Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 3537: One law

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"Although the idea of ​​immortality is powerful, it is not invincible."

Xiao Naihe broke the word "town" and penetrated the immortal idea. Time and space seemed to return to peace.

While waiting for everyone on the scene, his face changed a lot, stunned!

In particular, Zilong, Hong Xuan and others couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Although they constantly overestimated Xiao Naihe's strength.

But now it seems that after all, Xiao Naihe's power is still underestimated.

"Hey, hey, even the immortal idea can be destroyed. Isn't this just a half-step immortality?" The sentient Jiansheng suddenly felt horrified.

Not long ago, he even tried to compete with Xiao Nai. Until now, he did not know how naive his previous thoughts were.

If he really had trouble with Xiao Nai before, the dead person must be him.

"An immortal idea is enough to destroy all of us present. Chu Qing, this friend you know, what is sacred?" Zilong's heart shuddered.

At this moment he even began to doubt whether the young boy in front of him was the legendary immortal emperor.

Chu Qing shook her head, and she didn't know much about it. Xiao Nai came from Taiyu and was an immortal strongman. There was nothing else.


Suddenly, a pop sound rang again between heaven and earth, and the streamer turned around nine days, condensing a word "seal"!

Rumble, this loud noise spread, and suddenly the light and fire sputtered out of the world, just like the flame cracked, the sound waves produced destroyed the whole world and set off a hurricane.

In the blink of an eye, the light and fire formed in all directions formed an inaccessible cage, which directly sealed Xiao Naihe.

"Is it immortality again? This time directly sealed the surname Xiao."

"So far." Hong Xuan's eyes became deeper.

Whether it is the word ‘town’ or the word ‘seal’, it is unstoppable in his eyes.

That kid can wipe out one word, it should be impossible to wipe out the second word.

Xiao Naihe was blocked in this eight-way cage, and there was no slightest fear. Instead, he looked around with amusement and smiled, "It seems that there is such a master in the small Xuanyuan Star Country. Even if it is The original Qiu Di, Zhan Di and Bai Di were just as powerful. "

Between his speeches, Xiao Nai opened his five fingers and laughed again: "The mantra made with immortality is rare. I will try it. But what mantra do I want to use?"

Xiao Nai thought about it for a moment, and suddenly his eyes lit up, "Let me use a word‘ qi ’, the road is infinite, eternity is supreme, and Tao is the instrument!”

I saw Xiao Naihe's palm grabbed in the void, and seemed to have caught some kind of nothingness.

In an instant, it seemed that everything in the world had been integrated into Xiao Naihe's palm, and all the worlds had become substance.

With a crisp sound, a spear was slowly born out of nothingness, which appeared in Xiao Naihe's palm.

When Xiao Nai held the spear with five fingers and only heard the sound of "ding", it seemed that time had stopped, and the breath of the majestic road radiated from the magic gun, as if it gave life to the whole spear. Out of the blue light.

At this time, this spear is an overbearing magical soldier who can penetrate nine days.

"My avenue is eternal and infinite, and it is based on heaven and earth. It is too much to be too empty as a dream. It is better to have a gun than me."

The sound of long singing shakes the world.


The truth, the words follow the law.

With a long roar, Xiao Naiho's body was full of blood, as if the heavens were coming.

The spear passed through the void, like a real dragon roaming, turning back in a flash of galaxy, and Qiankun countercurrent.

There are no unpredictable moves, no magnificent supernatural powers, but Xiao Nai He simply shot.

This gun is overbearing, turning countless redundancies into simple things, roaring for nine days and breaking stars.

The most direct and overbearing!

Absolute power represents Xiao Nai's eternal will to go forward bravely and courageously, directly breaking through the seal.


Time and space are broken, and the Red Lotus City trembles.

A spear crossed the sky, with earth-shattering prestige and a terrifying trend, it gave birth to the power of heaven and earth.

"What is that?" A strong man pointed to the sky.

"It's a gun?" Zilong froze a little, and at the next moment his look changed greatly: "Quit this land."

Everyone quickly withdrew and retreated, exiting the Red Lotus City.

This spear broke the seal and broke the void.

Between the rotation, slowly disappeared.

"Can't the" artifacts "made out of them endure the limits of Everlasting Avenue after all?" Xiao Nai sighed slightly, a rather pityful tone.

In the distance, Hong Xuan and others, although they withdrew from the Red Lotus City, could be covered by Shen Nian.

Seeing Xiao Nai break the seal unscathed, one by one was horrified.

"Where is this child sacred? Is it really an immortal existence?" Watching the sword saint trembles.

No matter who it was, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief at this moment, daring not to approach the Red Lotus City anymore.

Xiao Naihe returned to calm again, his eyes moved, and slowly said: "Although the immortal mantra is good, it is a trail after all, let your deity come out, otherwise I will take you out by hand."

"Young man, at such a young age, don't be too arrogant."

It was at this time that the heavens laid out a rule of law, which in an instant turned into the supreme avenue, and then formed a vast world.

A figure slowly emerged from the world, the portal opened, and the laws of countless avenues poured down like a torrent, and the entire world was drowned in a flash!

The figure walking out of the portal is so ordinary that he can't even feel any breath from him.

But anyone knows that this person is by no means simple.

When Jianjian saw the man, his pupils shrank, his face pale, and his tone shivered: "He is ... he is the Xuanyuan Emperor!"

"What Xuanyuan Emperor? Xuanyuan Xingyuan's peerless powerhouse, immortal Xuanyuan Great Emperor?"

"Jiansheng, will you admit it wrong?"

The sentencing sentiment shook his head and shook his head, with a sonorous tone: "I can never admit my mistake. I followed the ancestor of Lingyun Jianmen to the heavens and the world. I had the honour of seeing the side of Xuanyuan Emperor. '.'

"Actually Xuanyuan Emperor's deity, that young man is in danger."

"Although I don't know what kind of grievances the two have, but if Xuanyuan Emperor shot, then the young man can only stop here even if he is strong." Zilong shook his head.

Chu Qing beside him was even more worried, although Xiao Nai was powerful, but the other party was Xuanyuan Emperor, known as the most powerful existence of Xuanyuan Xingguo.

"Crazy?" Xiao Naihe smiled softly. "The road you inherited is rock-solid and immortal and unshakable, but you don't know my way. How come the word of arrogance, in my opinion, you just sit on the sky and watch the sky. "

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