Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 3593: Destiny metamorphosis

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If anyone is here, you can see a layer of halo appearing on the top of Xiao Naihe's head, and the black and white light circulates, releasing the breath of the road, which seems to resonate with this heaven and earth.

At this moment, Xiao Naihe's body seems to be transforming and evolving, and every thought has become extremely full and majestic, and the road is full of spirits, just like traveling in nine days.

"Tao body and physique began to break through."

Xiao Nai closed his eyes and felt the mystery of the Dao Road in his body. His Dao body was on the road of Eternal Heaven Dao, which was an extremely deep avenue.

Even Xiao Naihe's everlasting avenue of enlightenment in the eternal secret realm is actually just the inheritance of the eternal heaven.

Every step of his road reveals his deepest heritage.

But slowly, Xiao Naihe began to converge his aura.

The body is vaguely entering the threshold of Zhongcheng, but how to step into this threshold, Xiao Naihe has no clue for the time being.

Ever since his physique became the pinnacle, he has felt the realm of immortality. There are too many levels of distinction, not just six paragraphs.

"Eternal Four Emperors divided immortality into six segments, but in fact immortality is far more than six segments, at least there are twenty or thirty levels. Especially the three immortal segments, at least seven or eight subdivisions." Speak slowly.

The legendary Eternal Four Emperors are recognized by the Eternal Heavenly Dao and hold everything under the Eternal Heavenly Dao.

It is absolutely impossible for such a strong man to be unclear about this, but they also divide immortality into six paragraphs, which seems to be done intentionally.

Xiao Nai shook his head, he didn't dare to why the Eternal Four Emperors should make a mistake. His biggest thought now is to step into a higher level.


Xiao Naihe's every thought seemed to be infused with thunder, very full.

There was a cracking sound, that was the form in which his destiny was transformed. There were various mysterious lines on his two destinies, which circulated continuously.

Among them, various laws are revealed, like the dragon and the phoenix striking the sky, falling into a supreme avenue.

"Fate of three changes, this is the prelude to breakthrough."

Xiao Naihe's eyes lit up, and he knew that he had reached the limit of the state, and he had to break through to the next level.

If according to the eternal Tianyu, he has already begun to move towards the third phase of immortality.

But Xiao Nai didn't want to be promoted so unclearly. He felt that the immortal realm had too many subdivisions to be ignored.

Xiao Naihe forcibly suppressed the change of destiny, and the majestic aura suddenly shocked, compressing violently.

He is forcibly suppressing promotion, but the change of destiny vaguely releases a trace of essence. Like the vast sea of ​​stars, the stars of war, the sun and the moon, the entire dragon religion seems to overturn.

As at this moment, there is a mysterious realm among the gods of dragon, in which two old men sit.

These two old men have a strong breath, and they are obviously immortal and strong, and they are extremely advanced.

When they opened their eyes, the world seemed to tremble.

"This is a destiny transformation, and a strong man has come? This movement is far beyond the three stages of immortality, is it four stages of immortality?" The two old men's faces changed suddenly.

In the Shenlong Religion, the Archbishop also felt the change of breath. He rushed to the sky and said in a deep voice, "Which senior passed by my Shenlong Religion, please come out and meet."

But no one answered him in the void.

The culprit that caused this series of movements did not know what was happening outside, and Xiao Naihe was still practicing.

Xiao Nai saw the sea inside, and he found that the chapter of Promise's fate seemed to become more complete.

"This mysterious chapter is not easy to fill in."

Xiao Nai sighed softly, even if it was the Eternal Avenue, Xiao Nai He was so permeable.

Only in the mysterious chapter hit by Wuji, Xiao Naihe's cultivation progress has been unhappy.

It is not that Xiao Nai and his talents are not good, but that this mysterious chapter is difficult to develop.

The mysterious chapter was when Xiao Naihe and the Three Emperors fought against each other, broke through the path of self, entered immortality and evolved.

The immortal state cannot be evolved on any avenue. Xiao Nai's Taiyu was originally a Taiyu who was not influential.

Although a strong man like the Three Emperors emerged, the Three Emperors also took the road of Eternal Avenue, and abandoned the original road before reaching immortality.

Xiao Naihe's approach to immortality does not depend on immortality alone, and even the avenues in Taiyu where he was originally, Xiao Naihe also worked hard.

So when Xiao Nai broke through to immortality, his original avenue actually began to transform beyond the original limit.

A avenue that was not originally immortal, but exceeded the limit because of Xiao Nai, it was at that time that this avenue actually evolved into a new mysterious chapter.

Xiao Naihe knew that once he perfected the mysterious chapter, then this avenue would become the way to immortality like the Eternal Avenue.

This is to create a brand new avenue, and know that even the Eternal Avenue is also endowed by the Eternal Heavenly Path.

Once Xiao Nai managed to create an immortal avenue, how much benefit it would have for him, even he did not dare to imagine.

"But the three emperors are not easy. They can win the emperor. At least the second immortal is even stronger."

Xiao Naiho recalled that he had battled with Emperor Zhang that day. At that time, Xiao Naihe was immortal at first, and even if he was strong, he could not escape from the hands of the immortal emperor.

I'm afraid that the three emperors entered the original Taiyu from Eternal Tianyu, and were subject to certain restrictions, and their strength was suppressed.

Just like the high-level plane will be restricted to enter the low-level plane, otherwise it will burst the low-level plane.

But the Three Emperors might meet again in the future, so it is useless to think so much at this time.

"It's almost time, this vital pulse can no longer be absorbed." Xiao Naihe stood up.

At this time, the light of the whole vitality was dimmed a lot, at least it was absorbed by Xiao Naihe by nearly 80%.

Xiao Nai waved his hand, "Nine-turn Causal Daoguo" then flew into it, and the original dim light became extremely bright at once.

"As long as you don't come here in person, even the Great Archbishop of the Dragon Sect can't find it."

Xiao Naihe also knows that it is also a matter of time before Shenlong Sect discovers. However, after the Shenlong Church discovered the problem, Xiao Nai feared that he had left the Shenlong Church.

Shenlong Religion is only the transitional place of Xiao Naihe. It is estimated that it will not be long before he will leave Shenlong Religion and completely get rid of the status of God Dragon Sword Emperor.

But before that, he must use this identity to reincarnate the tomb.

Xiao Naihe is very interested in Dabao Shengbao, imperial battlefield and so on.

He now encounters a little shackles in practice, and it is impossible to build a car behind closed doors.

He wants to figure out the careful distinction between the immortal realm, perhaps what can be found in the tomb of samsara.

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