning, Xiao Naihe was in the creation world, and gained several abilities of the supreme realm.

‘Fast and Slow Road’ is one of them.

As soon as the field opens, the surrounding time will seem to freeze and become extremely slow, as if all the time has disappeared.

The moment the sword's weapon was just bounced off, it was directly directed towards Xiao Naihe.

"Come down."

Xiao Naihe just glanced lightly, and the power of the field kept spreading out.

The two who had just crashed into Xiao Naihe's enchantment suddenly made a clicking sound under the suppression of this powerful Taoist force, as if all their bones were to be crushed.

"Is this Master Xiao's supreme realm? Great, is this time within the realm of control? A very rare kind of supreme realm."

Li Shuang's eyes flickered, and he couldn't help being surprised.

She has not yet reached the step of opening the Supreme Realm, but as the Holy Lady of the Ice and Snow Temple, she has a very high understanding of the Supreme Realm.

Once Li Shuang has achieved a certain accumulation of strength, he will be able to successfully open the Supreme Realm.

However, the gap between the strengths of those who have opened the Supreme Dao and those who have not opened the Dao is extremely obvious.

Just like the current swordsman Shuangying and Xiao Naihe.

Although the swords and swords are in their circle, they are already very rare masters.

But after all, the Supreme Realm has not yet been opened.

Under Xiao Naihe's realm, there is simply no counterattack.

The two of them were suppressed by Xiao Naihe's supremacy on the ground, and the power on them was frozen, as if time had stopped.

Xiao Nai raised his brow slightly, and suddenly said, "It's a bit interesting, this method still can't hide from me."

Between the words, Xiao Naihe's eyebrows suddenly released an endless light, like a star-like brilliance, shrouded in the sword and sword.

After a while, Shuangying, who had been murderous with his sword, became confused and slowly became calm.

The grief on his body disappeared even more, and soon a black qi was shot from the inside of their eyes.

This black gas rushed out, as if it were two vipers, and it escaped towards the depths of the space.

"Where to go."

Xiao Naihe drank, pinched two, and instantly pinched these two black qi.

"Young Master Xiao? What is this?"

Li Shuang was a little curious. The two black qi that came out of the Sword and Sword had definitely something to do with it. The shame contained in it was extremely thick, and even Li Shuang felt very uncomfortable.

Especially in these two black gases, there seems to be some extremely strange power hidden.

"This is the real energy of the runaway, the two minds of the sword and the two heroes are sealed by these two black qi. If the time is long, they will be completely taken away."

"Breaking away?"

Li Shuang froze slightly.

Xiao Nai He smiled and said, "Don't you know? You obviously also follow the path of chaos, don't you recognize the true energy contained in this black energy, what is it?"

Between the words, Xiao Naihe pressed his fingers hard.

At the next moment, these two black qi seemed to die from the light, and they instantly evaporated, and a very mysterious and violent true qi came out.

Seeing this violent anger, Li Shuang suddenly changed his face: "Chaos qi?"

"Yes, it's these two chaotic instincts that control the two of them."

Hearing Xiao Naihe's words, Li Shuang suddenly thought that he was practicing Chaos Qi. If Chaos Qi can wipe out one's will, or even take away the flesh of others, then do you cultivate Chaos Qi? It's the same as the two real qi in front of me.

Thinking of coming here, Li Shuang was a little scared.

Xiao Naihe seemed to see through Li Shuang's thoughts and smiled: "Come on, the chaotic Qi Qi method you practice is very pure, and it is completely different from this dark chaotic Qi Qi. These two riotous chaotic Qi Qi , Because it has lost the essence of chaos and is polluted. "

"Can Chao Qi be contaminated?"

"Of course, as the true Qi at the beginning of Taiyu's birth, Chaos True Qi is actually similar to Origin Qi. The Origin Qi can also be contaminated, and after being contaminated, it can also produce riot power. "Once the chaos is violent, it will be much more dangerous."

Compared with Li Shuang, Xiao Naihe is more thorough in studying chaos and true energy.

With Chaos Heavenly Stone in hand and the experience left by the owner of the Nine Heavens Palace, Xiao Naihe combined his experience with the owner of the Nine Heavens Palace slowly and summed up his own set of cultivation system.

The chaotic road that Li Shuang takes is actually not perfect.

After all, there was no Ming Master who practiced Chaos Qi after all, although there were two goddesses on ice and a goddess on snow.

However, the two men practiced the origin of Qi, and the path of origin was taken. Too little was able to provide Li Shuang with experience.

Fortunately, Li Shuang is a genius-like character. Even on his own, it is already the limit to be able to reach this point.

But as soon as he entered the summit of the Lord, the chaos was really poor, and Li Shuang didn't know how to practice.

"Young Master Xiao, can you see that I am practicing chaos?"

"If you take the chaotic path, there will naturally be a charm on your body. Those who practice the true qi and chaotic qi have completely different charms. As early as the first time I saw you, I knew you were gone It ’s Chaos Road. But in the origin of the secret realm, you are the first person I saw to walk the Chaos Road. "

"Did Mr. Xiao have seen other people walking along the chaotic path?"

"Other people who follow the chaotic path?" Xiao Naihe's expression moved slightly, as if he had thought of something.

If we say that chaos is to be followed, a few of the five heavenly kings should follow the chaos path.

There are also nine masters of Tiangong, who also changed from the origin road to the chaotic road.

Li Shuang is the first person that Xiao Nai has seen in the outside world.

"Although I got some chaos by chance, but now I have reached the bottleneck, so I only tried to find opportunities in the ladder."

Xiao Nai nodded.

But when the two of them were talking, the sword and sword on the ground had slowly recovered.

Because the will is blocked by the violent chaos, the body is still very weak.

But although Sword and Sword were captured before, they remembered exactly what happened before.

At that moment, when I saw Xiao Nai and others, I could not help but express a panic: "Master, what about Master?"

"Wu Po invincible has been taken away, what have you encountered in it?"

Xiao Naihe shook his head.

"Master has been taken away?" Sword Shuangying looked at each other, the fear between the expressions became more and more obvious, it seemed to recall very terrible things, shaking with a shout: "We followed the master, into the depths of a void ... "

Then Sword Shuangying talked about their experience.

It turned out that after entering the Yunqi Tiangong, the three invincible Wu Po chose themselves a vice palace and entered a void world.

But Wu Po invincible did not know whether it was good luck or bad luck.

The three of them did encounter a land of opportunity, which was filled with a very powerful Qi, even stronger than the origin Qi.

Originally Wu Po invincible thought that he had encountered a great opportunity in Yunqi Tiangong, but he never expected that the real danger was waiting for them in the distance.

The endless True Qi suddenly swept up. Wu Po Wudi wanted to rely on his own powerful cultivation practices and use the Supreme Realm to absorb these True Qi.

But in the endless true energy, they were taken away by some kind of horrible existence, and even closed.

Experts as powerful as Wu Po invincible have failed to resist such power.

Finally, under the cover of these true qi, they were forcibly taken away.

But the sword Shuangying saved people's hearts, but it was helpless. Their masters were taken away by invisible terrorist existence, and they could not resist it.

Fortunately, although the two swordsman Shuangying were closed in their minds, the imprint of their souls was not erased.

The mark of Wu Po's invincible soul is completely destroyed, and his life and death are completely eliminated.

Now in Wu Po's invincible body, there is another kind of will.

After hearing the sword Shuangying's complaint, Li Shuang and other masters of Ice and Snow Palace also felt a kind of eerie horror.

"A master like Lian Wu Po invincible can be wiped away with the imprint of the soul, and the horror of taking away his flesh, what is it?"

Li Shuang looked at the "Wu Po Invincible" who had fought against several sages and extreme strongmen, and could not help but fought a chill.

At this time, the original Wu Po was invincible in the war situation, and suddenly a burst of blood burst out of his body.

These blood gases rushed into the void and spread throughout the space world in an instant, as if they were united into a huge **** net.

The **** net spread out, and a long river of blood was drawn, and various vortices appeared constantly in the long river, which seemed to require several strong men to be absorbed into the blood river.

"It's riotous chaos!"

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