Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 3595: Open the door

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In an instant, many immortal emperors who wanted to enter the portal of the reincarnation tomb, all died, and no body was left.

For a time, many cultivators who saw this kind of picture took a breath of air, and their backs became cold, feeling extremely eerie.

Even the strong men of the three immortals are destroyed in one face, let alone their little shrimps.

"The ban on samsara is in, no one can enter unless it is the fifth paragraph in the legend." An old patriarch looked at it and said secretly.

Prior to this, many strong men did not take the ban on samsara seriously, and felt that the restrictions inside were nothing.

Therefore, as soon as the portal of the reincarnation tomb appeared, many strong men awakened from their deep sleep and scrambled to enter the portal.

The ban on reincarnation in the reincarnation has now emerged, and the existence of the three immortal sections has disappeared. This makes everyone know that the reincarnation of the reincarnation must not be offended at will.

"The prohibition left behind by the reincarnation of the reincarnation of the imperial war, all the strong men above the second stage of immortality can not enter, otherwise they will be killed. Immediately stop the elites under the door, cultivate to achieve immortality, and disciples who do not enter the third stage, all go to the reincarnation tomb, ready to enter Portal. "

Soon, the Patriarch Patriarch began to organize strong men under his door, preparing to return to the tomb.

For a short time, all the great ancestors, aristocrats, Shangguo, and other major forces around the entire Holy Heaven ancient country organized the strong men under the door to the reincarnation tomb.

When the portal of the reincarnation tomb appeared, Xiao Naihe saw it.

He knew that it was time for him to leave the Shenlong religion.

Soon, the Archbishop of the Dragon Dragon came to see himself: "The sixth and seventh princesses have space coordinates waiting for you there."

"Okay, I'll pass now."

Xiao Nai nodded, and his heart began to count.

This time he temporarily followed the Seven Princesses, and after entering the tomb of Samsara, he found an opportunity to throw away the woman.

"You follow the Seven Princesses this time, pay attention to the actions of the ancient kingdom. The dragon dragon and the ancient kingdom of Shengtian have united and formed an alliance. However, she does not follow the ancient kingdom of Shengtian. I want to use this to hone myself. You follow her, try to get some useful news out of her. "The archbishop Qian Dingwan Wanding.

Xiao Naihe just nodded slightly, but didn't listen to it at all.

He has hollowed out the vitality of the Shenlong religion. He will discover it sooner or later. I am afraid that the next time I see him again, it will be the enemy of life and death.

At this moment, a clear voice came, as if it was conveyed from the ancient world, and it resounded throughout the Holy Kingdom.

This voice alarmed countless creatures on this land, all kinds of spirit beasts and beasts living around the tomb of the reincarnation, were frightened, and fled wildly.

"The portal is about to open. Fast forward to the space."

There is more than one space point for a sect like Shenlong Sect, which can be teleported to a certain distance.

When Xiao Naihe teleported from the space point to the plateau where the tomb of Samsara was located, he saw the Seven Princesses waiting for a long time.

The seventh princess still had the original follower Hony.

When Hyun Yi saw Xiao Naihe, he snorted coldly, his eyes filled with chill.

Not only that, there are two other people beside the Seventh Princess, a man and a woman.

Although these two people converged on their own breath, the treasures on their bodies showed immortal spiritual power, and there was a kind of unmoved movement that evoked the void between their behaviors.

"The repairs of these two are comparable to the seven princesses." Xiao Naihe's expression remained unchanged.

The seventh princess looked at Xiao Naihe and said slowly, "You are finally here."

"I promise you something, I will not go back on my words."

"Count your acquaintance." Seven Princess nodded.

Another man looked at Xiao Naihe and couldn't help looking, and said, "Shenlong Dragon Sword Emperor? The person whom the Seventh Princess said was originally the Dragon Sword Emperor."

"I didn't expect that the six priests of the divine dragon religion would actually follow Her Royal Highness the Seventh Princess, and your Royal Highness was really amazing." The female nun smiled and poured into the country.

Hony said coldly: "It's not following, but he offended the princess, and the dragon **** promised to let him come to protect the seventh princess."

There can only be one follower beside Princess Qi, that is his Hony!

"It turns out that I know that my name is Chi Xiaodie, the princess of the ancient kingdom of anger, and this is my younger brother Chi picking the stars!" The nun smiled slightly at Xiao Naihe.

Xiao Naihe knew Chi Xiaodie. It should be precisely that the Dragon Sword Emperor knew Chi Xiaodie. From the memory fragments, Chi Xiaodie and the Seven Princesses both came out of Xianmen College and were under the same division.

Although the Dragon Sword Emperor is a student of Xianmen College, but because he is too old, his potential is basically exhausted. His cultivators of this type will no longer have the top strong men in the college.

Chi Xiaodie and the Seven Princesses are young, and they step into the immortal strongman. It is not surprising to visit the door of some strongman in the college.

"The portal is about to open. We have to grab the top spot. The reincarnation tomb is like a labyrinth. Remember not to be separated. This time there are the sages and virgins who step on Tianmen and Bao Xuan Kingdom. Butterfly slowly closed his smile, looking a little cautious.

"Let's go."

Xiao Naihe followed these few people and said nothing.

Behind him, he intends to find an opportunity to get rid of Seven Princesses after entering the tomb of Samsara.

But now he has new ideas, these people seem to have some understanding of the tomb of samsara.

Rather than go in and walk around blindly by yourself, it is better to lead the way through these people.

In front of the reincarnation tomb, there is a huge portal.

In the past, many strong men were banned for anti-killing for this portal.

Now this scene is still vivid, and the practitioners who are preparing to enter the tomb of the reincarnation are also cautious, waiting for the tomb of the reincarnation to be fully opened.

The sky above the portal is so refined that every inch of land is like an evolving world.

Through this portal, Xiao Naihe can even see countless different worlds that seem to exist on the portal, and that world represents a world.

In these different worlds, the mountains are stacked, magnificent and magnificent. Under the mysterious aura, they seem very unreal.

You can vaguely see from the portal that there are countless landlords, palaces, and even various signs of vitality.

Although the reincarnation tomb is the cemetery left by the imperial war, the world left after the death of the immortal emperor has become countless small worlds, and after tens of thousands of years in it .

"The small worlds left behind after the immortal death were already integrated into this land."

"The prohibitions around these days are still there. Every prohibition is the power of the avenues left after the death of the immortal existence. The combined power is really terrible."

"Everyone is ready, enter the portal."

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