Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 3528: Checkmate

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The stronger the chess player is, the more powerful the rebound will be.

Zilong's face moved, and Xiao Naihe's statement clearly made sense.

The other people around them changed their expressions after they heard it. Obviously they also thought of this.

At this time, many people's faces became difficult to look at, especially the peak and half-step immortality of the Five Great Sects, etc., and their faces were extremely gloomy.

Unlike other people, these people are more powerful in their cultivation, does it mean that they enter the chessboard, and once the dead chess is planted, the more powerful the rebound will be.

Just now they saw one death and one injury. Under the force of that rebound, there was absolutely no resistance.

The more powerful Qin Jiansen, after taking the wrong step, the strength of the rebound of the dead chess could not resist him.

On the contrary, Lu Zixing, who was not as good as Qin Jiansen, escaped.

"Although the old man knows that if he wants to get the immortal heritage, he must bear the corresponding danger, but he did not expect it to be so dangerous."

"Yes, if you can get the immortal heritage, what if you are facing the crisis of death?"

"If you are afraid, you don't have to go on board, this seat is worried about too many opponents."

Some strong people do not take it seriously, and some strong people are extremely afraid.

When Qin Jiansen died, the remaining six people looked at each other, and the last Zhongnan man pondered: "Several, obviously this game is more dangerous than we thought. If you start alone, you will probably die."

"Brother Chen Dao is right, how about the six of us marching together? Otherwise, if we can't move, we can talk about cracking the game."

The six people said yes, join forces first, and then assign.

In his hand, I saw only six figures move, and turned into an aurora falling on the six nearest chess positions.


At this time, there was a burst of sound like metal collision on the chessboard, which was the sound of chess pieces moving.

When six people control a chess piece together, all the attention of the six people is raised to the highest.

Because the six of them are now on the same boat, once someone makes a mistake, the other five people will be implicated, and there is no room for error.


Suddenly, the chess pieces fell on a volcano in front of them, and the flames came out like a nine-day fairy flame and merged into the world.

Then a line of patterns spread all over the sky, as if to rush out of the chessboard.

However, the six people joined together to inject their own way of law, and the flame that was about to rush out was suppressed.

"Really feasible?" The six people looked relieved and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

When the six of them were preparing to take the next step, they suddenly heard Hong Xuan yelling in the distance: "Fool, be careful over the sky."

Over the sky?

The six people froze for a moment, and at the next moment an endless fairy light erupted from the sky. The flames erupted from the crater merged into the light, vast and majestic, suppressed from above.

This immortal light came under repression and was unmatched.

It seems that under this terror and boundless force, no matter how powerful it is, it will be broken by this general trend of destruction.

"Go away."

Where did these six people dare to hesitate? Under such a crisis, they all jumped out of the chessboard and fled towards the outside of the chessboard.

Immortal inheritance is good, but once it is dead, what can it do?

Such a terrifying and immense trend made everyone on the scene feel horrified.

A huge palm suddenly emerged from the infinite fairy light. At one point of this palm, the sound of the sky was heard ‘Zheng Zheng’!

Then the huge palms grabbed the six people and patted them **** the ground.

All of a sudden the earth was turned upside down, and many people spurted blood, splashing all around.

Only one of the six people escaped, and the other five were all smashed to the ground and turned into a pile of flesh and blood, and even the soul of the soul did not escape.

Even the lucky man who escaped was dying, and his body and soul were almost torn apart.

Sentimental Juggernaut saw that his doormen had escaped, and did not dare to neglect to send an elixir into the other party's mouth.

"It's really miserable that the six people united and did not escape."

"The strongest of the five people are already in the late stage of the crossover, so the five people united even if the peak of the ordinary crossover should avoid the sharp edge, but it still ended so!"

"I'm even worse than those five players. I don't need the qualifications for this game."

"Neither do I."

Some people who are ordinary people are so terrible that the other party's ending came suddenly.

The scene at the scene shocked everyone and made people feel creepy.

Looking at the Juggernaut looks a little ugly, looking at several other ancestors: "What do you say, who else wants to challenge the game?"

A lot of people looked at each other for a while, and did not appear for the first time.

Instead, a strong man from the Golden Eagle Dynasty yelled, "We are seeking wealth and danger, but the big deal is a dead egg, and I will go up."

"Brother Dao, too."

Although some people are scared, many people still choose to challenge.

These cultivators have been working against the sky and faced death too many times. Now that there is a chance to get immortal heritage, it is naturally impossible to give up easily.

Soon eight people were selected.

Chu Qing was frightened by the successive participations he had just made, and he couldn't help but ask: "Mr. Xiao, can't this chess game really be solved?"

"You didn't say that the world chess game was previously won three inheritance positions, there are naturally solutions. But depending on the situation, these eight people are certainly hopeless." Xiao Nai He smiled faintly.

A few sect strong men around heard it, looked at Xiao Naihe, and found that the other party was just a mortal cultivator, and immediately sneered: "What do mortal juniors know?"

"Why is there such a disciple who doesn't know the sky and earth?"

Upon hearing this, Zilong's face changed slightly, and he quickly said, "This little brother is not a disciple of my giant medicine garden."

"Since not a disciple of the Giant Medicine Garden, how can a mortal body come in?"

Zilong nodded, he looked at Chuqing and said, "Chuqing, how did you come in with this kid?"

"Uncle Shi, Master Xiao ..."

"Okay, let's stop arguing, they are going to start playing chess, don't be distracted." At this time, an experienced senior in Yixingge beckoned and interrupted Chu Qing.

Soon everyone regained their attention, and by that time the strong man who had taught Xiao Naihe a cold sneer, and did not focus on Xiao Naihe.

Instead, Chu Qing apologized and quietly apologized to Xiao Naihe.

"Relax, I'm not so careful." Xiao Nai He smiled lightly.

Of course, don't be so careful, because this chess game basically shows the routine, these people are afraid that they will not succeed.

That being the case, why do you care about those who are dying?

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