Reincarnation: Only I Can Play The Villain

432. Improving Personality! Create A World Beyond Reincarnation!

The "post-disaster reconstruction" work of Tumimon Island is gradually unfolding,

Although caught off guard at first,

But under the premise of the timely rescue of Yin Yang Company and the early closure of the transmission channel.

The situation on the island is still optimistic-it can even be said that it is not hurt.

As the most important contributor to this event, Chu Mu did not participate in the various meetings on the second day.

Instead, he lay down like a salted fish in the family mansion.

After all, he has been suppressing the original sin of "laziness" in the wild.

The matter finally came to an end, so it was natural to release all the emotions that had been accumulated for a long time.

"Are you sure you want to wait until tomorrow to integrate the 'soul of the sun'?"

Seeing Chu Mu lazily lying on the sofa, Qingming floated over and sat on him, asking curiously.

"I thought you couldn't wait to get the power of 'Double Star'."

"I have my own plan."

Chu Mu narrowed his eyes slightly, and replied in a tone of voice.

Today is the last day of the "lazy" original sin trial.

He doesn't want to merge the "Soul of the Sun",

Something went awry because of the outbreak of a new trial of original sin.

The safest situation is to go through the first wave of influence period of the new trial of original sin, and then carry out the fusion.

"Well, we still have some time."

The silver-haired loli didn't continue to ask, and it wasn't a particularly important matter. 27 As if she had discovered something interesting, she bent down and lay on Chu Mu's chest.

"What are you doing?"

She saw a manual suddenly appeared in Chu Mu's hand.

"You'll find out later."

Feeling the soft touch from the chest and abdomen, Chu Mu bared her teeth slightly, and couldn't help but look down.

In the open neckline, unprotected white undulations can be seen.

This made Chu Mu sigh heavily, with a faint bulge of veins on his forehead.

..... Go and put on your underwear for me honestly!"

"No, it's troublesome and uncomfortable."

Seimei replied confidently.

"Besides, in the era I lived in, there was no need to wear such things.

Reasons that people can't refute... Forget it.

The corner of Chu Mu's mouth twitched, and he turned his attention back to the player manual in his hand.

He is counting the earnings of the past few days.

Who is the most profitable in this filthy invasion?

Chu Mu is the second, no one dares to be the first!

There are a total of 5 Basaras killed just by killing,

A total of 1500 reincarnation gold coins, 50 attribute points and 10 gold trophies have been obtained!

In the end, Chu Mu did not choose to destroy the barrier gate of the "Black Torii".

When I left Fuye, I was accompanied by two heavenly generals and the commander-in-chief of the Yin-Yang Company...

It would be too much to sabotage in front of these people.

Anyway, even if it is not destroyed, there will be an additional event income, at most it will be a little less.

For Chu Mu who has acquired the "Soul of the Sun", these losses are acceptable.

Of course, it's not so much a "loss", it's just a little less profit.

Turning to the basic attribute page after a long absence, Chu Mu glanced at the various resources he had accumulated.

Free attribute points up to 131 points, 25 gold trophies!

As for reincarnation gold coins, more than 3200 pieces have been accumulated!

This trip almost doubled his net worth!

As for the prestige of Tuyumen Island, etc., there are countless.

Even if you stare at the 50% prestige of "Evil Hero" getting reduced status,

He has also brushed his character and prestige level to the highest "worship" level!

"There should be something new in the prestige store, let's see it later.

After thinking for a while, Mu invested 50 attribute points in the "mysterious" attribute.

Inexplicable ravings came from the void, the noise that should have been harsh, but now it had a feminine beauty.

[Your "mysterious" attribute has been increased to 500! 】

[Based on the effect of the bloodline characteristic "Supreme Destiny", your "Personality" +1! 】

[Your "fate" has been upgraded to the sixth level: the master of the world! 】

[Personality bonus 6-world master: The small home space can no longer satisfy you, so you decide to create your own world—————You can create your own world outside of "reincarnation", pay attention! Your world will not be protected by the reincarnation space!]

The effect of the sixth level of fate is very long, and Chu Mu read it carefully for several minutes before he fully understood it.


He closed his eyes slightly and rubbed his brows that were a little stiff.

Create your own world!

This is simply the power of the "Creator"!

But seeing the last remark, the excitement in Chu Mu's heart gradually cooled down.

"The created world.....will not be protected by the reincarnation space?!"

"Does this mean that the newborn world may be attacked?!"

If this question is pursued carefully, it will lead to very complicated things—

"Who" will be the enemy of the world created by the player?

What are the "benefits" of attacking the player's world?

Not protected by the reincarnation space, does it mean that players who can create their own worlds,

In a sense, it has already been out of the control of the reincarnation space?!

Various speculations and inspirations kept flashing through Xia's mind.

Under the extremely high-speed thinking operation, he has already thought of many possibilities.

However, he did not make a final guess.

Because he knows that there must be many "predecessors" whose orders have reached the 6th order price.

These things... Just find someone who has been here and ask them.

As for how to find these "strong" existences among reincarnated players, that is Chu Mu's business.

"It seems that during this break, there are new things to be busy."

Suppressing his excitement, Chu Mu knew that this might be a new and unknown field.

The things involved may be more complicated and involved than he imagined!

So before the copy is over, it's useless to think too much - anyway, you can only rely on guessing.

Afterwards, Chu Mu no longer paid attention to the basic attributes, but turned the manual to the skill page.

With more than 3000 gold coins at his side, he now has enough funds to upgrade his skills!

The first is the most critical "Eternal Alchemy"!

As the basic skill of the "Eternal Alchemist" profession, it is also the cornerstone of this profession.

Its level is very important, and it also affects Chu Mu's overall combat power!

If there is no skill consumption reduction effect provided by "Eternal Alchemy",

There is no way for Chu Mu to maintain Qingming and the Symphony of Destiny in the wild at the same time.

"Upgrading to Lv4 requires 500 gold coins 653, Lv5 is 600 gold coins, adding up to 1100 gold coins..."

Seeing this number, Chu Mu stretched out his fingers in great pain.

After clicking twice, more than 3,000 gold coins returned to the four digits starting with 2.

Although the skill effect is powerful, the upgrade cost is also high.

This feeling of spending money like running water made Chu Mu painful and happy.

["Eternal Alchemy" has been upgraded to Lv5!]

[To upgrade to LV6, you need to pay 1,000 reincarnation gold coins!]

"Samsara space, you tm might as well grab it directly!"

Seeing the cost of upgrading to Lv6, Chu Mu couldn't help cursing, which startled Qingming who was lying on top of him.

"It's okay, I didn't scold you."

Cursing her lips, Chu Mu casually comforted Qingming a few words, turning her eyes back with twitching corners of her eyes.

He had a total of over 2,000 gold coins in his hand, and he would be unable to make ends meet if he upgraded to "Eternal Alchemy".

Moreover, the "Eternal Alchemy" of Lv5 is enough, and there is no need to invest more resources at present.

"For other professional skills, let's talk about them after the promotion tasks are completed and new skills are unlocked.

After thinking about it, Chu Mu took out 1200 gold coins and upgraded the "Shikigami Creation Technique" to LV4.

This skill is a skill he learned to acquire Seimei, but the effect is surprisingly good!

["Shikigami Creation Technique" has been upgraded to Lv4!]

【The connection between you and "Shikigami" becomes closer!】

[Unlock feature: "Attribute Inheritance-Small"]

[Unlock feature: "Life Link"]

[Unlock feature: "Spiritual Connection"]

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