Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 3652: Amakusa Rokuzan

The direction the Golden Rooster King pointed was on the other side, and Xiao Nai followed him and looked over.

Unlike this side, the other side is also a registration point, but there is only one person at the table.

Not only that, the breath of these people is relatively weak, and at first glance they are people who have not yet entered immortality.

When placed in the lower realm, this kind of Mahayana and Tribulation Cultivator can be regarded as a giant, but placed in the fairyland, especially in the ancient city, is really inconspicuous.

Xiao Naihe frowned slightly, but he didn't care, as long as it was the registration point.

He entered the Fairy Gate Academy not to fight for anything, but to learn more.

Xiao Naihe's starting point was too low, even if he had cultivated to this state now, he felt a lot of pressure.

Because he didn't know what to do for the higher things, and there was nothing relevant in the thoughts left to him by the future body.

The "Four Elephant Sutra" is not a magical secret method. It is a set of training outlines. Another cultivation system is impossible to rely on behind the "Four Elephant Sutra" to build a car.

"Friends, I'm here to sign up."

Sitting at the table is an old man.

This old man was drowsy, he didn't have the breath of a cultivator in his whole body, just like a bad old man in the world, so inconspicuous.

When Xiao Naihe spoke, the old man opened his eyes, still looking like he was not awake.

After yawning, the old man took a form from a pile of miscellaneous books and said lazily: "I want to sign up, fill in the name."

Xiao Naihe didn't hesitate, and immediately filled in his name.

He glanced around and found that every table around was crowded with people, but his side was empty.

If it weren't for the entrance of Xianmen Academy, he even wondered if he had gone in the wrong place.

"Did you fill it out? Come with me after you fill it out. It's almost time for an assessment." The old man put away Xiao Naihe's application form.

Xiao Nai was moved when he heard the words, and asked, "I'm going to be assessed now? Don't wait for others?"

"Don't wait, old man, I just promised to come and sit for a long time. You are the last person. Who else is here will be taken over by another teacher."

The old man waved his hand, completely indifferent.

Xiao Naihe didn't say anything, but followed the old man and entered Xianmen Academy.

Xianmen College is huge, with four gates in the southeast, northwest and northwest. The two ends are vast, and the territory is as big as an ancient country.

So Xianmen Academy is not like an academy, but more like a big country or a holy sect.

And the ancient city is more like a continent.

After Xiao Naihe entered Xianmen College, he saw countless mountains instead of palaces.

Although Xiao Naihe entered Xianmen Academy for the first time, he already had relevant memories in his mind.

He absorbed the memory fragments of the Shenlong Sword Emperor and the Wisdom Monk, both of whom studied at the Xianmen Academy.

The Shenlong Sword Emperor is a freshman of the World Academy, and the Wisdom Monk is the new generation of the Saint Son of the Holy Academy.

These two people are naturally very familiar with the Xianmen Academy. Xiao Naihe absorbed their memories. After entering the Xianmen Academy, they also have an inexplicable familiarity, and they are very clear about the structure of the inside.

Xiao Naihe is now coming in from the Xiyuan of Xianmen College, which belongs to the more partial side.

After all, Xianmen College is vast, and not every location is a bustling area.

"The six mountains of Amakusa, I will be assessed here later." The old man said casually.

He glanced at Xiao Naihe's calm and breezy appearance after entering the Xianmen Academy.

The old man was not the one who didn't bring the appraisal before. After those people entered the Xianmen Academy, they looked like Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden. No one was as calm as Xiao Nai.

The six mountains of Amakusa are the core area of ​​Xiyuan. Among them, the Amakusa Green Peak is the largest. Looking at the past from the bottom to the mountain, it is like having reached the Tianzhu, which can directly lead to the sky.

If you look down from the sky, you can even see the vast and endless mountains and rivers. The other five peaks are also covered by clouds and mist, which makes people unable to see the whole picture, and reveals a mysterious smell everywhere.

Soon, Xiao Naihe followed the old man and entered into a palace on Tiancao Qingfeng.

There are other people in it.

Almost hundreds of people were waiting, and when the old man brought in Xiao Naihe, everyone just looked up.

"Is everyone here? I am in charge of your assessment, and you will come over to me." Lao Tzu said while yawning.

The crowd did not dare to neglect, but gathered immediately.

The old man didn't even look at it. He was originally not responsible for the assessment. If it hadn't been for the previous bet with someone and lost, he wouldn't take the trouble.

While speaking, the old man made a move, and the whole palace shook and shook crazily in the next moment.

The faces of everyone changed slightly. Before they could react, they only heard the sound of ‘tear and pull’, and the sky in front of them was suddenly torn apart.

As soon as the old man made his move, he directly tore one side of the sky away from the sky and removed the clouds, revealing his true colors.

On the other side of the sky, there are different spaces.

Some of these spaces are arena, some are Baicao Gardens, and some are refining places... Various spaces appear in front of everyone.

When everyone was amazed at the spaces in front of them, Xiao Naihe was the only one who thought slightly.

Just now, the old man directly pushed through the clouds and mist, tearing open the sky, not a real tear, but directly opened up another spatial tunnel.

At the very least, this method was at the level of the King of Transcendence. Xiao Naihe didn't expect that this old man would actually be a strong man in the middle and late stages of Immortal Three Stages, or even stronger.

Compared to the original Zhou Tianzi, he is only stronger but not weaker.

"It seems that we have to cultivate the'faxiang pupil' as soon as possible," Xiao Nai said secretly.

There is a set of very mysterious magical powers in the "Four Elephant Sutra" called the "Dharma Xiangtong".

The magical powers of this other kind of practice system, when the ‘fascination pupil’ is opened, the states of all dharma are all vain, and can glimpse any truth.

It is similar to the original ‘Heaven’s Star Map’, except that the ‘Dharma Vision’ is billions of times more mysterious than the ‘Heaven’s Star Map’, and you can get a glimpse of everything.

How high the cultivation base is, there are more things to see.

After turning on the "Dharma Phase Pupil", at the very least, you can see clearly.

The old man led a group of people through the Nebula. Among the six mountains of Amakusa, many students are practicing, and some are in a duel, performing various methods.

Some are practicing, practicing the exercises over and over again.

Others sat on the peak, breathing clouds and mist, and inhaling the sunrise.

Many people behind the old man showed envy.

These are the students of Xianmen College. Once they enter Xianmen College, they will be carp-shaped dragons. From then on, their status and status will be earthshaking.

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