Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 3372: Ready for battle

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Do you want to lose yourself?

Qingying didn't believe it, thinking that Xiao Nai was just shocking.

She has already condensed the Nine-House Kingdom, and her country is so powerful that it has been blessed by her father.

The power of Huang Lin is nowhere to be seen in Qingying's eyes.

His blessing to his own country is definitely not trivial.

Even if Qingying hasn't fought with other powerful Nine Palaces, he can still guarantee that he is definitely the top level in this stage.

It is by no means comparable to Sansheng, Yuan Batian, etc., who have just broken through to the Ninth Palace.

"Qingying girl seems to disbelieve, if you do not believe, you can try." Xiao Naiho seemed to see Qingying's doubts and disdain.

"Miss, don't listen to his nonsense, he must be growing others' ambition to extinguish your prestige, don't be fooled by him." Wang Zhengxuan suddenly said behind him.

After he lost to Xiao Naihe before, he became very jealous of Xiao Naihe, and resented Xiao Naihe. Now he sees some changes in Qingying's attitude, and immediately pulls hatred on Xiao Naihe.

"You are defeated under one hand, there is room for you to speak here?" Xiao Nai stared.

Suddenly, Wang Zhengxuan only felt that he was covered with ice and cold as if he had fallen into the ice cave, and a cold rushed directly from the sole of his feet to his forehead, and his body shivered.

Forcibly suppressing this feeling, Wang Zhengxuan hates and fears Xiao Nai at this moment. If his eyes can kill, Xiao Nai does not know how many times he died.

"Qingying, don't be fooled. Your goal is to originate destiny. Anyone who wants to compete with you for destiny is our enemy."

At this time, Meng Yanluo said suddenly.

She glanced at her, focused on Xiao Naihe, exhaled slightly, and said: "Xiao Naihe, I didn't expect you to come here after seeing you for so many years. When you left the first plane, it was not Under the threat of this seat, those who are forced to leave, now learn some skills, do you think they can sit on equal terms with us? "

Xiao Nai He smiled faintly: "What Madam Xiao said, I never felt that I could sit on par with you, or that, Madam, you and I never felt that you would sit on par with me because you do not have that ability yet.

"You ..." Meng Yanluo said angrily, "Come on!"

After talking, Meng Yanluo's eyes flicked and swept to Wang Zhengxuan.

Wang Zhengxuan had served under Meng Yanluo before. At this moment, when she saw Meng Yanluo's eyes, she would not know what this woman meant.

He is not Xiao Naihe's opponent. Even if he is crazy, Wang Zhengxuan has to admit that he must lose to Xiao Naihe.

But now Meng Yanluo wants to do it by herself, if she dares to push back three or four, I am afraid that her next result will not be so good.

As soon as the thought moved, Wang Zhengxuan could only bite his teeth and shouted: "Boy, dare to insult my mistress and find death."

As soon as his voice fell, Wang Zhengxuan shot up. Instead of using all his power to attack Xiao Naihe, he concealed a part of his strength to protect himself.

His blow looked very shocking, but in fact he did not have hope.

Xiao Nai didn't look at anything, and stepped on it.

A burst of wind suddenly burst out from underneath, forming an invisible big hand.

This invisible big hand seemed to travel through endless space, smashing all the time and space, and the fingertips came to Wang Zhengxuan.

Although Wang Zhengxuan was already prepared, this attack was just a pretext.

But at this moment I felt Xiao Naihe's imposing momentum, and even he was stunned by it. He repeatedly turned back, his face was frightened, and he quickly defended his defense.


As if it was a crisp sound of sword collision, the defensive cover controlled by Wang Zhengxuan instantly cracked.

At the next moment, the whole person seemed to be a kite with a broken thread, and fell out directly, smashing hard in the mountains hundreds of miles away.

Mengyan Luo raised her eyebrows.

Although she had expected Xiao Naihe's strength, she had asked Ling Lao to help Qingying deal with the enemy before, but she didn't think it was Xiao Naihe.

Now that Xiao Nai is here, Ling Lao does not see anyone, but I am afraid that Ling Lao will definitely have no good ending.

Ling Lao has just stepped into the stage of becoming a nation in the Ninth Palace, and has great strength.

Although not as good as yourself, it is not much different.

And Wang Zhengxuan is the strong man who opened the supremacy.

These two people fell into Xiao Naihe's hands one after another, and Meng Yanluo could see no matter how silly, Xiao Naihe's ability was indeed far better than he thought.

"It seems that you got a lot of chance after going out from the first plane."

Meng Yanluo's eyes narrowed slightly.

When Xiao Naihe was in the first place, he was already called the Son of the Three Cultivators, and his strength and talent were extremely good.

Although Xiao Naihe left the first plane partly because of Meng Yanluo, Xiao Naihe at that time was far less powerful than he is now.

How many years have passed now, but for hundreds of years, Xiao Naihe has grown to a level comparable to his daughter.

It should be known that Qingying can only grow to this level under the full training of Dan Ting and with the help of Huang Lin.

Moreover, Qingying itself is extremely talented and has gained many benefits, stepping into the Ninth Palace and becoming a top powerhouse.

In the younger generation, Qingying is definitely a leader among the leaders.

But Xiao Nai actually made a good step and stepped into the Ninth Palace to become a nation. This made Meng Yanluo's heart pierced.

Look at the long sky above the head that is still fighting.

This man also left from the first plane and has become so powerful now.

What kind of opportunity did these two people get in order to grow up to this point.

"However, even if you step into the Ninth Palace and become a nation, Qingying will now have a destiny of origin. Anyone who wants to rob her will be the bones of her on the road." Shadow, let me help you remove the obstacles. Before you take the fate of the origin, do n’t have any consumption. Here, I will deal with it. "

"No, mother, Xiao Naihe's opponent is me. From the first place, I lost to him, and now I don't fight back, my daughter's heart is also insufficient."

When Mengyanluo heard it, she couldn't help but froze for a moment, and then she groaned slightly.

Just as Qingying said, Xiao Naihe has now become his opponent, and Qingying lost to Xiao Naihe in the first place.

If you don't fight back now, this will inevitably become a lack of mentality for Qingying.

"Since you said that, the mother-in-law did not say anything, you are in charge."

Mengyan Luo nodded slightly, greeted several men around him, and retreated towards the back.

In her heart, don't think Qingying will lose to Xiao Naihe.

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