Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 3571: Calculated

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"It's not necessary. The way is different. It doesn't matter who you owe. It doesn't matter who you owe. Who blocks my footsteps today, and who is my stumbling block." Xiao Nai waved his hand and decided.

Flower God took a deep breath and said, "Since that is the case, then I will come and meet you."

Xiao Nai glanced at the other party, and suddenly smiled: "You still forget, just deal with it, you are not qualified to be my opponent."

"Huh, just now Miss Ben hasn't used her real skills. You indigenous people of the next world just don't know how high the sky is." The flower **** sneered coldly.

"Is it?" Xiao Naihe suddenly pointed his fingers in the direction of the flower **** with a deep finger.

In a flash, the golden light bloomed as if the sun was coming.

This piece of golden light is wrapped with large characters one after another. Each large character seems to contain a mysterious and esoteric Dao rhyme. Each is full and rich, and each word has become the center of this piece of time and space.

It seems that every word is an immortal, controlling life and death, smashing the vacuum.


Just four big characters, just like four rounds of tomorrow, directly hit the **** of flowers.

"Hua Li whistling!" Huashen did not care, grabbed these four characters as soon as he shot.

The white lotus that was originally cracked at the foot also bloomed again, and countless petals are filled with immortal will, wrapped in the four characters of ‘Route Promise’.


But just as the Flower God caught up, these four words broke free from her palm, and a vast and pure yang breath burst out, as if running some kind of intangible avenue of truth, and it was terrifying.

This is how Xiao Nai formed his own will and infused his own spiritual will, which can be described as the essence of his own will. Even Zhou Tianzi may not be able to resist it, let alone the flower god.

"Not good, retreat."

The Flower God is the powerhouse of the immortal two, and he sensed the crisis in an instant.

She didn't hesitate at all, she simply flinched, and dared not confront the four big characters of "Route Promise" head-on.

This is not just an invisible fight, but also a struggle between two people on the will.

This time, the Flower God fell directly into the downwind and lost the opportunity.

But what if the **** of flowers retreats? This time contains Xiao Naihe's spiritual will and the atmosphere of the road, which is not something that the flower **** can avoid.


These four words are like the deadliest weapons between heaven and earth. With the help of the general situation, the flower god's momentum is collapsed, and his blood is damaged.

"This ... the spirit and the flesh are united, the avenue is pure Yang, and the spirit of the soul is refined to the extreme of Jiu Jiu, otherwise it is impossible to overbear it. Cultivation to this point is by no means simple, who are you?" .

"My name is Xiao Naihe, there is nothing else. And I said, you are not my opponent. You must not be alone. It is better to let everyone hiding in another space come out to compete. If you want to wait for me to consume excess You must be disappointed when you take the profit. "Xiao Naihe suddenly looked at the sky and yelled.

As soon as his voice fell, Huashen's face changed, and there were people hiding in a different space? Not even she felt it.

But there was still no movement around.

Xiao Naihe shook his head: "Don't you come out at this point? Should I ask you to come out?"

Between his speeches, Xiao Nai moved, and a great avenue of light rose into the sky, like the sea like a prison, like the Tianhe Xinghai.

This ray of light seems to contain hundreds of millions of kilograms of gravity, and the whole space is immediately twisted and blurred in the past.

But at this moment, suddenly there was a beam of blood in the void, like a bridge added up, breaking the distance from Xiao Naihe, and driving away Xiao Naihe's momentum.

It's crackling.

As if thunder and lightning, blood light came, immediately caused the space to oscillate.

"Sneak attack?"

Xiao Nai He smiled coldly.


Turning the spirit, Xiao Nai opened with five fingers, immediately formed a seal, and firmly fixed this piece of blood, suppressed it.

Just a moment, it showed Xiao Naihe's power.

"And you have been hiding in a different space for so long, really when I do n’t know? Get out of me"

As soon as Xiao Nai shot, his fist rose like lightning, directly breaking the sky above the hall.

Thick lightning breaks through the space.

Subsequently, a group of figures forced out of the broken space.

As soon as these people came out, they fell around Xiao Naihe and surrounded him.

"It's you, Murong Gusu!" Huashen's pupil shrank and immediately locked a man inside.

This man is extremely young, but Murong Jiujian's father Murong Gusu, and now the owner of Aojian Mountain Villa.

"Flower, don't be so surprised." Murong Gusu said calmly.

Flower God smiled coldly: "It turns out that you have been observing in secret. If that's the case, why should you use the love I owe you to let me protect your son?"

Murong Gusu's strength is not under her flower god.

At this time, Xiao Naihe smiled and said, "What's the matter? It's fake to let you protect his son. Actually, I want to let the two of us work and consume my strength to deal with me. Maybe even when the time comes You also count together. "

When the flower **** heard it, his heart shook.

She has always looked down upon the immortality of Xuanyuan Xingguo, thinking that they are indigenous, and Murong Gusu is no exception.

But now she discovered that the immortality of these Xuanyuan Star Kingdoms is really an old fox.

After all, her flower **** suffered from a young loss.

"Flower God, don't listen to his nonsense, there is a natural reason why I don't come out. You join me to deal with this." Murong Gusu said.

Flower God sneered: "Joining with you, there are several people around here who are afraid that everyone is immortal, even the Emperor Feng, so many people are hiding in different spaces just to watch the fun? Murong Gusu, you are not a coincidence The tongue is like a tongue, and Miss Ben owes you a good relationship, but today the relationship is still here. From then on, you and Aojian Shanzhuang will be strangers and leave. "

As soon as the words fell, the flower **** directly tore the space and jumped out of the giant medicine garden.

Xiao Nai did not stop it, a flower **** is nothing.

Murong Gu Su frowned, but instead of mentioning the flower god, he looked at Xiao Naihe and said, "Your Excellency is Xiao Nai and Xiao Xiao."

"You're so talkative, although I haven't seen you Murong Gusu, but you attacked me today, nothing more than for the information of the eternal heaven, right? Emperor Xuanyuan, I have seen you, don't hide behind."

Xiao Naihe's eyes were like lightning, directly locking a man behind Murong Gusu.

This person is no one else, it is Xuanyuan Emperor.

Xuanyuan Wan'er frowned, she had long seen Xuanyuan Emperor, but Xuanyuan Emperor had never seen her true body, so she didn't recognize herself.

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