Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 3351: Master of the Nine Great Temple

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Since the first sage left Yunqi Tiangong, his own strength has escaped from the chaotic atmosphere in Tiangong, and his strength has also declined.

Although the first sage was trapped in Yunqi Tiangong, it was voluntary. ,

He knew that once he left Yunqi Tiangong, his cultivation progress would not only slow down, but even retreat.

But he had to look for a house again. He had maintained that spiritual state in Yunqi Tiangong for many years. If there was no flesh and blood for a long time, he would assimilate with Yunqi Tiangong one day sooner or later.

However, he could not leave Yunqi Tiangong at will, so he came up with the use of a ladder to lure other powerful people into Yunqi Tiangong and provide himself with a cottage.

That's right, his purpose was indeed completed. He lured many people in, and the first sage also selected a suitable house for himself.

Wu Po's invincible body is stiff, and his blood is strong, and he has reached the level of supremacy, just in line with his own requirements.

After all, even if it is a strong man in the Ninth Palace, it is not so easy for him to seize the house. Wu Bo's invincible body is just fine.

Originally his goal was already half done, but Xiao Naihe was born and forced himself away from Yunqi Tiangong.

This time the first sage was to steal chickens and not erode rice. Without the chaotic air of Yunqi Tiangong, his own cultivation progress has slowed down. If he wants to cultivate into the supreme realm, he does not know the year of the monkey.

"Xiao Naihe."

The first sage hated Xiao Nai and He Xianshi, and he wished to drink Xiao Naihe's blood and eat his flesh.

Yunqi Tiangong disappeared, it must be Xiao Naihe's ghost, but how did Xiao Naihe do this, the first sage was also very puzzled.

According to his stay in Yunqi Tiangong for so many years, there is no way to move Yunqi Tiangong away. Why should this kid enter it once he enters it?


At the moment, Xiao Naihe is still in the sky of the heavenly palace, constantly controlling the center of the entire heavenly palace.

As the first sage guessed, the disappearance of Yunqi Tiangong was indeed caused by Xiao Naihe.

After he took direct control of Yunqi Tiangong, he could operate the center of Tiangong, thereby seizing control.

"It's a heavenly palace created by supremacy."

Xiao Nai repeatedly sighed. In his spare time, he carefully observed the interior of Yunqi Tiangong, and could not help being shocked by the hugeness of Yunqi Tiangong.

Even if the heavenly palace built by Xiao Naihe among the chaotic heavenly stones, it is far inferior to this heavenly palace.

You know, Xiao Naihe ’s Tiangong World, but the world debris left by the origin of the secret world, with the help of the World Tree, is stronger than the other nine Chaos Tianshi ’s Nine Heavens.

But compared with Yunqi Tiangong, after all, a lot worse.

"This Yunqi Tiangong is the blood of the most holy of Buddhism and Taoism. At that time, he created Yunqi Tiangong and created 3,000 realms.

The wolf seemed to see Xiao Naihe's thoughts, and could not help but smile lightly.

At this moment, the wolf has already left from the Chaos Heaven Stone and entered the Yunqi Heaven Palace.

Unlike the Magic Qianyu and others, the flesh of the blue wolf can be manifested at any time and free to enter and exit.

Otherwise, Xiao Nai wouldn't let the blue wolf help himself in the extraterrestrial sky.

"The most holy Buddhism is really a wonderful person. I hope to see such a person someday."

"Waiting for you to climb to the top, it's not difficult to see him then."

The wolf nodded and looked at the sky, as if thinking something, his eyes deepened.

Xiao Naihe knew what the wolf must have thought of, maybe about some secrets, but he didn't ask.

As the Cang Wolf said, his current state may not be enough for the Cang Wolf to tell all the secrets, but such a day, I believe that it will come soon.

"By the way, haven't there been mysterious scriptures in the three thousand realms before? Cangwolf You said that it is about the interpretation of the most holy Buddhism, can you copy it out?"

"of course can."

Cang wolf smiled, then pressed his palm, and the golden light flashed in the sky, and the mysterious ancient characters slowly appeared, forming a Buddhist scripture.

These Buddhist scriptures seem to be overlaid on a long scroll, which is a full mile in length.

"The interpretations of the most holy Buddhism and Taoism are all in it. This is his life's insight. Unfortunately, I am not a Buddhist cult, which is not very helpful to me, but Xiao Nai is different from you. I believe some insights should be useful to you. "

"Let me look first."

Xiao Naihe did not talk, but focused on the Buddhist scriptures on this long scroll.

Long, long-range Buddhist scriptures, I don't know how many things are recorded.

Xiao Naihe just glanced at it, just like seeing the life experience of a great supreme pioneer.

Phantom Qianyu was also curious, and the shadow she had transformed fell on the front of the long roll, reaching out to find out.

But for less than half a day, Huan Qianyu felt dizzy, and his consciousness was slightly weak. He took two steps backwards, quickly closed his eyes, cut off his senses, and dared not watch it.

After slowly recovering, Huan Qianyu couldn't help but say: "The interpretation of Buddhism in this Buddhist scripture is really unpredictable. Although it is not a mysterious method of divine passage, I just looked at it and I can't bear it. If it lasts for a long time, it is estimated that I can be cast off directly in front of this Buddhist scripture. "

You know, Magic Qianyu has now begun to open up the Supreme Realm, cultivated to be powerful, and extremely clever.

But even if it is a fantasy thousand feathers, after reading this long scroll, they feel that they can't bear the Buddha's energy, and they feel that they will be transformed.

The wolf smiled and said, "You can't see that it's a normal thing anymore. You are different from Xiao Nai. You haven't cultivated the Dharma, and you don't have Xiao Nai's Buddha's fate. Since you have no luck with the Buddha, how can you explore it?" What's the secret? "

"Have you not seen it? You may not have practiced Dharma?" Huan Qianyu was a little dissatisfied.

"I really haven't practiced Dharma, but I have a relationship with the Buddha, and I can become a Buddha's heart when I am transformed. If you cultivate myths and legends and peep into the true meaning of the supreme, you can naturally do this."

When Magic Qianyu heard it, he snorted coldly, and no longer spoke.

But she also knew very clearly in her heart that the wolf said that she could transform her mind into a Buddha's heart. That should be true.

Cangwolf has already surpassed the Nine Palaces, and has begun to move towards myths and legends. Now it is far from the top, and it should be only a line away.

In other words, the blue wolf is already quasi-superior. If he ca n’t even see through the Buddhist scriptures, no one in Taiyu can see through it.

"The chaotic Qihai in Yunqi Tiangong is very huge, although there is some gap with Chaos Tianshi, but the Chaos Qi here is blessed by the invincible strong, and it can be compared with the original Qi in Chaos Tianshi. It ’s different. If you make good use of it, it will be of great benefit to your cultivation. "

"Why do n’t you let the other guys come out of the Chaos Heavenly Stone? This chaotic spirit should not be wasted. Xiao Naihe, the kid, ca n’t digest it all by yourself, you do n’t need it anymore, I ca n’t consume it, let others Also practice together. "

"Um ..." The wolf pondered for a while, and nodded: "That's a good idea. Then you can bring your consciousness into other people's heavenly world, let them condense the body of **** flesh, and come out to practice."

Many heirs in the Chaos Celestial Palace, although turning their own strength into the Celestial Palace, the soul of the soul merged into nothingness.

But they can all appear at any time, and each Tiangong master can be connected with each other.

Magic Qianyu passed his own consciousness directly into the other eight heavenly palaces, and soon received contact.

These celestial masters constantly evolve their lives in their celestial palace, and they are also practicing a certain state.

When a few people came out, they all appeared as flesh and blood.

Under normal circumstances, these people will not appear with flesh and blood, but now I have heard the chaos of the blessings of the powerful. They could not hold on, and immediately left their own Tiangong world.

Soon, everyone was there.

"I didn't expect that all the owners of our Nine Great Heaven Palace were here." Someone sighed.

"Since I retired, I have sunk into the Heavenly Palace and evolved. It has been many years since I met."

"Let's talk about it for thousands of years, maybe longer."

"Brother Wolf, is there really a chaotic atmosphere blessed by the supreme power?"

"Of course, you can see for yourself."

When they saw the huge chaotic Qihai in Yunqi Tiangong, they couldn't help but be surprised, and said: "Brother Wolf, Qian Yu, where did you find such a big chaotic Qihai?"

"It's not us, this was found by Xiao Naihe. In the originating secret realm, he discovered the Tiangong world left by the supreme realm."

"Is that kid?"

Ren Yuanzhi sighed slightly. He looked at Xiao Naihe, who was entering the state of no-self and no-mind in the air, and he could not help blinking his eyes. Already reached the pinnacle of the Lord? "

"More than that, he still has the breath of the Supreme Realm, good fellow, this kid has opened the Supreme Realm?" Gongsun Mart slightly surprised.

Wang Yi looked at Xiao Naihe deeply: "I'm afraid he's not just as simple as opening the Supreme Realm, he should have reached the step of becoming a nation in the Ninth Palace."

"Nine Palaces have become a country? So fast? I changed for 30 million years, from the Supreme Realm to the Chaos of the Nine Palaces. The last time this kid came to my heavenly world to evolve, how long has passed? This progress is too great almost?"

Sun Haoran's tone was surprised, but he was frightened by Xiao Naihe's cultivation progress.

"This kid has taken the road of chaos and origin, maybe in the future, or not long, it will go faster than you." Cang wolf laughed.

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