Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 3343: Golden Buddha (Part 1)

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The heaven, between the vast mountains, shrouded in the mountains like frosted, it seems very mysterious.

The mist was filled, looming and looming, and the faint blue seemed to float on the sky.

Bai Qincang looked at him as if he were in a fairyland, and a scent diffused in the air, like a fragrance that permeated from the thousands of flowers.

"It's so rich and true."

At the moment, even Bai Qincang, after stepping into the Tiangong, can clearly feel the true qi that diffuses in the void, which is much stronger than outside.

He has a feeling that if he can stay in the heaven realm, within a thousand years, he can definitely step into the realm of the emperor and become the top existence of the three thousand world.

But the best way for him to stay in the heavenly realm is to be recognized by the welfare of Dadao. Only then can he stay here.

However, Dadao Fu is now in the hands of Xiao Naihe. Even Bai Qincang does not know how to get it.

"These true qi are indeed the breath of Buddhism and Taoism. It seems that the administrator of this three thousand world should be a Buddhist cult."

Xiao Naihe moved.

At this moment, a golden light was suddenly released from the middle of the mountains.

This golden light seemed to be Yuehua, slowly spreading in front of everyone, forming a golden channel in the air.

There were constant flashes of light from both ends of the channel, as if the supreme Buddha came.

In the flashing moment of the fine awn, the six-pointed stars in the sky turned up, and all the seals appeared out of thin air, condensed together, and turned into a space portal.


The moment the space portal opened, the golden light radiating from the back of the portal was like an ocean, spreading in the sky.

A huge force of incense and belief came suddenly.

For this kind of incense beliefs, Xiao Naihe could not be more familiar.

"I've seen Master Manager."

Many powerful players in heaven could not help but bow to the front and looked respectfully.

In the golden light, stood a middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man was wearing a golden cassock, holding a golden bowl, and the other hand was holding a string of beads.

At this moment, the man looks like the rumored image of the nine days. When one looks at it, he cannot help but worship.

The middle-aged man nodded, but his eyes were placed in front of Xiao Naihe and Bai Qincang.

Bai Qincang knelt down quickly, and respectfully performed a salute: "Younger Bai Qincang, have seen Master Manager."

The middle-aged man in front of him is in charge of the three-thousand world, and he is in the top-notch existence of the three-thousand world.

Even the strong man in the emperor's realm must be respectful and respectful in the face of this manager, and he dare not have a hint of scorn.

Although Bai Qincang knows that the manager is very powerful, he has never seen the manager. Now, when he sees it, he can even feel himself compared with the other party, just like fireflies and the light of the sun and the moon.

The manager nodded and said, "The Dadaomen is worthy of being a genius of all ages. From ancient times to the present, it has been favored by the welfare of the Dadao. There are 9 out of 10, you are indeed a personal dragon and phoenix, not much worse than those of your former brothers."

"The juniors are not talented, and compared with the forefathers, it is not enough for everyone."

Bai Qincang quickly tapped his head.

When the manager spoke, every word seemed to contain the supreme Buddha power. The words Zhuji, like the Brahma of heaven and earth, had the feeling of morning and evening, and every word struck deep inside.

"It ’s no less than self-importance. I know that you must not be reconciled in your heart. With your patience and talents, you are indeed qualified to be recognized by the well-being of the Avenue, otherwise you will not enter the heavens this time. Do you want to fight for it? . "

Upon hearing the manager's words, Bai Qincang's face changed slightly, he pondered for a while, and finally gritted his teeth, saying: "The younger generation really wants to fight, hope the manager agrees."

The manager nodded and said with a smile: "All these choices are not in the hands of this seat. I don't know this son, would you like to give you such a chance."

In between, the manager's eyes turned to Xiao Naihe.

When he saw that Xiao Nai ignored him, he watched the scene in this heaven.

The face of Mr. Du and others was slightly ugly. However, the manager is in front of them, and Mr. Du and others are not good at blaming Xiao Nai in front of the manager.

When everyone bowed down to the manager, only Xiao Naihe stood alone, which made Mr. Du feel very uncomfortable and could not help but hummed softly.

"Young people are different. They are young and full of enthusiasm. They are also coming here."

The manager smiled faintly, but a glimmer of golden light flashed in his eyes, like the glory of Wanfo, it seemed that he wanted to see through Xiao Naihe thoroughly.

To be honest, when managers first saw Xiao Naihe, they felt very strange.

Because even the powerful manager, can not see the depth of Xiao Naihe at first glance.

Even now, managers can't see through Xiao Naihe. Xiao Naihe's body seems to be filled with mist, and he can't see through it.

"This son does not know where he came from?"

When speaking, the manager's phonetic words are infused with a kind of Buddha energy, which is powerful, and the words hit the hearts of everyone.

Xiao Nai raised his brow slightly, and glanced at the manager.

The other party's trick Xiao Naihe can't be more familiar with. This is nothing more than another version of the magical Tianyin, just like Xiao Naihe's mouth lotus flower that was repaired in those years, the words Zhu Zhuji!

"I'm just a passer-by in this world, but are you a manager in the three thousand world?"


At the moment when Xiao Nai's words just fell, suddenly a burst of anger came from all directions, the heavens suddenly shook, the ground was ups and downs, and an extremely powerful pressure instantly crushed.

Bai Qincang's face was pale, even if he was not in the center of this pressure, he could feel the horror of this pressure.

"Do not be rude to managers!"

Suddenly a pair of golden boys and girls were drilled from the void, holding a dust, holding a roll towards Xiao Nai, and suddenly Fochen turned into a thousand silks, and suddenly rolled up, it seemed that Xiao Nai was to be sealed live.

However, Xiao Nai didn't move at all, just stood quietly in front of them, with a smiley expression on his face.

Bai Qincang couldn't help but wonder whether Xiao Nai was scared and motionless.

But at this time, the roadside welfare that had always followed Xiao Naihe suddenly released a golden light, as if the monstrous Buddha could come.

The powerful Buddha can instantly form a golden wall, like an iron barrel intercepted in front of the pair of golden boys and girls.

Thousands of Qingsi slammed against the light wall, and suddenly made a loud bang, which was intact.

Even the manager showed a surprised expression.

The pair of golden boys and girls are the disciples he closed, not to mention their young age, but in fact the two have been reincarnated for three generations, and Xiuwei has already accumulated in the emperor's realm.

In terms of strength, it can even be called the first person under him.

Even Mr. Du and they are not opponents of this golden boy and girl.

Now that the golden boy and girl were shot, they couldn't even touch Xiao Naihe's hair.

But what curses the manager most is that Dadao Welfare will automatically protect a person.

Even if those people in the past were recognized by the well-being of the Dadao, they are not completely protected by the well-being of the Dadao.

As for the welfare of Dadao to protect a person, this is the first time managers have encountered it.

"The Blessing of the Avenue is the root of the world, and even this seat cannot intervene. I have never encountered such a situation before. Where is this sacred child, and the Blessing of the Avenue will personally protect a person.

The manager raised his eyebrows and his expression calmed down.

Jin Tong and Yu Nu took a few steps back, and the dust in their hands was back to their original appearance.

But when the two of them looked at Xiao Naihe again, they looked weird.

The two glanced at each other, and finally pointed to Xiao Naihe and asked, "Who are you? We have never seen Dadao Welfare take the initiative to protect others."

The voices of this pair of golden boys and girls look very immature and sound soft, but the sound of the words is like a bell and drum, which shocks people's hearts.

"Did I not say that? I'm just a passer-by in this world." Xiao Nai He smiled lightly.

The golden boy and girl looked at each other again and said in unison: "No matter how you are recognized for the well-being of the Dadao, we will never recognize you in heaven. You can never be a disciple of heaven without respecting Master.

When Bai Qincang heard it, he could not help secretly showing a smile.

It seems that the opportunity is here. This golden boy and girl seem to be the disciples of the manager. Now they don't recognize Xiao Naihe, so that they have a chance to regain the happiness of Dadao.

Thinking of this, Bai Qincang could not help looking at Xiao Naihe.

Xiao Nai said lightly: "Your two little guys, but they have only mastered the magical powers of the Buddha, and they haven't entered the mystery of the Buddha. They still have to go back and rebuild for thousands of years.


The golden boy and girl were crying out in unison and were about to take action, but Xiao Naihe ’s avenue well-being once again radiated light, and the forbidden enclave formed shrouded Xiao Naihe.

This made the golden boy and girl very helpless.

The two were a little embarrassed and could not help but look at the manager!

The manager knew that his two disciples could not cope with it, and waved his hand and said, "Is Mr. Xiao also a man of Buddhism?"

"That's right, a long time ago, the cultivation of the supreme Buddhism and Taoism, although it has not been a show off for many years, but the cultivation is still there."

"Oh? Since the young master cultivates Buddhism, it is better to compare his hands with the two disciples who are not capable of doing this. In the 3,000 world, this seat has never seen other Buddhist practitioners. Of course, I hope that the young master can use the avenue for well-being. "

"Let me fight these two little guys?"

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