Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 3355: Jutian

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It is dark like ink, Xiao Nai calculates slightly, it should be noon now, shouldn't it be dark so soon?

"Huh? What is that?"

At this moment, I saw only a flash of light in the sky, like the Milky Way, across countless heavens.

There is also a powerful blood coming from the East, like a huge stove, which keeps coming.

The powerful qi and blood wolf smoke rushed towards the sky, and the night suddenly became daytime.

Xiao Nai He Lima rushed to the sky and looked at the past. The distant east, like a furnace, was filled with huge power.

"What happened again? How long has it been since I returned to the secret realm of origin?"

Xiao Naihe knew he should have been in Yunqi Tiangong for a long time, but he didn't know how many years he had stayed.

He remembered that before entering Yunqi Tiangong, the people of the seven forces were already preparing for the fate of the destiny. When he saw this scene at this moment, Xiao Nai felt a little worried in his heart.

If the battle of destiny really begins and Wan Yiyuan ’s destiny is acquired by others, would n’t it be a little rewarding to come out this time?

He got enlightenment from the blue wolf and they wanted to follow the origin of destiny to understand his supreme destiny.

You have to know that there is only one destiny of origin. If it is gone, it is really not available at all.

Xiao Naihe now pondered for a while, his body jumped, directly hiding his own breath. At this time, he still could not attract the attention of others.

I don't know if those who are the goddess of the snow left Yunqi Tiangong safely. If they left Yunqi Tiangong, and now Yunqi Tiangong is disappearing, interested people will definitely contact themselves.

It's not that Xiao Nai is afraid of others, but it's better to avoid trouble at this point.

Xiao Naihe followed the trail of blood, blood and smoke, which was like the east of the huge furnace, and did not know what happened.

Soon, Xiao Nai appeared in a forest of ancient trees.

There was indeed a dense silhouette in the eyes, and powerful monks stood among the forests and mountains.

Not to mention, there are hundreds of thousands of people, all of them are powerful people with qi and blood, and the worst are the strong men in the late period of the holy sage.

"Actually, there are so many people gathered? Did the battle of destiny really start?"

Xiao Nai raised a brow, and felt a little strange.

He concealed his breath. In this case, others could not feel it. Even the sages could hardly find Xiao Naihe's existence.

Soon, Xiao Naihe saw several familiar people.

Several strong men in Yasheng Mountain and Dao Palace, as well as Ye Jiugue of Jianzong, Zhuge Zhenge of the Zhuge family and others.

Several large-scale powerhouses acted individually, occupying one area, drawing down the site, and isolating those around them.

A few greats were established there, and no one dared to come forward and say anything.

The other people around are very scattered, and the strongest in the origin of the secret realm is also separate, but it is different from the unity of the Seven Sects.

Most of these powerful secrets of origin are loose repairs.

Xiao Naihe didn't know that since the news of Wu Po's invincible death came out, the big league that originated in the secret realm has fallen into the situation of headless dragons.

Within ten years, the major leagues have undergone several power changes and several changes of leader, but each leader cannot be a long time.

Because the pressure of the Seven Major Sects is increasing, and there is no such strong presence as Wu Po invincible in the major leagues, soon, in the eighth year after the death of Wu Po invincibles, the entire major league is dissolved.

The alliances with the largest origins of the realm have been disbanded, and now the seven major groups of people have all sent strong men into the realm, and they are stationed in their respective regions.

When there was a major league in the past, Wu Po invincible could still control the situation, blocking the seven major groups of people from the secret realm.

Now that the Great Alliance has disappeared, the cultivators here are more like a piece of sand. They simply can't stop the strength of the Seven Major Sects. The entire Origin Secret Realm has almost been allocated by several Major Sects.

"that is……"

Xiao Naihe's eyes flashed, and at this moment, he vaguely saw a figure.

There were so many people in the scene, but Xiao Naihe only found one person because he was a bit familiar with this person.

"Wu Po is invincible ... No, it is the first sage!"

Among the crowd, there was a dark shadow standing in a very secret position. If it was not Xiao Naihe who had carefully sensed it, I was afraid that the first sage could not be found.

The first sage concealed his breath in the crowd and merged into nature, not even the great sage.

Xiao Nai is different. Xiao Nai is the one who has cultivated the true spirit of Chaos. The First Saint is also the one who walked the Chaos Road, and the Chaos Road taken by the First Saint is not as perfect as Xiao Nai He, so Xiao Nai He felt that the First Saint Not surprisingly.

But now the first saint has hidden his breath and concealed his identity from being discovered, so that there is a big problem.

"Could it be said that after the first sage came out, he was not welcomed by the people of the original secret realm?"

Xiao Nai thought for a moment.

He knew that the first sage in the past was the object of all kinds of strong people from the mysterious realm of the origin. After all, this first sage started a new era after the pioneering era ended. presence.

Even the masters of the seven great respects respect this first sage.

But now it seems that the situation is not the same.

After thinking for a while, Xiao Naihe soon understood that the first sage had killed so many people in Yunqi Tiangong, and the people of the Zhuge family had escaped from Zhuge Town Ge and Zhuge Yi, as well as the Jianzong people. He died horribly, not to mention the Wushen Society and the Taoist Palace.

Several offenses were offended at once, and no matter how powerful the first sage was, it was impossible to fight against several offenses alone.

You have to know that there are great sages among the seven great sects, and each great sage's cultivation ability is extremely powerful.

Among them may be the strength of the great sage is more profound than the first sage.

How dare the first sage offend so many people.

And he now seizes Wu Po's invincible body, maybe the big leagues are also looking for him.

"But his big mouse appeared here at this time, what is the matter, is it the origin destiny to appear?"

Just as Xiao Nai thought, a sudden aurora appeared on the horizon.

This aurora seemed to be a paved avenue, spreading to this point, a dragon horse car slowly flew.

The person sitting on the carriage let Xiao Nai froze at once, he knew the identity of this person!

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