Reincarnation: Only I Can Play The Villain

352. Cut Off The Past! To Be Continued Aincrad!

An Yilun also looked extremely embarrassed at this time.

He slumped on the ground, almost stupefied by Chu Mu's astonishing killing just now.

Even when the latter put the weapon next to his head, he was still in a daze,

Until he saw the complex expressions of Ying Lili and Kasumigaoka Shiwa coming over.

"Lun Ye, you..."

Ying Lili looked at her childhood sweetheart with a heavy expression,

His gaze involuntarily fell on the ID above his head.

That touch of orange-red ID has already explained enough things.

"You really did something like this... to kill other players."

Hearing the question from the blond girl, An Yilun, who was depressed just now, also,

As if being touched to a sore spot in his heart, he yelled hysterically.

"Isn't that guy the same?! He killed so many people just now, but why are you still so partial to him!"

" Mr. Chu Mu is just cleaning up unnecessary 'pests' for this world."

"197" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu lowered her eyes, calmly watching the boy she once had a crush on.

"I am very sad to see such a 'moral gentleman'."

"This is the last time I will call you 'Mr. Morality'..."

"An Yilun, how many people did you kill?"

Faced with this question, An Yilun also closed his lips tightly, avoiding his gaze.

This guilty conscience made everyone feel that something was wrong.

"Don't want to say yes?"

In response, Chu Mu shrugged and clapped his hands.

"Then, let us invite successors.

After the applause ended, through the gap in the gate of the Demon King's Palace,

A petite figure came in.

"It's all over? Are you quick enough..."

Argo looked around, and his gaze finally settled on Ai Lunya's face.

"This ID...let me see."

One side seems to be communicating with someone through friend text messages,

Argo casually explained to the others.

"All 'criminals' can see the corresponding arrest warrants on the bulletin board at the entrance of the Black Iron Palace.

"Through the wanted bounty, it can be inferred how many crimes he has committed in reverse."

"Based on the average level of the current players... almost every kill will increase the number of Cole by about 400 to 500."

Hearing Argo's explanation, An Yilun's face turned ashen,

He also wanted to fabricate a lower number to win sympathy.

However, this new guy ruthlessly smashed his plan

"Ah, I found it."

And this sentence, because it is suspected that he stamped the final seal on his death sentence.

Argo's expression became solemn the moment he saw the message from his friend who stayed in the "Black Iron Palace".

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

Then, she confided a number that surprised everyone.

"24150 Cole... can be said to be a role model for all criminals."

With a bounty of 24,000, this means that An Yilun almost killed nearly 60 players!

"No, that's not the case!"

Sensing the increasingly unkind gazes around him, An Yilun forced himself to defend himself.

"I was just in charge of putting the finishing touches on disobedient targets in the team... they forced me to do it!


Ying Lili frowned, and concluded impatiently.

"In other words, there's nothing wrong with you killing 60 innocent people who had no grudge against you, right?"

An Yilun finally fell silent, a fact that even he could not refute.

"Why.....Yinglili, aren't we childhood sweethearts who played together since we were young?!"

He struggled to stand up, and shouted to the blond girl with emotion.

"Forgive me, just this once...I promise I will change my mind in the future and never hurt others again!"

"The one who should forgive you is not me, but the players you killed."

Ying Lili took a few steps back in disgust, and came to Chu Mu's side.

"And...sorry, I already have someone I like."

As she said that, in front of everyone, she stretched out her arms to hook Chu Mu's neck, and gently tiptoed.

The young girl's first kiss is mixed with cool and sour sweet breath, as well as shy determination.

Chu Mu put her arms around Yinglili's slender waist, making the two of them stick closer together,

He could feel this soft body trembling slightly,

Because it means that she has finally made a choice and cut off her past."

This "past" naturally also includes An Yilun who has half opened his mouth and has a painful expression.

"You, you..."

Seeing her childhood sweetheart who obviously had a crush on her, but threw herself into the arms of other men,

An Yilun also felt unspeakable anger and regret welling up in his heart.

"Chu Mu... If it weren't for you, I should be the one who was confessed by Ying Lili!"

With a low growl, An Yilun also suddenly took out his weapon and came towards Chu Mu!

But on the way, he was directly stopped by a naginata.

"It's too ugly, classmate Lun Ye."

Sister Hei Changzhi sighed softly, her beautiful eyes were filled with a little Yuan hurt.

"You have committed an unforgivable crime."

"Even if we return to the real world, we will only accept a harsher trial."

"Why don't you just let me be here and send you to hell with my own hands.

Hearing Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's whisper, An Yilun became even more angry.

"Senior Shiba, did you betray me too?!"


Seeing An Yilun who was already insane, Kasumigaoka Shiyu shook his head and activated his combat skills.

Follow Chu Mu to fight the labyrinth area and Boss constantly,

Her level and equipment are not at a level comparable to the former.

In the end, after several fights, she directly stabbed the naginata into Ai Lunya's heart.


An Yilun also stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to touch the beautiful figure that once haunted him.

However, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu avoided his arm and watched his body turn into countless fragments coldly.

As if broken together, there are also the memories she once created with each other.

"This is the end..."

Aincrad, tier 10.

The "labyrinth area" on the 10th floor is a magnificent and huge city,

The ruler inside is the "snake man" who is good at using various weapons.

And the ruler of this city of thousands of snakes is the supreme "snake lord" with 6 arms!

In its palace, there are rows of extremely majestic stone sculptures of snake figures,

Surrounded by these stone sculptures, the throne above the highest point of the palace is the exclusive position of the "snake-man lord".

But at this moment, the "snake lord" who was supposed to be sitting on the throne overlooking the whole city,

But already scarred 1.4, after giving out the last unwilling neigh,

The huge body collapsed and fell on the blood-covered throne.

【Congratulations! Your team has won the first kill of the tenth-layer defensive boss "Snakeman Lord Labek"!】

【You got 20000 strategy points!】

【The strategy store has been updated】

[You can redeem "archive pages" in the strategy store to record the current progress]

[After archiving, the time in the current world will stop passing until you use the "archive page" again to return to the world]

With a long sigh of relief, Chu Mu felt relieved.

In this way, the matter of "Aincrad" can come to an end temporarily.

Of course, for the follow-up benefits, and the girls in this world...he will definitely come back in the future.

But before you leave, it's time to relax. .

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