Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 3340: Manager (below)

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Everyone in the heavens said a word and laughed.

But the people underneath are all weird, you look at me, I look at you, want to speak, but dare not speak.

Everyone looked at Bai Qincang and Xiao Naihe again.

Bai Qincang is also a little embarrassed. To tell the truth, why didn't these celestial predecessors know the people selected by Dadao Welfare?

However, he settled down a little bit in his heart. Although he called these people the predecessors of the heavenly realm, many of them were former Daomen strongmen.

Even if they are in the realm of the heavens, they must support themselves and take the happiness of the Dadao.

Thinking of here, Bai Qincang could not help looking at Xiao Naihe.

But when he looked at Xiao Naihe, he couldn't help but stunned.

He found that Xiao Naihe was standing in front of the Heavenly Palace, his expression was calm, and even Xiao Naihe had not paid attention to the many powerful people in the heaven.

Xiao Naihe just looked at the avenue well-being in his hand, and still felt the energy in the relics.


This is Bai Qincang's first thought, he has never seen such a crazy person

In the face of the great powers of the heavens, they all dare to have a slow expression, even not bowing at all.

In a world where heaven is esteemed, those who do not bow down to the strongest heavenly kingdoms are no different from heretics.

At this moment, many powerful people in the Heaven Realm also found that the expressions of the people were a little strange, and they could not help asking: "What's wrong? Bai Qincang, do you have anything to say? Soon you will become a disciple of Heaven Realm. It ’s our younger brothers who do n’t need to earn a share. "

The lead middle-aged man laughed.

This middle-aged man was a former ancestor of Dadaomen and was called Mr. Du.

Bai Qincang glanced at Mr. Du and said, "Seniors don't know, and juniors are afraid that they won't be the same disciples of many ancestors."

"Huh? What's the matter?" Mr. Du frowned slightly.

"Dadao Blessing did not select the juniors, Dadao Blessing was chosen by the young man."

After that, Bai Qincang pointed at Xiao Naihe.

Only then did Mr. Du discover this standing Xiao Naihe.

To tell the truth, in the field, everyone else was kneeling down on the ground, but Xiao Naihe stood alone. There was indeed a feeling of standing tall, but it was also very dazzling.

"Who? Do you not bow down when you see the Totem of the Immortal Palace?"

The young man in front drank, and the sound seemed to be thunder, spreading throughout the city.

But Xiao Naihe didn't even look at it, as if he really didn't notice the young man.

Mr. Du's face was a little uncomfortable, and to be honest, he was also a little strange.

As a matter of fact, Xiao Naihe stood like this, they could not have noticed it.

One should notice such an obvious person from the beginning.

If Bai Qincang didn't speak, Mr. Du and others could not find Xiao Naihe's existence.

Where do they know that Xiao Naihe has slowly used his breath to avoid the cause and effect of this world.

Therefore, Mr. Du and others did not notice his existence at the beginning, which is quite normal.

"Bold, Brother asked you, have you heard?"

Another young man drank again, his eyes glared, his eyes were like electric pythons, and suddenly an aurora came out.

However, when this aurora turned to Xiao Naihe, suddenly an invisible blade split open in the void and instantly destroyed this aurora.

"what is this?"

Mr. Du's eyes moved.

He did not see Xiao Nai's shot just now, but his brother's sharpness was cut off directly.

Although the younger brother is not as good as himself, he is also a strong man in the emperor's realm. Anyway, let alone heaven, placed in these three thousand worlds, there is absolutely no rival.

But now he was cut off from the spirit, which made Mr Du feel surprised.

"Noisy, noisy? What heavenly disciples are you going to choose to take care of my fart, while going cool, don't disturb me to clean up."

At this time, Xiao Nai showed a very bored expression, waving with one hand, as if he was catching flies.

The kneeling cultivators underneath took a breath.

"This guy is really crazy. That's a lot of predecessors in the realm of heaven."

"Even if he got the blessings of Dadao, but the strong man of heaven has the right to change the candidates of the well-being of Dadao, doesn't he know?"

"This kid is done."

At this moment, everyone looked at Xiao Naihe as if they were looking at a dead person.

Since ancient times, no one has dared to offend people in heaven.

Heaven is the totem of this world, belonging to the highest level of existence in the three thousand worlds.

Anyone who offends heaven is offending all three thousand people in the world.

Even the emperor realm who walks in the three thousand worlds dare not do this.

But now a man of unknown origin dares to be so rude to Mr. Du and others, and this makes everyone feel suffocated.

Bai Qincang also changed his face slightly, but soon calmed down. The more crazy Xiao Nai was, the more chance he had to get the avenue welfare.

Sure enough, Mr. Du snorted coldly and said: "Even if you get the blessing of the Dadao, dare to disrespect the heavens, the manager can always give the rights and interests of Dadao to others."


Xiao Nai He took a slight meal and looked at Mr. Du. He couldn't help but ask: "Do you mean the manager belongs to the manager of the heavens, or is it the manager in these three thousand worlds?"

"Adult manager is not only the person who controls the heavens, but also the manager who controls the 3,000 world and belongs to this world."

When talking about managers, Mr. Du and other people's faces could not help showing a respectful look, it seemed to be telling a certain god.

"Managers of Three Thousand Worlds? Managers in this plane? A little interesting!" Xiao Naihe turned his eyes and suddenly smiled: "Since this is the case, I want to see this manager in your mouth, can Could you please help me see it? "


This time Mr. Du's face changed wildly and he took a breath of air.

Not only him, but also the other strong men in the heavens, his face changed, and he looked at Xiao Naihe as if he were looking at a monster.

"What are you talking about? Do you want to see Master Manager?"

"Why? Isn't it possible? Since your manager is in charge of the whole world, it is also a person. Since it is a person, why can't I see him?"


At this time, Mr. Du drank, and the airflow around him suddenly twisted up, like a vortex, instantly covering all around,

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