Reincarnation: Only I Can Play The Villain

428. Yin And Yang Elimination! How Old Are You And Still In Middle School?

Blood spurted from Tsuchimikado Arima's body,

His body seemed to be chopped off in the middle by a sharp blade, showing a hideous and serious injury.

The commander-in-chief of the Yin-Yang Company seemed to have just realized what happened, and covered his chest in astonishment.

But in the next moment, both the blood and the wound disappeared in an instant.

"Have you died once, leader of Yin Yang Company?"

The burly and tall figure standing not far away stared at Tsuchimikado Arima with indifferent eyes.

"If you have seen your own death..."

The male Basara in a large robe said expressionlessly.

"Then let me leave quickly."

"I don't want to fight the dead."

Although I experienced the scene where I was "killed" just once,

But Tsuchimikado Arima still sneered without fear.

"You have lived for nearly a thousand years, why don't you look like an adult at all.

"Using 'murderous' that interesting?"

The next moment, the eyes of the man with long hair and glasses suddenly became extremely sharp, with a fierce light!

Wu'e's expression finally produced a slight fluctuation, and he looked at his chest with his brows covered.

Just now, the murderous aura emanating from Tsuchimikado Arima penetrated there, and blood gushed out.

Just like what he did just now.

"I'm also very busy, no evil, after all you made me so much mess."

There was no trace of warmth in Tsuchimikado Arima's tone, and he no longer used exaggerated voice and accent when facing a strong enemy.

"If you're just here to play, then go back to your hometown in the depths of the wilderness.


Wuxi stared straight into the eyes of the human being who dared to face him,

The smell of gunpowder between the two expressionless men quickly intensified.

"There is no way, I'll just go back...just after killing you.

The second-ranked Basara ———— "No Evil"

It is said that it was born in the wilderness almost at the same time as the "first Basara-Qiannu".

His style of acting has always been known for being cunning and treacherous, and killing people with knives.

So Yinyang Company has never known his true strength...

Even so, it is only unknown how many percent of the power displayed by Wuxie,

That's enough to put him in the second place!

"Those Basaras are just the bait I threw out. I didn't expect you to take the bait swaggeringly."

Wuxie methodically took out a talisman from his sleeve, and said casually.

"It seems that even the 'Yin Yang Company Leader' can't escape the hard work?

———Troubled with Death: Heiji Curse Puppet!

Although it is easy to say, but in the face of Zong Shuai who is in charge of Yin Yang Company, the boss,

Wuxi immediately used "Stalking Foul" immediately!

This "filthy curse outfit" that belongs to Basara quickly took shape,

A ferocious monster with nothing but a bloody mouth condensed around Wuxie's body.

"Killing you, Tian Yumen Island will be completely destroyed.

"I'm going to go."

But no evil did not move,

Behind Tsuchimikado Arima, an ugly monster with a wide mouth appeared out of thin air!

The moment he noticed the abnormality behind him, Tsuchimikado Arima jumped up and avoided the monster's bite!

"Without warning...too fast."

"You can't escape."

Wu Xi's arms have turned into a dust-like shape, as if they have merged with the space.

"The so-called 'Heiji Curse Puppet' is an ability to turn space into one's own."

"In the face of this capability, all physical barriers and distances lose their meaning.

One after another, monsters with giant mouths appeared out of thin air on Tsuchimikado Arima's escape route,

Some opened their ferocious mouths and bit fiercely, while others spit out thick arms from their mouths and rushed towards him!

Whatever the shape of these twisted monsters or arms,

On their surfaces, there are lingering black sand grains that are the same as those on Wuxi's arms.

These grains of sand continued to dissipate, disappearing into the air before they hit the ground.

As if they originated from the space itself, and returned to the original state.

"Things touched by the 'Heiji Curse Puppet' will be swallowed by the 'subspace'."

"There is neither defense nor escape."

As if the winning ticket was within his grasp, Wu Xi continued to manipulate the "Black Pole Curse Puppet" to launch an encirclement and suppression campaign.

"You are destined to die here, Tsuchimikado Arima."

"Let me use your water the despair of Tsuchimikado Island."

Finally, Tsuchimikado Arima, who kept running back and forth in the air using spells as a springboard, seized the opportunity,

With a flash, he appeared behind Wu Xi in an instant——at some point, his arms were already equipped with gorgeous curse clothes lingering with ice and fire!


Only had time to utter this momentary word of astonishment,

Wuxi's body was slammed down, falling from the sky to the ground!

"Oh, I won't tell you."

Tsuchimikado Arima looked down at Wu'ai lying in the crack of the spider web, and sneered.

"This embarrassed posture really suits you."

However, he knew in his heart that the person who was really in trouble... was himself.

At the moment when the sneak attack was successful, Wu'e reluctantly used the "Black Curse Puppet" to resist for a moment.

Just this brief contact... part of the cursed outfit on Tsuchimikado Arima's body was swallowed up by the "subspace"!

Lying quietly on the ground, Wu'e looked up at the sky of Fuye calmly.

It seems that for him, nothing can cause him emotional fluctuations......

No, at this moment, there seemed to be a slight doubt on his face.

"The traces of those few baits disappeared?"

He got up quickly, but instead of manipulating the "Heiji Curse Puppet", he began to chant the incantation with one hand.

"I'm sorry, the leader of Yin Yang Company...... I don't have time to play with you."

"This game of cat and mouse seems to be coming to an end."

As the clearly audible sound of incantations continued to spread, Tsuchimikado Arima's face changed suddenly after hearing the content clearly!

"This, this spell is..."

He wanted to interrupt Wu Xi's spellcasting, but the "Black Curse Puppet" condensed out of thin air kept blocking his attack!

Finally, after a long offensive and defensive battle, the chanting of incantations fell silent.

The "Kurogoku Curse Puppet" who blocked Tsuchimikado Arima also disappeared.

It's not that the master who manipulated it has left, but...they are no longer needed.

"No way you look..."

For the first time, Tsuchimikado Arima's expression and voice were filled with shock and surprise.

The trembling voice seemed to reveal his mood at the moment.

"【Yin-Yang Elimination】"

Wuxi, whose whole body was covered in a pure white feather coat, faintly uttered 4 words.

These bright whites exude an extremely rich, almost substantive "Yang" attribute mana.

However, these yang attribute mana powers shouldn't appear on a "yin" attribute filthy body!

"Presumably your Excellency should be clear about the meaning of these four words."

Wu Ei, who has become pure white, exudes unparalleled power fluctuations all over his body,

Slowly walking towards Tsuchimikado Arima.

"In front of my 'posture', all resistance is meaningless."

"Now you can only disappear into this world as a weak and fragile human being in obscurity." (Lede's)

Tsuchimikado Arima felt that his legs were numb and stiff,

The sight in front of him has exceeded his expectations...

He never thought that the power that originally belonged only to "Double Stars" would appear on Wu Ei!

But if you want him to wait for death in despair because of this, he can't do it.

"All living beings, to be reborn in ultimate bliss, hurry like a law..."

The huge Thousand-Handed Avalokitesvara is constantly forming behind him,

At the moment when this powerful spell was about to be completed——

No evil passed through his body.

"You can't do it, just like you can't turn night into day and return rainwater to the sky."

"My every move is the law of nature.

"Farewell, Tsuchimikado...huh?"

Wu Xi turned around, he thought he would see the ridiculous corpse of the Yin Yang company commander who had been cut in half.

However, Tsuchimikado Arima in the field of vision is not only unscathed, but also has two more shadow stones.

"To say, 'Everything I do is the law of nature.'

Chu Mu supported his forehead quite tiredly, and his tone was a little tired.

...... How old are you, and you are still in the second grade.

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