Regarding the singularity this time, it should have been a small number of reincarnators who only knew the news.


Make it known all over the web!

Everyone is discussing, if Long Wuwei also participates in this singularity, if compared with other Western sects, what kind of ending will it have.

All kinds of speeches are endless.

It seems that if Longwuwei participates in this singularity, if they cannot defeat those sects and organizations in the West, they are not worthy of being called Longwuwei.

Some extreme emotions and remarks spread everywhere, but quietly spread in a form that seemed to be just a discussion.

Gradually formed the atmosphere.

Jiang Chen glanced at the hot searches on the Internet, frowning slightly.

It seems that someone deliberately used the aggressive method to force Long Wuwei to participate in this singularity...

But just at this point in time, the magic cave near the East China Sea actually erupted!

It was a magic cave located on the central island of the ocean coastline, in the border waters of the two countries.

To be precise, the area of ​​this magic cave does not belong to the jurisdictional boundary of Longwuwei, but is closer to a certain island country.


The location of this magic cave is quite sensitive!

After the outbreak, all the monsters attacked the coastline of the East China Sea!

It looks weird no matter what!

780 rooms in less than a day...

The monsters have already begun to attack the defense line along the coast.

Long Wuwei began to dispatch troops on a large scale to guard the East China Sea Demon Nest, which required a lot of troops.

Many Long Wuwei who originally wanted to participate in this singularity were forced to guard the East China Sea, and naturally they would not participate in this mission.

after all……

There is still one week left for the entry time of the singularity.

Judging from the current battle situation, this battle to guard the Devil's Nest will definitely not be suppressed in less than a month.

It is impossible to be suddenly transferred to the singularity when fighting on the front line...


Long Wuwei issued an emergency notice-combatants above the second level must participate in this battle.

Jiang Chen has been promoted to a second-level fighter since his last military exploits.

And he performed a special mission, beheading a member of the Church of the Ancient Gods, and his merit points almost reached the third-level warrior!

It was also about a month before he came to Longwuwei.

Not a newbie anyway.

Jiang Chen was hesitating, whether he wanted to cancel the singularity and go to the coast of the East China Sea to participate in the task of guarding the magic cave.

Just then... (cbdh)

However, Xia Longwu took the initiative to find Jiang Chen and said:

"This time, you will stay at the base and participate in this singularity operation.

"Wait until you come back, and then according to the situation along the East China Sea, see if you want to go. 35

"For others, this singularity operation is just an additional item, you can choose to participate or not, and the impact is not that big.

"But as a Scourge, if this singularity can pass smoothly, then your future achievements will definitely be limitless!

"Haha, and in the battlefield guarding the Devil's Nest, not all warriors have to rush up immediately!

"Ace fighters are often the finale!

Jiang Chen was still thinking about whether it would be a little wrong if he had special permissions because he was a scourge.


Xia Longwu said this, obviously to dispel Jiang Chen's concerns.

Even if he went to the coast of the East China Sea according to the mission requirements and participated in the mission of guarding the magic cave, he would not have obtained permission to play so easily.

Moreover, in the early stage of the battle of guarding the magic cave, of course, the use of sci-fi, mechanization, long-range magic and other types of arms will first carry out a round of firepower sweeping...

If under such circumstances, the monsters can still break through the firepower and successfully break through, then it is time for the melee arms to play!

Jiang Chen's main fighting ability is to rely on his own true essence to kill monsters in the way of a fantasy martial artist.

Therefore, even if he went to the front line of the battlefield early, he was in the past to make soy sauce, and there was no chance for him to shoot.

It's better to stay in the base, finish the singularity mission this time, and then look at the situation over there and see if there is a need for additional troops.

After getting Xia Longwu's permission...

Jiang Chen naturally agreed.

In the last few days...

He collected a lot of mission information about singularity, and learned that reincarnators would be sent to a special world.

There may be several different singularities there at the same time.

And because the singularity is the main factor that is cut from the destruction of human nature and the way of heaven that is about to be destroyed, it will also bring the surrounding world over.

It can be said……

In this mission, the reincarnator may encounter several different world systems.

Even, there may be contact with other samsara.

As for whether there will be battles or cooperation with each other, it's hard to say!

If you want to achieve life achievements, you need to make a contribution to the action of clearing the singularity.

It also means that the reincarnator must fight head-on with the singularity, and even if he dies, he must die properly!


If you're just a jerk, you won't get any grades.

To confront the existence that can destroy the Heavenly Dao, or a related factor...

The level of danger is unimaginable!

Under normal circumstances, reincarnations will of course choose to cooperate with each other.

But recently, with the actions of the West, the conspiracy of the Church of the Ancient Gods and other organizations, and the All-Knowing God who is suspected to have come to the opposite side of Longwuwei...

All kinds of signs indicate the singularity of this time. It is very likely that an organization on the side of the Western sect has launched some actions against Long Wuwei!

In a word, use the actions of the group special strategy team to solve the singularity, maybe you should take it right!


Xia Longwu forced the other Longwu Guards to go to the front line, and did not let them form a singularity strategy group, which was also for this reason.

And if only Jiang Chen went there alone, without an organization, it would not be so conspicuous.

He also believes that with Jiang Chen's strength and aptitude, he can do well even in the face of unknown situations with other reincarnators!

Form a strategy team to help Jiang Chen?

Stop it!

In the eyes of Xia Longwu, no matter how powerful the strategy team is, it can't compare to an absolute genius!

In the unknown reincarnation life, the judgment and choice of personal ability is the most important factor!

Jiang Chen's report also made Xia Longwu make such a decision.

The seven-day countdown will soon be over!

Raiders indoors.

Jiang Chen sat here cross-legged, drank a glass of juice next to him, calmed himself, and prepared to go to the dungeon.

【Countdown: 3, 2, 1... 】

When that number goes to zero...

The imprint of reincarnation, an ink-colored light curtain erupted, and instantly swallowed Jiang Chen's whole body!

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