Reincarnation: Only I Can Play The Villain

341. The Third Floor! The Real Aincrad!

"Aincrad" on the 10th day of service opening,

The final boss of the second floor "Bull King-Asterios" was the first kill,

At the same time, the number of players who died due to various reasons has reached about 1,100.

The remaining more than 8,000 players have gradually given up on the assistance of the real world,

I began to integrate into the life of the virtual world with complicated feelings.

In the "royal palace" with gorgeous carvings and glittering gold,

The girls who had just experienced a fierce boss battle showed a relaxed look of relief on their faces.

Although their appearance at this time ~ still a bit embarrassed,

But it has improved a lot compared to the battle against the defensive boss on the first floor.

At least he still has the strength to stand this time, so he won't just collapse on the ground.

"That giant minotaur would actually use a combat technique that causes a 'paralyzed''s too insidious.

Asuna rubbed the part of her body that was hit, and said with trepidation.

"Fortunately, you helped me out, otherwise I would definitely not be able to bear that blow."

"The raising of the hand in that move is actually very obvious, but you just happened to be behind the boss and didn't see it.

Chu Mu put the dropped materials into the inventory and explained with satisfaction.

"If you notice it, with your strength, you can definitely avoid it."


After being praised by Chu Mu, Asuna folded her arms in embarrassment and changed the subject.

"By the way, the stairs leading to the third floor have appeared, go and have a look..."

"The scenery on the second floor is too monotonous. Except for the hills, it is wilderness. I hope the scenery on the third floor can be more beautiful.

"The third floor......"

A meaningful smile appeared on Chu Mu's face, without revealing the answer in advance.

After all, if something like "surprise" is punctured in advance, there is nothing new.

"Looking at you, you probably know some information that beta testers only know?"

Ying Lili and Shi Yu also came over, with fine beads of sweat still hanging on their foreheads.

However, compared to Chu Mu who needs to directly fight against "devil king" level enemies,

They are less stressed.

The former only needs to keep shooting arrows in the rear, without worrying about the pressure of survival.

It is enough for Kasumigaoka Shiwa to be responsible for protecting Yingli.

"If you say it straight out, it's like a soda without ice.

Chu Mu smiled and walked towards the stairs leading to the third floor.

"But what I can reveal is that..."

"In a sense, starting from the 'third layer' is the real Aincrad

"Huh? Really...before"

Among the three girls, Ying Lili, who is most familiar with video games, exclaimed in a low voice.

"Are both floors 'teaching levels'?!"

"Roughly the same."

After thinking about it, Chu Mu reminded him in a sideways manner.

"Have you noticed that there is anything special about the enemies on the first two floors?"

"special place.…….…"

Asuna and Eiriri frowned and thought about it.

But obviously, for them, this question is really a bit of a problem.

"Could it be that Mr. Chu Mu wants to say..."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu gently brushed her hair from her ear, and said meaningfully.

"So far, we've only been fighting alien monsters like kobolds and raw heads.

"In other words, never encountered a real 'humanoid' enemy."

"Am i right?"

Hearing her guess, Chu Mu nodded in surprise, as he accepted the answer.

"Shiyu is right, starting from the third floor, humanoid units that can use 'combat skills' will begin to appear...including friendly NPCs and enemy NPCs.

"However, correspondingly, friendly NPCs will also teach some unique combat skills, which can be regarded as an improvement to the player's strength.

"That's it..."

Asuna nodded thoughtfully,

It seems that the enemies to deal with in the future will be more troublesome.

However, in comparison, she is still more interested in the "new scenery" on the third floor.

Accompanied by the slow pushing sound of Shimen "Boom Boom Boom".

A gust of fresh air mixed with the fragrance of grass and trees poured in along the moss-covered rock caves.

The third floor of "Aincrad" is designed with the theme of "Forest".

Unlike ordinary forests or small-scale woodlands,

The entire space on this floor is covered by tall towering giant trees!

Even the shortest tree has an astonishing size of more than 1 meter in diameter!

Looking around from the exit of the cave at a high place, all you can see is the overlapping and intersecting lush leaves, as if laying a dark green floor on the sky.


Compared with the barren second floor, the visual impact brought by the scenery on the third floor,

It made the girls seem to forget the hard work of just finishing the Boss.

"It's amazing.... the magnificent scenery alone is worth the price of admission!"

Asuna's eyes sparkled with excitement, she opened her arms to welcome the soft breeze,

The long chestnut hair shone in the bright sunlight, making the girl look like a slender and beautiful elf.

"...Indeed, the scenery is nice."

After admiring the beautiful figures of the girls, Chu Mu patted the black night coat on his body and reminded him aloud.

"However, don't forget our mission."

Starting from the third floor, the street transfer point between each floor must be "explored" before it can be opened.

In other words, even if the defensive boss is defeated,

The ones on the next level also have to "open the map" before they can use the function of teleporting steles.

...asking for flowers......

If you don't do this, even the "Teleportation Crystal" won't work properly.

Moreover, as long as the first player completes the exploration,

Other players can also teleport up from the lower floors.

It is a setting that is self-interested and beneficial to the group.

"Speaking of which, the captain said before that humanoid NPCs will start appearing on the third floor, right?"

Asuna recalled what Chu Mu said before, and asked curiously.

"What kind of humanoid NPC is it?"


Chu Mu thought for a while and asked the girls.

"Then it's time to use your ears."

For some reason, upon hearing his words,

The blond hair with twin ponytails on the side suddenly blushed and covered her cute pink ears with her hands.

"You... have this kind of interest? Are you the type who is more sensitive to ears?"

In an instant, Chu Mu noticed the subtle gaze cast from the eyes of the other two girls.

Asuna blinked her eyes half-understood, and touched her ear quietly with her hands, feeling a little puzzled.

Maybe she didn't realize what kind of car Ying Lili was driving...

As for Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, he licked the corner of his mouth playfully,

A pair of bright eyes that seem to be able to drip water, as if sending a warm invitation to Chu.

Take your attention away from Kasumigaoka Shiwa's "enthusiastic" gaze,

Chu Mu coughed lightly, and helplessly knocked Ying Lili on the head.

"I mean next thing you have to pay attention to what's going on around you.

"This is also related to the location of our next foothold... Be serious!"

Stepping into the forest of ancient trees, a group of people can really feel the actual size of these towering giant trees.

The towering branches and leaves almost cover the sky and the sun, and the sunlight cast from the sky is indistinct, but there is a kind of dreamlike filter.

Only in the virtual world can we see such magnificent and magnificent magical scenery.

Walking in the virgin jungle that is not polluted by industrial atmosphere,

The girls looked at the various unknown plants that were taller than themselves, and became cautious.

Suddenly, in this quiet forest, there seemed to be sporadic "jingle" sounds from a distance.


Like a frightened rabbit, Ying Lili subconsciously shrank behind Chu Mu.

"Shh, keep your voice down."

Chu Mu stretched out her fingers, and gently touched Yinglili's soft and moist lips,

"Listen carefully... Let's touch this way."

A moment later, under the leadership of Chu Mu, a group of people pushed through the dense bushes.

In a relatively spacious open space, there are two figures who are fighting fiercely!

(Thanks to the "good luck" boss for the reward, as well as the flowers and monthly tickets that everyone voted for!)

(Tomorrow will add an update, today's post is a bit late, so today's update will be deleted.

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