Reincarnation: Only I Can Play The Villain

245. The Strongest Hole Card! Gather The Power Of The Law!

The imperial capital, the highest level of the imperial palace.

This is not only the highest point of the palace,

At the same time, it is also the commanding height of the entire "Emperor Capital".

Even in the palace, this is an absolute "forbidden zone".

According to legend, thousands of years ago, the first emperor recruited craftsmen and alchemists here.

Created 48 pieces of "Teigu" which are famous all over the world!

However, in the thousand years since then, the later emperors have never been able to repeat the feat of the founding emperor.

Once an emperor wanted to imitate the "Teigu" to create the same powerful equipment.

But the final result is not satisfactory, and it can only create a "servant" with a much weaker effect

Since then, the high pavilion of the imperial palace has been sealed off, and even the royal family rarely enters.

But today, this forbidden place that has been dusty for a long time welcomes new guests again.

"Your Majesty is still young, so there are many secrets about the royal family that are unclear."

Chu Mu took the little emperor to walk in the deep corridor full of Dongjin's sense of technology.

"This is the control room of the rumored Supreme Teigu, and only members with royal blood can control it.

This kind of thing should have waited for the little emperor to grow up to a certain age,

Only then will I know it from my father and king.

But both the first emperor and the empress had been secretly poisoned by Minister Ernest,

Only the young and ignorant little emperor was left in the royal family, who ascended the throne in a hurry.

Therefore, he knew nothing about the "Supreme Teigu".

Because it's something only the royals know,

So even Esdes and General Bude didn't know that there was such a thing.

As for Chu Mu... Naturally, Minister Hornest took the opportunity to speak out.

"Really... so the royal family still has such secrets..."

The little emperor looked curiously at the surrounding walls covered with pipelines,

Then I didn't know what I thought of, and said suddenly.

"By the way, the minister's death...I'm sorry, the empire is in a critical situation now, and I can't even hold a decent funeral for him~~

Chu Mu smiled slightly and said softly.

"It doesn't matter, if my father is still alive, he will definitely care about the current situation of the empire first.

Hearing this, the little emperor said emotionally.

"It is my blessing to have you father and son in the empire."

Regarding this... Chu Mu smiled and said nothing.

He brought the little emperor here, in addition to seeing the "Supreme Emperor".

There is another important reason, that is, before Estes returns to the imperial capital,

Control the little emperor in your own hands!

Because the "Machine God of Protecting the Nation" has blood restrictions,

Even if Chu Mu invaded here, he would not be able to manipulate the "Supreme Throne".

Therefore, controlling the little emperor is equivalent to controlling the "Machine God of Protecting the Nation", creating a terrifying combat power out of thin air!

"This is the only thing I can do now."

The little emperor clenched the scepter in his hand, which is a symbol passed down from generation to generation by the imperial family.

But after Chu Mu's explanation, he understood that this scepter has another purpose.

Then use it as a "key" to open the cab of "Supreme Throne"!

At the end of the corridor, there is an empty and strange cabin with many cubes,

In the middle of the cabin, stands a Black stele with square grooves.

"Your Majesty, please insert the scepter into the groove of the stele."

Recalling the plot setting of the original work, Chu Mu said to the little emperor very firmly.

"Really...I'll try."

The little emperor nodded slightly, and pushed the top of the royal scepter in his hand into the groove.

The top of the scepter was seamlessly connected to the groove, making a slight machine-amplified sound.


The next moment, a virtual pattern exuding a blue light suddenly appeared in the originally dim cabin!

Those cubes coincidentally reflect a picture,

Finally combined into a 360 panorama without dead ends!

"This is... a scene near the imperial capital?!"

The little emperor looked at this scene in shock, and then turned his head happily.

"What you say is true! This is 'Supreme Teigu'

However, the moment he turned his head, he only saw countless chains rushing towards him,

Crazy gushing out from a "door" filled with dark mist!

——— Eternal Prison!

Because he was worried that after transforming the little emperor into a "ghost",

Altered bloodline no longer allows him to control the "Supreme Throne"

So Chu Mu chose to directly use the "demon" to turn him into a "puppet of fate"!

Even the Emperor of the Empire is essentially a child of the Common,

In less than a second, the little emperor was dragged into the "eternal cage"!

A card with the portrait of "Little Emperor" fell to the ground and was picked up by Chu.

"In this way...even if you can't beat Estes, you can still have a guaranteed backup."

Although Chu Mu does not think that he has no chance of winning against Esthers,

However, it is always right to have first-hand insurance.

He is used to making two or even three preparations, just in case.

Then, he tossed the card lightly,

The frightened little emperor reappeared in front of him.

But this time, the identities of the two have been completely opposite.

*` actually....."

The little emperor covered his head and looked at Chu Mu in disbelief.

He didn't expect that Minister Ernest's son was not from the empire at all...

Not even native to this world at all!

"When Estes returns to the imperial capital, do as I say."

Chu Mu was too lazy to talk to the startled little emperor,

have become his puppets,

Naturally, there is no need to worry about identity exposure.

After the little emperor's matter was resolved, Chu Mu left the palace directly.

The "Supreme Throne" does not need to be activated for the time being, and it will not be too late to activate it when the imperial capital (Li Wangzhao) faces a decisive battle.

[The progress of the campaign mission has progressed, and the new campaign goal has been refreshed!】


Seeing the prompt that popped up in front of him, Chu Mu frowned.

"The goal of the campaign will change as the campaign makes sense."

The battlefield situation is changing every moment, and the targets with combat value are also constantly shifting.

Chu Mu flipped through the campaign map, and suddenly found that several of the targets this time are all gold-level campaign targets!

And one of the targets even has a "Teigu" in his hand!

Although Chu Mu is now short of a "Magic God Appearance" to complete the villain's mission.

But if there are extra Teigu, he will not refuse!

"Once you get this piece of can try to collect the 'rules'!"

(Thank you for the flowers and monthly tickets! More will be added tomorrow!).

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