Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 3574: Infighting

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The Yin Emperor God and Man were also amused by them. He caught Xiao Nai's breath and evolved the memory fragments of the other party.

But even he did not expect that the memory fragment was actually blank, completely useless information.

Now even his companions do not believe him.

Anyway, the emperor's **** and man are also immortal. Anyway, the strong man who uttered Taiyu was angry at this moment, and immediately caused a shock in heaven and earth.

"Brother God, there is nothing to say. You must not be able to eat the information of" Eternal Heavenly Dao ". Hurry up and say that everyone can work together." Emperor Xuanyuan stood up to act as peacemaker at this time.

"Well, there is nothing to say. The deity said that there really is no information on the" Eternal Heavenly Path ", and the memory fragments are all empty. Love or not believe, anyway, the deity does not accompany."

After that, the Yin Emperor Godman will get up and leave.

Murong Gusu's eyes were glared, and the tone was cold: "Hidden Emperor Godman, you dare to walk a distance of ten feet, then I blame me for being unkind to you."

"You can stop me?"

The eyes of the Yin Emperor God-man are rounded, the aura of the air is unprecedented, the expression is fierce, the vitality is vigorously condensed, the body is like a shell, and it is necessary to rush out of this blocked space.

"Where can I let you go?"

Murong Gusu's five fingers spread out, and at once he condensed countless righteousness, just like the heavens and everything trembling, all the strength was compressed and condensed together, and turned to the extreme.

Finally it became a meson.

In this meson, Murong Gusu has gathered a lot of energy.

"Broken cannon!"

哐 哐 哐 哐!

The earth was tipped over, the energy in the meson fired away, immediately flew up, and directly hit the hidden emperor **** person, instantly locking the space around him.

"Murong Gusu, you who have failed to win the Emperor's name, dare to stop me and break me open."

The Yin Emperor God-man roared and ejected white lines from his eyebrows, condensed into thunder and lightning, and cracked and condensed. Fang Yuanli was smashed and smashed directly, and the entire giant medicine garden was to be split.

The "Broken Cannon" was broken, and Murong Gusu was also shot directly.

"Brother God, you are too much."

The Emperor Yao grotesquely spoke.

As soon as he shot, the apes and monkeys around him suddenly fell down and smashed into the direction of the Yin Emperor.

The apes and monkeys of the world swelled, each hole opened, and an invisible force field was ejected, which seemed to evacuate the air in the void into a vacuum.

Roar roar!

With a punch, the blood burst, and the endless sounds and waves rolled continuously, sweeping everything.

"An immortal beast dares to block me."

The Yin Emperor Shenren also came out with one punch, and the boxing power was violent and terrifying.

A collision with the fist of the world's ape monkey, directly smashing the opponent's fist.

The heaven and earth apes screamed, and the whole arm was smashed into powder.

"you wanna die."

Yaodi's face was cold, and the whole earth was shaking, as if there was a mysterious force to rush out of Jiuyuan.

"This is ... not good."

Yin Di Shenren's complexion changed, and he hurriedly retreated.

This is the lifeblood of the entire giant drug garden, which gathers the essence of the giant drug garden for thousands of years, the strength and the vitality of each generation of powerful people.

The giant veins of life of the seven-star mega-decade, once they all burst out, can bomb any immortal second-level powerhouse.

But the same vein of life will also disappear. Once the vein of life is lost, the sect of Taoism will be over.

The Yin Emperor God-Man really feared that the Emperor Yao would seal up and use life to deal with himself.


The life pulse started, the energy under the abyss of the Giant Medicine Garden condensed, and it shuttled out at once, just like the stars, bursting out an endless energy cannon.

The powerful energy cannon directly hit the dense sky and burst into space.

Finally fell in front of the Yin Emperor God-Man.

There is no way for the Yin Emperor God-Man to retreat is impossible, and he can only eat the cannon opposite.


The whole person of the Yin Emperor God and Man was blasted into the ground and smashed a huge hole.

"Drug Emperor, you really don't believe me? And Emperor Xuanyuan, you and I have known each other for so long, don't you know my person?"

Feeling the terrible lifeline of the giant medicine garden, there was a trace of anxiety on the pale face of the hidden emperor god.

"Slow down, Yaodi, stop first." Emperor Xuanyuan also had to come forward at this time, stopping Yaodi who was about to continue to summon the lifeline.

Yaodi's heart is also bleeding.

In fact, he was not afraid that the land of Juyao Garden would be destroyed. He had already removed all the disciples of Juyao Garden. Even the entire land of Juyao Garden was wiped out.

As long as the lifeline is still there, he can regroup his Confucianism at any time.

But as soon as the lifeline disappears, the traditions of the Giant Medicine Garden will disappear together.

Now life barley is summoned, the energy passes quickly, and after hitting the first time, a lot of energy has been lost.

"What else to say at this time? Do you want him to leave?" Murong Gusu also flew over.

Emperor Xuanyuan shook his head and said, "I didn't care at first, but don't you think things seem a little weird?"

"What's weird? Isn't the Emperor God and Man want to swallow the information of 'Eternal Heaven's Path alone?" Yao Di sneered coldly.

"To swallow? Why do I swallow? How many times have I said that Xiao Naihe's memory fragmentation is completely blank. You just don't believe it. Anyway, really swallowing, is it good for me, do I have to take such a big risk? ? "The Yin Emperor shouted.

When the Emperor Yao heard it, he couldn't help but shudder.

That's right, the Yin Emperor God-Man really concealed it, and they must be attacked by them in groups.

No matter how powerful the Yindi God-Man is, it can't deal with them.

At first, Emperor Yao and others were confused, and distracted by the news of the Eternal Heavenly Path. They were too concerned about the information of the “Eternal Heavenly Path” and did not think too much.

Calm down now, there is a strangeness everywhere.

Ling Yun Jiandi nodded: "Things are a bit strange."

Emperor Xuanyuan also said: "Ben Emperor and Xiao Naihe fought, knowing that the kid's cunning is difficult to entangle, he may not be so easy to die."

Murong Jiujian at the back suddenly said: "Several seniors want to know, it is better to ask this Xuanyuan Waner, maybe this woman knows what information."

After hearing Murong Jiujian's words, the people subconsciously looked at Xuanyuan Wan'er.

That's right, this woman's attitude from beginning to end is too calm, her companion is dead, and she can still maintain such a calm, even the immortal strongman can't do it.

"Women. Do you know anything?" Murong Gusu looked at Xuanyuan Wan'er and his tone became cold.

Xuanyuan Wan'er smiled: "Why? Do things you can't figure out depend on me?"

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