Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 351: Danxia School

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Xiao Nai and others have Qiankun Ding in their hands, and Chang Changfeng has long known about it. However, several lurkers sent by Guiguzi were caught between the four peaks, and offered the opportunity of the Tianxian Xianfu. This was unknown to the three ancestors.

Indeed, even if Gu Guzi is supernatural, he can use the lurkers to infiltrate the Danxia School. At most, he can only wander among the four peaks. It is absolutely impossible to get involved in the Danxia Zenith.

From the beginning, the three peak masters did not intend to ask Qiankun Ding, all they wanted was the chance of the Heavenly Weng Xianjun. Of course, if Zhan Changfeng and others knew that Xiao Nai had that chance, it would certainly be their turn.

"Dan Yuefeng was arrested by everyone. Except that Xiao Naihe, if the other rebelled, no one would stay."

Zhan Changfeng is also a cruel master, and he doesn't know how many lives there are. In order to get Qiankun Ding, not to mention Dan Yuefeng's disciples, even his own disciples can be sold.

Of course, the reason why Chang Changfeng did not kill Xiao Naihe was still directed by Sogo. Xiao Nai has the gift of refining the Six-Pill Elixir. For their three ancestors, there is endless potential. If he could catch Xiao Naihe by his side, intimidate and lure him, and force Xiao Naihe to help them refine the Sixth-grade Immortals, this is indeed a matter of seconds.

Guo Ruochen's three people heard the words of Chang Changfeng, and their hearts were slightly stunned. In Bo Hong's eyes, there was a flash of yin mang, he knew Xiao Nai He Dandao's talents, at this time, he must have guessed the meaning of the words of the war leader.

"If I let that surname Xiao survive, there will definitely be a huge threat in the future. No, I must solve Xiao Nai without knowing it."

After playing against Xiao Naihe, Bo Hong felt that the man who was not as good as himself had the strength to threaten his life. Cutting grass without removing roots is the biggest hidden danger. Even if he concealed and killed Xiao Naihe, he did not hesitate to fight for some risks.

Calm in his heart, Bo Hong's face was indifferent, but his voice was slowly saying: "Ancestor, Dan Yuefeng traitor is now hiding in the inner layer of Fanggu Forest. I heard that there is a monster in the Golden Demon Realm. He won the Qiankun Ding, which will be extremely harmful to the ancestors. "

Zhan Changfeng ’s heart was like a mirror, where did not know the meaning of Bo Hong, sneered: "I now have two **** brothers and sisters in mind, and then gather my strength to strike, what monsters in the Golden Demon Realm can resist ? "

Bo Hong was stunned for a moment, not knowing what the purpose of consciousness is. But Xue Lie and Guo Ruochen were shocked. At first, Xue Lie brought Guo Ruochen and the other three ancestors' fragments of knowledge into the sky elephant cave. In the mind of the mind, it can contain the master's avatar, and the full shot is equivalent to the full blow of a golden fairy.

If these two consciousnesses are used, together with the long winds of war, it is not a big problem to kill the Golden Demon Realm monsters.

"Go, even before that golden spider met the traitor of Danyuefeng, he had to take back Qianzong Ding of Zongmen." Zhan Changfeng said Qian Kunding was deliberately regarded as Zongmen. They are famous, Master Weifeng.

On Xiao Naihe's side, Tianniu had already taken the Danyue Peak with everyone, and entered the secret road, leading to the ten-deep cave.

The stalactite on the ground and the seepage from Dongfu slowly shed, and the sound of "tick ticking" came out.

In the narrow tunnel, the beetle was now shrunk into a person, slowly leading everyone to the ground. On the originally quiet road, only the footsteps of these people sounded,

As a master sister, Gong Wanqing is still a bit skeptical about Tianniu's help this time, but her attention is still on her surroundings. She is worried about what monsters are still hidden in this tunnel. It is not that she does not believe in the younger brother, but that she has developed the fear of Gu Lin for so many years, which cannot be changed for a while.

When Master Dan Yuefeng just passed the road, she found Yun Weixue's face cautious and ugly. She asked the exporter, "Sister Yun, what's wrong with you? Is there anything wrong?"

"I ..." Yun Weixue had just spit out the words, but he looked around and could not help but quiet down. After taking a deep breath, he continued, "I have a younger brother outside, and today I leave Zongmen, I'm worried that Zongmen's people will be against him! "

"This ..." Gong Wanqing was powerless. Now that this situation is overwhelming, even if Yun Weixue is worried about his brother, they can't help each other.

After thinking for a while, Gong Wanqing still said: "The outer door is different from the inner door. The number of outer doors is ten times more than the inner door. For a time, the Zongmen people will not put their eyes on the outer door."

However, when I remembered that Dan Zhanfeng and the three ancestors had to deal with Dan Yuefeng in order to get the sixth-grade medicine and Danjing, even the United Law Court wanted to give Dan Yuefeng's law enforcement disciples to arrest Xiao Naihe Several people also feel a little dangling.

In particular, Yun Weixue had received the medicine from Qiu Ju of Dan Zhengfeng before, and almost lost himself, as well as the greedy and lewd generation of Bo Hong. Yun Weixue's affection for Zongmen has long disappeared, turning into a strong disgust. Among the Danxia School, only Yun Yonghuai is a relative. If Yun Yonghuai has nothing to do, she cannot forgive herself.

Speaking of which, Xiao Nai can be regarded as half of his relatives?

In Yun Weixue's mind, the ghost messenger suddenly flashed this thought and subconsciously glanced at Xiao Nai.

It seemed to feel Yun Weixue's sight. Xiao Naihe's face remained the same, but he turned his face aside: "He has taken Shidandan, and he has now reached the peak of the heavenly spirit realm. He is still sensitive enough to sense the danger. Dan Yuefeng ’s affairs will surely reach the Danxia School, and he may not be the first to know. As long as he is not stupid, it is not difficult to want to leave in secret. Besides, even if an outside disciple leaves, those of Guo Ruochen will not care . "

Indeed, just as Xiao Naihe said, after learning about what happened to Dan Yuefeng, Yun Yonghuai secretly left the outside door and returned to the Yun family. After that, the people of the Danxia school did not have the trouble of finding a mortal family. Yun Yonghuai was also a little clever and escaped the disaster. Of course, these are words!

"The exit is here!"

When Xiao Naihe and Yun Weixue were talking, Tianniu's voice suddenly sounded cold.

Everyone at Danyuefeng looked up, a ray of blue light came from above, and a huge section of dragon stone over the air blocked the exit road.


Away from the stone, the sunlight penetrated into the tunnel exit. At this time, how many disciples wept with joy, and even Xiao Nai moved slightly: finally came out, and finally escaped from Danxia School!

【Author's digression】: Five changes begin, and will be changed one after another tonight

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