Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 3533: Torn face

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"When did you think that I would definitely join the sea of ​​Zhu Xing?" Xiao Nai glanced at Zhu Tianwang.

Zhu Tianwang couldn't help but stunned, and then his face sank, saying, "I let you join the sea of ​​Zhu Xing, but for your own good."

"For me? A little interesting."

"You are young and talented. Although you have been immortal, you can't keep your inheritance if you are alone. If Zhu Xingzhihai is the seven-star prince of the Xuanyuanxing Kingdom, you can protect your growth and cultivation. "


"You may not know how dangerous you are to inherit the world chess game, but once you join the sea of ​​Zhu Xing, your safety will be guaranteed, and with your talents, you may become the leader of the next generation of Zhu Xinghai."

How did Xiao Nai think about what happened, it seemed to be really heart-throbbing: "So I joined Zhu Xinghai Baili without harm."

Upon hearing this, Zhu Tianwang smiled and nodded: "Yes, you can figure it out is the best."

"Zhu Tianwang, what do you mean? Are you saying that we will fight the idea of ​​immortal inheritance?" Guan Qing Jian Sheng smiled coldly.

Not only him, but also Zilong and Hongxuan were dissatisfied with Zhu Tianwang's statement.

Zhu Tianwang smiled faintly: "Who knows, do you dare to say that you have no idea about the inheritance of chess in the world?"

"Brother Zhu is right, this seat is really very interested in the world chess game." After the spirit entered the split, Gai Weimao's cultivation was not as good as before, but the breath also gradually moved towards the later stage of the robbery. "Zilong you What about? "

"I?" Zilong gave a slight pause. "The gentleman loves wealth and has a way. Although I pursue the avenue, I am more obedient to the heart of the Dao. If you violate your own heart, I would rather not inherit this."

Hong Xuan nodded, "Brother Zilong is reasonable, but what does Brother Jiang Sheng say?"

"The deity has said that within the chessboard of the world, no matter who gets the inheritance deity will not take the shot, it is still valid." Guan Qingjian Sheng closed his eyes slightly.

Zhu Tianwang smiled sternly. It was a bit interesting to watch the sword saint. He would abide by the agreement on the chess board in the world, but it is not necessarily out of the chess board.

Although the sentiment was not clear, everyone had heard what the other person said.

"In this way, you, the Juyao Garden, the Yixing Pavilion and the Lingyun Jianmen have no heart to solicit, then my Golden Eagle dynasty welcomes the joining of this son. With your talents, you will surely be able to reuse your majesty. It may not be impossible for one person to reach more than 10,000 people. "Gai Weimao also threw an olive branch to Xiao Naihe.

Zhu Tianwang said: "What does Gai Brother mean?"

"What do you mean? Since you Zhu Xingzhihai can solicit, I will naturally be able to do the Golden Eagle Dynasty. But no matter who it is, or ask his opinion first." Gai Weimao laughed.

The two looked at Xiao Naihe.

Xiao Nai's expression was indifferent, and he said slowly: "You monkey play is enough, if you are enough, it disappears from my face."

Zhu Tianwang and Gai Weimao had a stiff face, and then said sullenly: "Has the mind become arrogant after getting immortal heritage?"

"Brother Zhu Dao, this junior does not seem to know how to write the word" li ". How about letting me teach him?" Gai Weimao said.

As soon as the voice fell, Xiao Nai laughed: "Are you finally showing its true face? Are you not for the immortal inheritance in the game? Why do you say so many grandiose words to cover up?"

After being pierced by Xiao Naihe, Gai Weimao was also blushing and heartless, saying lightly: "The immortal inheritance was originally an unowned thing, and the capable live in it. You ca n’t keep the immortal inheritance. The dynasty can keep you safe forever, and promise you supremacy. "

Zhu Tianwang didn't even pretend to be disguised: "Is the little guy guilty of guilt? Can't you be guaranteed by your ability? If you hand it over, you can spare your life and give you a chance."

"What if I don't pay?" Xiao Nai seemed to be smiling.

"Then die away." Zhu Tianwang's tone was alive.

Xiao Nai He smiled, looked at Hong Xuan Zilong and others not far away, and said, "What do you say?"

Zilong exhaled and said, "I won't shoot."

Hong Xuandao: "I don't shoot either."

The sentient saint sanctioned for a while and said, "The agreement in the chess game is still there, and I won't do it. Zhu Tianwang and Gai Weimao, do you want to break the agreement?"

"In front of the immortal heritage, even if you tear your face, you have to do it once." Gai Weimao and Zhu Tianwang said at the same time.

Xiao Nai sighed softly: "You have all lived for a few years, you don't even have a face, is it good to stay there?"

Whether facing Gai Weimao or Zhu Tianwang, Xiao Naihe is a light expression.

Zilong has just discovered that Xiao Nai has never been nervous. In the face of the strong man of this level, it is unreasonable for a physical practitioner to be so calm and comfortable.

Zilong looked at Xiang Chuqing slightly and said, "You don't seem to worry about your friend's appearance."

"Really? Uncle Shi, what do you think of the odds?" Chu Qing asked back.

"Unable to see through." Zilong shook his head. "The other party is obviously just a cultivator, but I can't see through the other party. Not only me, even Hong Xuan still has sentiment on the swordsman, I am afraid they will not see through Your friend. "

The more powerful the cultivation base is, the more the Xiao Nai can't be seen. Hong Xuan's expression shows that he really can't see through Xiao Naihe.

"I have a feeling that Zhu Tianwang and Gai Weimao may suffer a loss."

"It's not possible. The two of them are definitely not rivals of Xiao Gongzi." Chu Qing's tone was firm.

Gai Weimao laughed: "Junior, don't blame the old man for bullying you. I will stand still and let you make three hundred moves first so as not to say I won't give you a chance."

"Three hundred tricks?" Xiao Naihe shook his head, his voice surprisingly calm: "You don't need such trouble, one trick is enough."

As soon as his voice fell, Gai Weimao couldn't help but stunned. For some reason, he suddenly had an ominous hunch and was about to say something.

Suddenly, I just felt a flash of light flash in front of my eyes, just like an electric awn.

At that moment Xiao Nai's fingers were worn, and the breath of his body burst out in a flash, rising into the sky. The rolling blood is like a torrent of dyke, which is endless and continuous.

In a flash, the mountains and rivers were shaken, and people changed their colors.

Those **** point to it, as if sinking the earth, crushing mountains and rivers is also easy.


With a loud noise, you can see that the ground under Gai Weimao's feet has cracked and fragmented, and numerous cracks have been broken, and Gai Weimao has been smashed into the ground.


Gai Weimao, who has just restored the body of flesh and blood, crushed the flesh again, not only that, but even the soul of the **** was penetrated.

Xiao Nai and He both fingers pinched each other's remnant soul, and with effort, the remnant soul of Gai Weimao in the scream directly died.

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