Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 3376: What are you proud of

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Wang Zhengxuan did not know how long he had waited, and finally it was this time.

Kill this thief.

Ever since he suffered a loss in Xiao Naihe's hands and was almost killed by Xiao Naihe, Wang Zhengxuan's hatred for Xiao Naihe has been exhausted for nine days.

Now that Xiao Na is in a dilemma and has been hit so hard, if he doesn't shoot at this time, even Wang Zhengxuan can't pick out, is there a better time than now?

With a grin, Wang Zhengxuan almost gathered the strength of his body to the outside.

Give a single blow and leave no room.

Don't kill him now, I'm just afraid that there will be no chance.

Wang Zhengxuan lifted his whole body and punched.

In an instant, the surrounding space seems to be locked up, forming a different degree of time and space.

Behind Wang Zhengxuan, the image of his own vision emerged, shrouded in vain.

With a punch, the speed was so fast that even the naked eye could not capture it, he shot directly at Xiao Naihe.

Although the goddess on ice and others were anxious, they were stopped by people at this moment, and they could not be born at once to save people.

You can only watch Wang Zhengxuan shot.

"The supreme Dao-level powerhouse will give it a full blow. Even if the Nine Palaces exist, they will definitely die without any precautions."

A triumphant smile appeared on Sansheng's face.

The reason why he risked a big distracted attack on Xiao Naihe actually had his own purpose.

Although he is now fused with another Xingzu dharma body, he has awakened the power of a generation of Xingzu, and has recovered almost three-quarters of his ability.

But he did not fully return to the limit of two-thirds because he was a little bit worse.

The spiritual power of Xingzu.

Sansheng knows that Xiao Naihe has refined the spiritual power of Xingzu, as long as he can extract this star power from Xiao Naihe's spiritual world and devour fusion.

By then Sansheng will be able to exert the most powerful force.

Even if it is not as good as the ancestor of the peak period, it is definitely not much.

"At that time, even if the Soul of the Star comes, it will never be my opponent."

Sansheng's eyes flashed fiercely.

Although he surrendered to the Star Soul, he was always unwilling in his heart and even wanted to replace the Star Soul.

With a split spirit body, Xinghun can be repaired to the top of today.

But the fusion of the two dharma bodies is not as good as the star soul.

If you can devour the soul of the star, then you can reproduce the peak power of a generation of star ancestors.

Although the original Xingzu divided his power into three major split bodies, it was to use these three split bodies to study the higher Supreme Avenue.

Once successful, step into the supreme realm, and merge the spiritual memory of Xingzu, you can wake up again.

Although Sansheng is now doing the old path of Xingzu, it is completely different from his original intention.

But origin destiny is there. If he gets the origin destiny, he can inherit the destiny and step into the supreme realm.

"Xiao Naihe, go die."

At this moment, Wang Zhengxuan broke up, hitting with all his strength, **** into the sky, reaching Biluo Huangquan, with a momentum that is bound to kill Xiao Naihe, and fell down.


The earth cracked, and Wang Zhengxuan's punch hit Xiao Naihe's body, almost smashing thousands of miles of area, and shattered the other Holy Powers.

Li Shuang's face was pale and his tone was bitter: "Young Master Xiao, dead?"

"There is no doubt that such a powerful boxing will be unbearable even if it is a strong man in the Ninth Palace."

Zhuge Zhenge exhaled with a sigh of relief, which seemed extremely dreadful.

As strong as Xiao Nai and other such existence, under this kind of violent attack, can only die.

Wang Zhengxuan stared, suddenly laughing wildly, shouting: "Finally dead, finally dead."

After losing to Xiao Naihe before, Wang Zhengxuan was almost unbearable.

Even because of a few words of Qingying, Wang Zhengxuan had a deep fear of Xiao Naihe and turned into a demon.

The strong man of his level generally has a firm mind and is hard to be shaken.

Once the Dao Xin is broken, there is a Demon, and it is difficult to break it.

After killing Xiao Naihe now, the magical obstacle that he was lurking in his heart was instantly solved, his breath rose, and even a kind of artistic conception transformed into a higher level of realm.

Qingying glanced and sighed slightly.

Although she is an enemy with Xiao Nai, under such circumstances, she is not willing to take the risk.

Subconsciously, Qingying actually admired people like Xiao Naihe. After leaving the first plane, he worked hard for hundreds of years, and now he has come to this step.

Qingying admires this talent.

If the two of them were competing for destiny and being hostile to each other, Qingying was really reluctant to play against someone like Xiao Naihe.

Now that I saw Xiao Nai died in Wang Zhengxuan's hands, even Qingying would inevitably have a sense of regret.

"Okay, although he is dead, but the mental fragments must still be there, and he can detain Xingzu's spiritual thoughts."

Three lives overjoyed.

Xiao Nai cracked Xing Zu's heavenly book world on the same day and merged Xing Zu's memory. Now San Sheng must get it back, otherwise he will not be able to exert his strongest power.

Only when the memory of Xing Zu is awakened can he play his strongest state.

Thinking about this, the spirit of Sansheng is preparing to drill into Xiao Naihe's body.

Suddenly, I heard the cold and disdainful sound of the long sky: "Do you think you two ants really moved Xiao Nai? If you can succeed, he will not be worthy of my long sky opponent."


Sansheng looked startled.

In fact, he also did not understand why the long sky did not seize the opportunity to launch an attack on himself, although Sansheng had already prepared some cards.

But the sky seemed to have never thought of a shot.

Instead, he retreated to a few people, looking at everything in the field.

This gave Sansheng an ominous hunch at once.

"Did the sky feel like this?"

Such a strong man, such as Long Tianlong, actually makes Xiao Nao so respected, so that Sansheng is puzzled.

Is there any weirdness in it?

At the moment when Sansheng had doubts, suddenly inside the giant pit that was originally exploded by Wang Zhengxuan, he was determined to soar into the sky.

In this determination, there is a force of terrifying terror, which instantly breaks through the shackles of space.

And Wang Zhengxuan, who leaned on the center of the giant pit, is just right in the attack range of this force.

At the moment when this force rushed out from underneath, Wang Zhengxuan immediately felt an extremely terrible crisis.

"not good."

This kind of killing intention strikes Wang Zhengxuan with the illusion of facing death.

"What are you proud of? Do you think you can kill me?"

A flirty, slightly ridiculous voice came suddenly, causing Wang Zhengxuan and Sansheng to emerge from the soles of the feet like cold, and became cold.

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