Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 3500: Put to death

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Xiao Nai and Jin Jin's body were broken, and the spirits and spirits also cracked open, and the destiny was locked tightly.

At this moment, his vitality dropped to an extremely weak state. Under the blow of the war emperor, Xiao Nai was in an extremely dangerous situation.

His physical body is no longer able to control his own power, and the ‘eternal chapter’ above his head has also begun to turbulence, which seems to be unstable.

"It's over, Xiao Naihe's flesh broke, and his destiny was beaten back. There is no longer any resistance." Bai Di shook his head and said lightly.

After fighting for a while, Emperor Warlord finally took Xiao Naihe after a few rounds with Xiao Naihe.

Yi Tianjun froze, but then heard the voice of Emperor Qiu resounding: "What are you still stunned for, don't you pass?"

As soon as he heard the words of Emperor Qiu, Yi Tianjun reacted immediately, his face showing ecstasy, he quickly nodded and bowed: "Okay."

At this moment, Yi Tianjun couldn't bear the excitement in his heart, knowing that he thought he had no chance to inherit the complete eternal avenue.

Now, Xiao Nai not only lost to War Emperor, but even got the opportunity to integrate Eternal Avenue.

When I think of the strong and invincible strength of the Warlord just now, that is the strength after the completion of Eternal Avenue.

"If I merge the Eternal Avenue and prove that the Tao is complete, I will certainly be able to catch up with the Warlord in the future."

Thinking about this, Yi Tianjun forcibly suppressed his inner ecstasy and behaved very calmly.

The Emperor Zhan looked at Yi Tianjun and said, "After stripping away his eternal chapter, you can merge, but now you are physically impoverished, I suggest you take away his physical body."

Although Xiao Naihe's flesh also collapsed, but because of the three blessings of destiny, coupled with the improvement of Eternal Avenue, Xiao Naihe's current golden body is definitely far superior to Yi Tianjun.

Yi Tianjun is physically impoverished, and after experiencing a battle with Xiao Nai, he is now very weak.

War Emperor suggested Yi Tianjun to take Xiao Naihe's flesh, naturally it makes sense.

Yi Tianjun nodded, in fact, he coveted Xiao Naihe's powerful flesh.

"Thank you Zhandi seniors for your help. This time, the younger generation has no teeth to forget." Yi Tianjun quickly bowed.

The Emperor Zhan glanced at him lightly and said, "No need, if you can step into the eternal kingdom, it will also be of great help to us. It is just a deal between us, and there is no kindness."

Yi Tianjun hurriedly did not speak anymore.

He quickly opened the law, and a burst of light suddenly burst out of the body. For a time, a powerful avenue law directly heard a loud noise, and the divine light was shining, as if the entire starry sky had turned into a long river.


When one law of law rises, four aurora forms, and in an instant the coercion rages on the entire star Qiong, and a defense appears, separating Yi Tianjun and Xiao Nai together to isolate the outside world.

The space where Yi Tianjun and Xiao Nai are located is a separate time and space. Even the War Emperor is not easy to enter, and it takes some thoughts to enter.

It's not that Yi Tianjun is preparing for the Emperor Warrior and others. Without the Emperor Warrior, Yi Tianjun might be planted in Xiao Naihe's hands today. It is useless to prepare for the Emperor Warrior.

The reason why Yi Tianjun set up a defensive border, three thousand layers of defense inside and out, gives a solid feeling. That is to prevent Xiao Naihe may have a small hope to resist, to prevent Xiao Naihe from leaving this space.

"This guy, Yi, is very careful." The Emperor Zhan returned to the other two and said coldly.

Emperor Qiu smiled and disregarded: "Carefully sailing for thousands of years, he is not preparing for us, don't care too much."

After all, even if Yi Tianjun summoned so many defenses, even if it was solid, it would be no different from the air in front of Qiu Di.

Believe that Yi Tianjun can't do it without knowing it.

"He is going to strip away the eternal chapter in Xiao Naihe's body. After he strips out the eternal chapter, I would like to study the kid's memory."

The Emperor War is still hard to forget that Xiao Nai actually took a new step in the original system of monasticism.

If he had to help Yi Tianjun merge with Eternal Avenue, he would have taken Xiao Naihe's body as his own.

At this time, Yi Tianjun's body was ups and downs and emptiness, just like the rise of a giant sword, and like the world of Baoding, and it was like a sharp weapon traveling through the world.

Such a horrible trend has suppressed all around.

One world after another evolved between Yi Tianjun and Xiao Naihe.

In their realm, it is nothing to evolve a new world, let alone to evolve a new world, even if it is to evolve a new life.

In Yi Tianjun's eyes, there is no excitement. He forcibly strips away the eternal chapter in Xiao Naihe's body, and at the same time abandons his incomplete flesh, the spirits and spirits go towards Xiao Naihe's body.

After a while, Yi Tianjun opened his eyes, and at the moment when the soul entered Xiao Naihe's body, he seemed to be slowly mastering Xiao Naihe's golden body.

"A good pair of gold body is much stronger than my original body, and indeed it is right to take away his gold body."

Yi Tianjun laughed loudly, and then as long as he completely stripped away the eternal chapter in Xiao Naihe's body and merged the Avenue, he could officially log on to Eternal Avenue to complete.

But at this time, the world that evolved between the bodies of Yi Tianjun and Xiao Naihe suddenly heard loud and loud noises.

Looking at it, the mountains and rivers were broken, the sky and earth were cracked, the earth was covered by thunder, and the lightning was poured down, submerging millions of miles.

"That's ..." Yi Tianjun's complexion changed, and an ominous premonition emerged in his heart.

Just when he was about to control his own Tianshi to protect himself. But at this moment, the body that originally belonged to Xiao Naihe suddenly sprayed an endless light.

The breath of light is endless and magnificent. When struck down, it is like a galaxy bursting, opening up millions of worlds,

The endless light breath solidified in an instant, and the original incomplete and eternal chapter suddenly became active again.

A tiny gap appeared in the void.

If you don't look carefully, you will never find it.

"Time gap?" Yi Tianjun took a breath.

When he looked back at Xiao Naihe's body, the stars shook, countless meteorites splintered, and the light shone down, the law of the Dao emerged, and it was crushed.

It is not that Xiao Naihe's eternal chapter was stripped out, but Yi Tianjun's eternal chapter was drawn out at this moment.


Yi Tianjun's scream came too slowly.

At the next moment, I saw Xiao Naihe's eyes open, and his breath became majestic and chaotic.

"No, it's easy to finish." Bai Di's face changed.

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