Reincarnation: Only I Can Play The Villain

413. A New Member Of The Family! How To Create Shikigami!

"...Above all, I would like to commend Chu Mu for his outstanding performance in this accident!"

In the auditorium of Qingyangyuan, the applause sounded like thunder, and the atmosphere was warm.

But Chu Mu, who is the protagonist, is a little bit uninterested.

For before his reward was announced,

The principal of Qingyang Academy, that is, "Taishang" among the Twelve Heavenly Generals, announced something.

That is to cancel all actual combat training courses and switch to simulated drills until the cause of the dirty riot is found out.

Although this is from the perspective of protecting the academy, Chu has no way to enter the "true disaster field" through Qingyang Academy.

Fortunately, he doesn't really need this kind of independent channel now——

Because just now, his "Family Status" was included in his "Brave Action" reward!

The "Family Style" reputation of the Huano family has been raised to the "Friendly" level,

Finally have the qualifications to carry out crusade operations!

In other words, starting today, Chu Mu can be like the onmyoji I saw at the gate of the black big torii,

Organize your own team and go to the "true disaster field" to crusade against filth!

Although it is still only possible to start from the lowest level of combat missions, it is already a good start.

With Chu Mu's efficiency... Even with the negative effect of halving the prestige of "Evil Hero", the upgrade speed is probably not too slow.

The only problem is that he has to make up the minimum staffing requirement for carrying out the crusade mission—that is, the quota limit for a group of 5 people.

This is also a well-intentioned regulation to prevent accidents from happening during the onmyoji's single-handed crusade.

Although for Chu Mu, this regulation is useless except for restraint.

"Five people... the same requirements as the 'Imperial Duel', it seems that it should be the unified standard of Tsuchimikado Island."

In Huaye's mansion, Chu Mu was thinking about the candidates for the family members.

Besides him and Hongxu, the third member is undoubtedly Yingliang.

Although Yuliang should belong to the Tianruo family in the "Twelve Heavenly Generals" in name,

But the family affiliation of the younger generation is not so restricted,

As long as the immediate elders in the family nod and agree, they can join other families...

After a friendly discussion with Tianruo Qingxian, the latter finally agreed to her daughter's request,

And after Chu Mu and Yu Liang left, he drank alone until midnight, just like an old father whose cabbage was beaten by a pig.

The candidate for the fourth member is Wubai Zangzhihe.

"Let me tell you first, I am only joining your family temporarily, and I will leave after a year."

Zhihe, who joined the Huaye family, was used by Chu Mu as a "debt of favor" and sat across from Chu Mu with some awkwardness.

"I know, and I didn't ask you to betray the five hundred collectors."

Chu Mu nodded as a matter of course, and looked around.

Hongxu, although Liang, and Zhihe, so... the last member is missing.

"Speaking of which, do you really plan to go to the real disaster field to crusade against filth with this kind of people?"

Zhihe noticed Chu Mu's patrolling gaze, and folded his arms and asked in doubt.

"I know that your strength is very strong, but in the real disaster, you can't get far by fighting alone."

"At a relatively shallow level, you can forcefully break through a path with your personal strength, but at a deeper level..."

Hearing her exhortation, Chu Rao took up the conversation with great interest.

"How many layers have you been to the deepest with the family members?"


The white-haired girl with a proud and heroic spirit slowly shared the terrifying experience she had faced.

"It's already approaching the 'middle layer', which is the deepest part of the shallow layer."

"My father's team can go to a deeper level, but that is already my limit."

"So I'm very clear... unless there is a strong team, it's going to die in the wild.

"Well, your suggestion is very valuable."

Chu Mu said in a perfunctory way, because he would not refer to it at all.

Seeing his appearance, Zhihe frowned slightly, and it was obvious that the other party didn't take her warning to heart at all!

Looking around, the black-haired girl who looks a bit indifferent is another member of "Double Star",

It seems to be that guy's younger sister, and she doesn't seem to make any rebuttal suggestions at all.

And the daughter of the White Tiger Heavenly General next to her seems to be the only one who is looking forward to Chu Mu,

This family is like Chu Mu doing what she says, and her suggestions are of no avail.

"Forget it, don't talk about this."

Rubbing between his brows, Wubai Zangzhihe felt some wishes.

"Even if you have self-confidence, there are still rigid requirements from the five family members."

"Apart from everyone here, we still need one person..."

"Don't worry, the last spot has already been booked.

Chu Mu smiled, looking past the puzzled face of the white-haired girl to the position behind her.

"My lord, since you're here, you might as well come over and sit down.

A frivolous and pleasant male voice came from the air.

"Oh? Then I'll be blunt."

The commander-in-chief of the Yin Yang Company——Tsuchimikado Arima walked out of the air and sat down on the empty seat that Chu Mu deliberately set aside for him.

This time he didn't come alone, but a small follower followed behind him.

It was a short-haired boy with the same hair color as Tsuchimikado Arima, both white and gray,

To be honest, if you don't know the real gender of the other party,

At the first sight of this boy, he might have mistaken him for a delicate and lovely girl.

"Who is this?"

"You can call him 'the Lord', and one day in the future, he will inherit my position."

The young man called "Youzhu" was a little cautious, he stood uneasy behind Tsuchimikado Arima, looking very helpless and pitiful.

I don't know if it's because he's not good at getting along with strangers, or...not good at getting along with his father.

Tuyumen has a master, the son of the current commander of the Yinyang company, and the direct successor of the Tuyumen family.

"Why, are you here to discuss with me how to get along with your adolescent son?"

Chu Mu took a sip of tea, and without hesitation exposed the life problems that the man with long hair and glasses was facing.

"You bastard... It's the first time I hate your intuition so much."

Tsuchimikado Arima's face froze, and he gritted his teeth without grace.

"Do you believe that when I go back, I will revoke the crusade qualification of the Huaye family?"

"-||You dare."

Chu Mu snorted softly and said straight to the point.

"Then you will see the ruins of Taiyue Tower the next day."

"You kid is really reckless, how dare you threaten the controller of Tsuchyumon Island!"

"To each other, Mr. Yuma, you are the Kaohsiung who plays with fire."

Looking at the tit-for-tat confrontation between the two people who are getting more and more gunpowder,

Wubai Zangzhihe sat in his seat speechless, feeling that the scene in front of him was somewhat magical.

As the daughter of the "Gou Chen" general, she naturally recognized the identity of this uninvited guest.

But she didn't expect that Chu Mu would dare to throw face at the commander of Yin Yang Company, and even threatened him!

Although the status of "Double Star Onmyoji" is indeed very honorable, this worthy of being treated like this by Mr. Arima?

"Let's cut to the chase."

Tsuchimikado Arima also drank a few sips of tea, and after arguing with Chu Mu for a long time, he also felt a little parched.

"I want this kid to join the Huaye family."

"You are really slow to open the door."

Chu Mu shrugged and didn't agree immediately, but asked back.

"Is this a request, or a request?"

This sentence made Tsuchimikado Arima's face a little uncomfortable.

"Why, you still want to negotiate terms with me?"

"If he joins your family, you can also meet the (money is good) crusade conditions. Isn't this a win-win thing?"

"No, it's just your own will."

Chu Mu shook his head and stretched out two fingers.

"First, you didn't ask for my opinion.

"Second, you didn't ask his opinion."

The second finger pointed at the handsome boy who had been silent and reticent.

"Heh, is this kid's opinion important?"

Tsuchimikado Arima frowned slightly, he didn't want to get too entangled in his own family affairs.

"Well... I guess why you can't handle the father-son relationship well."

Chu Mu sneered and bluntly made Tian Dianping.

"Arrogant, arrogant, incapable of communicating, you are the epitome of every parent who doesn't discipline their kids well.

.......I didn't come here today to ask you to criticize my private affairs.

The commander-in-chief of the Yin-Yang Company glanced at the young man behind him, and sighed slightly.

"Make an offer."

This is what Chu Mu waited for.

After thinking for a moment, he revealed the premeditated case.

"I want... knowledge and spells about 'Shikigami'."

..․ mix...

(There is one more chapter, you can't waste it if you send it late!).

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