Reincarnation: Only I Can Play The Villain

421. Immortal Heroes! But There Is A Price To Pay

The dust dispersed.

The empty potholes on the ground were blasted out by thunder,

And several deep cavities pierced by the "Blade of Truth".

Gaburo's body has been turned into a fate card and flew into Chu Mu's fate book.

"The situation was urgent just now, so I accidentally killed him."

Chu Mu turned around and walked towards the two heavenly generals on the edge of the battlefield.

"I'm sorry I didn't give you the chance to avenge yourself."


Even a strong woman like Sasaki Sakura couldn't help but twitch slightly at the corners of her mouth.

Do you think Gaburo is some kind of low-level filth, kill him when he says he wants to?!

Listening to this tone, it's as if you accidentally stepped on a running chicken while walking...

You must know that this is the third most powerful enemy in the list of threats to Basara announced by the Yin Yang Company!

"Liuhe" and "Great Yin" two heavenly generals joined hands and could not help Basara,

To be killed by the man in front of her at will!

Although judging from the thunderous movement just now, it is not an "understatement"

But to be able to survive this level of battle unscathed,

It's hard for Sakura to imagine what kind of monster this guy is.

"Could it be that the oracle of the 'Double Star Onmyoji' is true..."

In her "seven two three" mind, the prophecy that the unearthed Mimon Arima once announced could not help appearing.

"But the 'savior' mentioned by Master Arima should be the 'Son of God' born after the union of the 'two stars'..."

At this moment, there was a slight painful moan suddenly from the side.

Only then did Sakura realize that Susho Miku had just been severely injured by Gaburo who was under the "Curse of Death"!

"Mijiu-sama, are you alright? I'll treat you now!"

Hurriedly rushing to the side of the petite figure in the pool of blood, Zaiteng Ying took out a few healing talismans in a panic.

But no matter how she cast the spell, Meijiu's injury didn't show any improvement.

.......It's useless, the 'yin force' has already invaded my body. "

Seeing Sakura who was getting more and more anxious, a bleak smile appeared on Miku Susho's pale face that lost all color.

"Don't waste any more magic power to heal me, there are still many powerful enemies waiting for you......

"No! Master Miku! You will be fine!"

Hearing this weak voice like last words, Zai Tangying's voice was a little crying.

The strong girl who would not complain even if she was frustrated in battle, was already crying like rain.

.......Come here, Sakura. "

Seeing the girl with a sad expression, Mijiu opened her arms softly and hugged her slightly.

"You... that is, your body has grown up..."

"I'm still a child at heart..."

Sakura, who lost her parents since she was a child, can be said to be the "adopted daughter" raised by Miku Shansuo.

Although the two look more like sisters, they are actually mothers and friends.

"I'm sorry, Sakura...I'm afraid I can't read you...a bedtime"


Wasting Sakura's eyes widened, looking at the figure whose vitality was rapidly passing away and gradually weakened,

His chest was full of things he wanted to say, but he couldn't get them out.

"I am sleepy……………"

"Great Yin" Heavenly General's eyes gradually closed, and his vision became blurred.

"Good night...Sakura."

After saying this, Sansho Miku fell silent and closed her eyes, as if she had really fallen asleep.

Feeling the strength of the arms holding me gradually lose strength,

A great sadness poured into the mind, the bottom of the heart and the chest of the lost cherry,

The turbulent emotions made her unable to think, she just wanted to vent on the spot

"Before you cry out loud, let me remind you."

Suddenly, a very inappropriate voice came from the side.

Chu Mu coughed lightly, and said softly, facing the tearful eyes of Yuyuying who couldn't understand.

"She is not completely dead, I can save her life. 17

"Of course, this requires you to pay some 'price'..."

"Okay, I promise you!"

Before Chu Mu could finish speaking, Zai Tang Ying excitedly agreed.

"As long as you can save matter what the price is, I will accept it!"


Chu Mu smiled and responded happily.

"The transaction is established."

Tuyumen Island, Taiyue Building, underground combat command center.

In the tense command room, an unbelievably excited report suddenly sounded.

"The mana response of one of the SS-level threat targets disappeared!"

"Has 'Basara' defeated...totally defeated!"

"What? Which one?!"

The "Taishang" who sits in the headquarters will be taken aback. This is really the best news I heard today.

No, it should be said to be the third of the best news I have heard in recent years.

After all, even in normal times, it is not easy to kill a Basara.

"According to the comparison of mana characteristics, it is Basara who ranks third... Gaburo!"


Taishang thought it was the relatively low-ranking "Crouching Snake" or "Fourth Prince".

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the strongest and highest-ranked "Gaburo" among the 4 Basaras!

"I remember that the heavenly generals in charge of 'Jabuluo' are 'Liuhe' and 'Dayin', and it was the two of them who volunteered...  

"When did this mother and daughter have such powerful combat power?"

It's not that he doesn't believe in the strength of his "colleagues" who are also the Twelve Heavenly Generals,

But Basara, who ranks in the top three, is more and more outrageous in strength!

In Taishang's prediction, the best result is that Liuhe and Dayintian will join forces to repel Gaburo.

Any casualties during this period are completely normal...

Because that's "Jabro"! The fierce and filth that has survived for hundreds of years!

"How is the status of the owner of the restaurant now?"

Hearing "Taishang"'s inquiry, the person in charge of monitoring the real disaster field replied in a strange tone.

"Master Wasted has always been in good condition, but...

"but what?"

"Taishang" felt tense, there must be something wrong with Shansuo Mijiu, right?

"Master Shansuo's life reaction is very strange, and once fell to a state of frequent death...  

After a pause, the staff saw the look in "Taishang" who was about to kill someone, and hurriedly continued.

"But it quickly returned to normal, even stronger than when it first entered the disaster field!"

"Is there such a thing?"

This kind of thing, even the well-informed and well-known "Taishang" has never heard of it.

But soon, he put this doubt behind him...

In this situation right now, there is nothing better than the triumphant return of one's own people unscathed.

"Now that Gaburo has been killed, we can take a breather."

Rubbing his temples, Taishang closed his eyes slightly and gave instructions.

"Use the communication talisman to send a message to the two heavenly generals, and open the gate of the enchantment to welcome them back to the present world.

"Yes, Master Taishang!"

【Based on the effect of "Thirst for Blood", you get a 10% melee damage bonus!】

[Under the influence of the original sin of "gluttony", the bonus effect is doubled! 】

[Your advancement task "Across Yin and Yang" has new progress! 】

【Current progress: Basara 4/6, Tianjiang 4/6!】

"Oh? Turning a general into a 'ghost' is actually considered a defeat... It seems to be the same thing."

Seeing the prompt message that appeared in front of his eyes, Chu Mu licked the corner of his mouth in surprise.

The bloody smell coming from the tip of his tongue made him unable to help but recall the fragrance he tasted just now.

The blood of Zai Tangying is as hot and exciting as her body, and it brings a strong sense of shock as soon as she enters it.

It was as if being blasted into the brain by a set of fierce boxing like a storm,

But immediately after, there was a slight sourness in my heart, with a little bit of bitterness.

It's like the clumsy speaking skills of a rebellious adolescent girl.

"What a mess of metaphors..."

Shaking his head, he cleared away the messy thoughts in his mind,

Chu Mu looked at the two female generals in front of him.

"I didn't expect that I was saved by you...or use this method."

Sansho Miku looked away a little uncomfortable,

There are still large bloodstains on her body, but the wound has healed.

The self-healing ability of "ghosts" is extremely strong, far surpassing the body of ordinary people.

Even the Twelve Heavenly Generals are nothing more than "mortals" who can borrow the divine power of the ancestors.

Even the legendary great onmyoji "Qingming" has only 150 physical attributes.

After transforming into a "ghost", 3.7's physical fitness has been improved explosively, and naturally he is not afraid of ordinary fatal injuries.

"Mijiu-sama, this is my request, I just want you to survive."

Wasting Sakura hugged Mijiu's arm tightly, her eyes were jumping with excitement and joy.

"You... oh."

Mijiu reached out her hand and patted Sakura's cheek affectionately - she actually wanted to touch her head, but her height didn't allow it.

Compared with the still young Zaden Sakura, her experience and vision are broader.

Therefore, after hearing about the terms of the "deal" with Chu Mu from Sakura.

She immediately realized that this was definitely a "trick" planned by the other party!

"It's cheaper for you."

Sighing lightly, Sansho Miku raised her head and looked at Chu Mu.

"The headquarters sent a message that the door to the present world will open in 10 minutes.

"Well... I'll go back with you guys.

Nodding his head, Chu Mu said meaningfully.

"I hope you will adapt to your current status as soon as possible."

A few seconds later, two celestial generals answered from Fuye.

"Yes, master."


(Good news: I spent huge sums of money to open a member of the p station, and now I can happily find good-looking pictures, and the rest is left to the review comrades).

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