Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 3552: Fermentation

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"What do you say? Emperor Dragon Sword Emperor appears here?"

At this time, in a secret cave in Xuanyuan Star Country, several men stood below respectfully.

In the top seat above, there is a man dressed in gray, with a deep face, and a shine in his eyes, like a mysterious law in the heavens.

I only heard the gray man slowly saying, "How can the Dragon Sword Emperor appear in Xuanyuan Xingguo? The Xuanyuan Emperor and the Dragon Sword Emperor have a lot of grudges. The two people should have beaten you to death. Correct."

Obviously, this man in gray is also aware of some grudges between the Dragon Sword Emperor and Xuanyuan Emperor.

"Sir, there is nothing wrong with this. It is said that Emperor Xuanyuan and Emperor Dragon Sword joined forces to deal with a very powerful person!"

"What? The two of them have joined forces?"

"Yes, according to the information, the other party is a mysterious teenager, obviously only a mortal body, but it is comparable to the immortal existence, forcing the Dragon Sword Emperor and Xuanyuan Emperor to join forces, and ..." This man groaned slightly, as if Wondering what.

The gray man raised his eyebrows slightly: "Hurry up if you have something to say."

"According to the survivors who fled, the man previously arrested a person at the Red Lotus City, and the other party seems to have broke the news about the" Eternal Heaven Path "!"

At this moment, a glare erupted in the eyes of the gray man, and the powerful coercion instantly spread over nine days, and even a few men under him were suppressed to lift their heads.

At that moment, it seemed to have swept through the sky for nine days and shocked the stars.

"Eternal Heavenly Path? Are you sure you haven't heard of it?"

"The two people we took away did say so, just in case, we also scraped each other's memories, it was true."

Between the words, a brilliant thought flew from the eyebrows of this man.

The gray-clothed man got this idea, and finally breathed out, laughing: "The news of the eternal heaven finally appeared. I thought that Xuanyuan Xingguo had born another immortal emperor. I did n’t expect to give me such a big surprise. It seems that God still cares about my hidden emperor! I must find this man named Xiao Naihe. "

"Go, follow me to the homeland of Xuanyuan Star Country."


This scene is also happening in other places of Xuanyuan Xingguo.

"No fakes?"

"Ancestor, it's true, not just me, but also the guys in Juyao Garden and Yixing Pavilion." Lingyun Jiange's sentient swordsman spoke.

The sentient swordsman fled the opportunity when Xiao Naihe fought against the two emperors.

As soon as he fled back, he informed the eternal ancestor of Lingyun Sword Pavilion, Ling Yun Sword Emperor, the news about Eternal Heavenly Path.

Ling Yun Jiandi slightly pondered: "If it is true, then you can't hesitate. I'm afraid that some old guys in Juyao Garden and even Xuanyuan Xingguo should have got the news."

"Then what shall we do?"

"I set off immediately to find Xiao Naihe. Xuanyuan Xingguo has a ban on its periphery, and Xiao Naihe certainly has no time to break the ban and leave here. Even if Xuanyuan Xingguo is turned over, he will be found."

As long as he does not leave Xuanyuan Xingguo, he does not believe that the great generation of emperors can't find anyone.


Xiao Naihe didn't know how much movement he caused in Honglian City, but he wouldn't care even if he knew it.

He stayed on this island for a few days.

Here he entered Taiyu in the body, and now the moonlight warship has been transformed into a small sky by Xiao Naihe, and the people he brought have already lived in it.

Zulong, Tiandaotong and Yantian Pavilion are also growing steadily.

What surprised Xiao Naihe was that the chaotic sea beast that he brought back in Tianji Dojo, with the infinite vitality and powerful law power in Xiao Naihe's body, actually cultivated to the second level of the supreme realm, which is inside everyone The most powerful.

As for Yun Weixue, despite Xiao Naihe's help, coupled with her own efforts, she has already stepped into the supremacy.

However, Yun Weixue was not in a hurry to enter the supreme realm. Instead, he stepped down to the ground and practiced step by step. Now he has reached the second level of the supreme realm.

Another point is that hundreds of years have passed outside, and Xiao Naihe ’s evolving heavenly universe is equivalent to tens of thousands of years because of the river of time.

In these tens of thousands of years, Yantian Pavilion has grown to tens of millions of people, scattered throughout the country.

Xiao Nai felt relieved. For the time being, he did not intend to let everyone out. After all, he entered the eternal Tianyu. This is Taiyu, the highest position. For those in his body, it is not a good place.

"Unfortunately, they don't know if they still stay in the original Taiyu."

When Xiao Naihe and the Three Emperors were at war, Xiao Naihe and others were handed over to Senior Ye by Xiao Naihe.

There has been no news for so many years, and Xiao Nai did not know whether they went into the eternal Tianyu, or stayed in the original Taiyu.

After lingering with Yun Weixue, Xiao Naihe then withdrew from Taiyu.

"It's time to get to that place. I remember it was in the extreme west, there is a junction of boundary rivers, there is a land of cause and effect."

I learned from Zhang Chun's memory that he had a chance to fall into it and found traces and spiritual monuments about eternal heavenly path.

Xiao Nai plans to go to the extreme west first.

Xuanyuan Xingguo is the median Taiyu Kingdom, and there are other planes around it.

The extreme west is already the edge of the country.

Because Xiao Nai had all the memories of the Dragon Sword Emperor, he knew how to go to the extreme west.

At the time, Zhang Chun didn't have the ability to enter the land of the extreme west. He accidentally obtained an ancient immortal shuttle symbol, which was randomly sent to the land of the extreme west after activation.

It can be said that to a certain extent, Zhang Chun was very lucky and was not randomly sent to other dangerous places.

"From here to the extreme west, the distance is really not short."

Although the immortal emperor goes all out, he can shuttle between the two planes instantly.

But the extreme west is at least a dozen small planes away.

"If there is an immortal shuttle, just fine." Xiao Nai felt rather sorry.

The so-called immortal shuttle character is actually a shuttle character that ignores the boundaries of space.

This kind of seal seal is extremely complicated to manufacture. Even if Xiao Naihe can make it, even if he can make it, he can't find the rare space-time material he needs.

The immortal shuttle symbol can ignore the space distance of the plane or even Taiyu. In theory, it can shuttle different small Taiyu. Unfortunately, this stuff is one-time, and it will be used up.

The piece of Zhang Chun was also accidentally obtained from an ancient place.

Xiao Nai regretted it a little bit, and didn't care too much. He moved instantly, and he immediately withdrew from this star!

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