Reincarnation: Only I Can Play The Villain

230. My Sister Can Do It, So Can My Sister!

"Phantom thief... so there are such strange people in the imperial capital."

Will, who was preparing for battle, said with emotion to Lan beside him.

According to Chu Mu's grouping, he and Lan are in the same combat group.

And "Fashion Doctor" is divided with "Porus",

As for "Black Eyes"...of course they were assigned to Chu Mu's own group.

"You can easily break into the rooms of Lord Esdeath and Minister Ornest.

"It must be a Teigu envoy who holds a hidden Teigu."


The handsome blond guy touched his chin and said noncommittally.

"But I heard that the strange thief has the ability to make people 'repent'."

"It's just a simple sneak in, which can be explained by his extremely high stealth ability."

"But this kind of weird power can only be caused by 'Teigu'."

"I am more inclined that the Teigu held by the 'Phantom Thief' can affect people's minds."

Hearing his companion's opinion, Will scratched his head.

"Yes, but . . . can he really get Minister Ernest punished?"

Although both were equally loyal to the "Empire", Minister Hornest was notorious throughout the country.

Even inside the high-level empire, there are many ministers who are unhappy.

It's just that because of the minister's power, he can only swallow his anger.

"Even if it is possible, but now there is a rich official in the town of Mrs. Esdes

Lan shook her head lightly, her expression a bit complicated.

Estes' title of "the strongest in the empire" is not in vain,

With her guarding the palace, there will be absolutely no problems.

Even though the abilities of the "Phantom Thief" are very strange, they are not optimistic about the opponent's combat power.

After all, judging from the rumors of "Phantom Thief", the opponent is better at sneaking than fighting.

Once he shows up, he is likely to be caught and killed by Esdesh on the spot!

"These have nothing to do with us, let's seriously prepare for tonight's mission.

Lan sighed softly and said to Will.

"If the information provided by the strange thief is accurate, then tonight we will face the 'Night Attack for a long time々.

Speaking of "Night Attack", Will also nodded with a serious expression.

The killer gang known for assassinating villains-"Night Raid" - is active around the imperial capital.

Even though he had served in the Imperial Navy before, he had heard of the great name of this organization.

"Don't worry, our companions are very strong."

Will touched his fist and cheered himself up.

Then, he seemed to think of something again and scratched his head.

"Speaking of... I haven't seen the captain's strength until now."

"Although the captain was already able to confront Lord Esdeth when we first met."

"However, these days, he is dealing with chores, and I don't see much time from him."

"You mean Chu Mu?"

Lan thought for a moment, then said with a slight frown.

"He has a high status, I heard that he is the son of Minister Ernest

"Now that Minister Ernest is threatened by the 'Strange Thief', he should also have a headache. y

In fact, what they didn't expect was that...

At this time, Chu Mu didn't care about Minister Hornest at all.

After all, he was the one who released the "trailer book".

And Minister Hornest is just a pawn - and can become an "abandoned pawn" if necessary.

At this moment, Chu Mu was wearing an apron and heat-insulating gloves,

Remove a freshly baked pan from the oven.

“Flour made from sun-dried white sweet potatoes in season, then baked with seasonings like dried cranberries and butter…”

"I personally feel pretty good, try it.

The eyes of the black pupil who had been waiting for a long time at the side lit up,

Very protective of food, he brought the plate in front of himself,

Started nibbling on snacks like some kind of small rodent.

Like, so much like.

Looking at the black pupil who showed a happy expression after eating delicious snacks,

The figure of Chitong appeared in Chu Mu's mind...

These two sisters are really amazing in terms of eating.

It's completely foodie for one big and one small.

Of course, thanks to this... the method of strategy is exactly the same.

With the bonus of the title of "Paternal Killer", as long as you "slightly" show the cooking skills that are even more exquisite than the royal chefs,

Feed it a few more times, and the favorability of Hei Tong has risen to 60% of the "intimacy" level!

It's just different from Akahito who loves meat,

Hei Tong prefers desserts, but she has similar tastes to Ma Yin.


After tasting a few pieces, Heitong made a satisfied evaluation,

Then he took out a bottle of suspicious-looking powder from his pocket and sprinkled it on,

Seeing this scene, Chu Mu frowned.

Similar scenes have happened many times before.....

These powders are a special drug used by Imperial assassination forces.

Akahito was injected with drugs to forcibly increase her ability, but the burden is quite heavy,

Usually need to constantly take drugs to maintain body functions.

Because the taste of these drugs is very bitter,

So Chitong likes to put them into snacks and eat them.

"With the current favorability, it should be possible to ask this question.

Withdrawing his gaze from Heitong, Chu Mu asked in a casual tone.

"々.Speaking of which, black pupil, your appearance is very similar to the 'red pupil' on the arrest warrant, and so is your name.

"Do you have anything to do with her?"


Hearing this question, Heitong stopped eating for the first time,

There was a bit of sick emotion in the dark and lifeless eyes.

"Because she is my favorite sister."

"Obviously as the elite of the assassination force, he betrayed the empire and joined the 'Night Raid'

"I wish I could see her again sooner, and then . . .

On the girl's pretty face, there was a smile that made one's back chill.

"Punish" her with my hands. "

Sui Siyun was not surprised by this.

The same question, Chu Mu also asked Chi Tong,

The answers given by the two sisters were surprisingly consistent.

That's trying to end the other person's life

Although the two sisters are as deep as the sea, but because of the different camps,

Their respective philosophies, missions, and meanings of existence are also different.

Therefore, such a desperate battle had to be waged.

"Rather than let her be killed by others in the war between camps, it is better to kill her by yourself"

This is probably what Chitong and Heitong sisters are thinking in their hearts.

Rather than letting the opponent die in the hands of his companions, it is better to let him kill himself.

Of course, Chu Mu will definitely not let this happen.

Actually... this "Night Raid" headquarters raid,

Chu Mu intends to solve this problem together!

"The time is up, it's time to join the others."

Chu Mu patted Hei Tong's head lightly, motioning her to follow him.

However, as soon as he turned around, Japan's soft palm grabbed his minister.

"If you really meet my sister... I hope you can witness our battle."

Heitong said respectfully to Chu Mu with a serious expression.

"Even if I die, please don't resent my sister.

Hearing this, Chu Mu responded lightly.


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