Reincarnation: Only I Can Play The Villain

693. The Blood Of Sacrifice! As The Saying Goes, There Must Be Welfare Before A War!

Cornerstone Gate is the name of the huge complex building located in the center of Genkami Island.

In addition to serving as an administrative and commercial center.

This huge building also plays another important role.

That is, there are several management facilities on artificial islands located up to 40 floors under the sea.

The four artificial islands that make up Genkami Island are connected together, forming a unified whole with the "Cornerstone Gate" as the core.

The artificial islands are distorted and vibrated by ocean currents or wind waves.

All are buffered and absorbed by this huge building.

Without this buffer area, the four areas of Genkami Island would probably collide immediately and then disintegrate into wreckage on the sea.

Therefore, the security here is extremely tight.

There are nearly 500 armed personnel on the entire Genkami Island, and about one-third of them are stationed at the Cornerstone Gate.

Among these personnel, there is also a team of 16 magicians.

If you don't count super-standard weapons like "Xue Xia Lang", every member of this team has a lot of weapons.

They all have powerful combat power that exceeds that of Ji Hiiragi Yukina!

Judging from the simulation results, even if it faces the Orc Corps Squadron of the Empire of Night under a certain True Ancestor, it is said that it can defend for several days!

However... this impregnable defensive force was easily breached today.

"Warning! The enemy has broken through the airtight wall!"

"Damn it...the opponent is an enemy with extraordinary power! Request the support of the magic attack team!"

"Use the magic bullet quickly! Cross-swipe...ah!"

In a burst of dazzling fireworks, the security guard holding a firearm was hit by a spell, and his body fell limply to the ground.

After losing protection, their heads were instantly exploded, splattering blood everywhere.

This battle should not have caused such a big stir.

But after losing Astaruti, Rudolf had to resort to all means.

"As long as we can obtain the 'Holy Relic' that controls String Kami Island...even the 'Fourth True Ancestor' has to be concerned!"

The embarrassed priest showed a ferocious expression and waved the half-moon battle ax in his hand.

The magic attack master who came to support him was no match for him and could win the title of "Teacher Annihilation".

This means that his strength far exceeds that of ordinary "civil servant" magic masters.

.......In this way, all the defensive forces leading to the deepest point should be cleared. "

Scanning the corpses on the ground, Rudolph said to himself coldly.

Scattered bullets and traces of damage caused by spells made this underground building unrecognizable.

The elite troops of more than 60 people, including the team of magicians, were all annihilated.

Except for Rudolf, who is the intruder, there is no living being on this floor...


In the corridor a little distance from the battlefield, there is another girl.

Rudolf opened his spiritual vision in confusion and saw the stiff girl through the obstruction of the wall.

She was unarmed, only carrying a small laptop, and her posture did not look like someone who had received combat training.

There is no trace of magic in his body, he is neither a soldier nor a demon, he is just an ordinary person.

It looked like he heard the noise and came over to check the situation, and then got involved in the battle.

Since you are an ordinary person, there is no need to take action.

There is no point in taking the girl's life here.

Because not long after, she will die along with everyone on Xiankami Island.

That’s right, this “promise-breaking place” created by sinners - Genkami Island, will sink to the bottom of the sea soon!

After Rudolph leaves.

Lan Yu Qiancong covered her mouth, leaned her back against the wall, and felt her bones touch the cold ground.

The smell of rusty blood filled the air, and the screams of dying soldiers were everywhere.

This made the female high school student, who had never experienced a tragic battlefield, experience a splitting of her liver and gallbladder, and almost fainted.

Although I don’t know why the other party didn’t attack me.

But Qian Cong, who finally saved her life, is still in a semi-trance state.

Until a familiar voice came from in front of me.

"Don't worry, I'm here.


The girl raised her head in shock and saw a familiar figure that made her eyes sore appear in her field of vision.

The sight of the man walking towards him made Qian Cong feel relieved for no reason, and she wiped away the tears that overflowed from the corners of her eyes.

As if she wanted to vent her previous fear and resentment, she stood up hard and raised her voice.

"There was an attack here, many people were injured...and a lot of buildings were damaged...Who is that guy!"

"The attacker you are talking he a strong man wearing a robe?"

"You recognize him?!"

Qian Cong showed a look of astonishment and asked.

"It should have been possible to control him directly."

Chu Mu nodded and replied noncommittally.

"It's a pity that he used some tricks to make him escape here."

"Control him..."

Chu Mu's words gave Qian Cong a feeling of disbelief.

After all, just now, the attacker effortlessly killed dozens of elite soldiers.

If it were in the past, she would have thought Mu was joking.

But at this time, Chu Mu exuded a certain confidence and temperament that was impressive.

This made Qian Cong subconsciously believe it to be true without the slightest doubt.

One Destiny Tarot: "The Pope"!

Because there is no extra time to explain.

So Chu Mu directly used the power of this card.

"Did you see the attacker's movements?"

"Go all the way down... It should be to the bottom of the Cornerstone Gate.

Hearing Qian Cong's answer, Chu Mu nodded slightly.


This is exactly the same as the development in the plot.

If nothing unexpected happens, Rudolph's target should be the "Holy Relic" and "Saint's Right Wrist" located at the bottom of Genkami Island!

Once the holy relic that serves as the cornerstone is stolen, the effectiveness of the Cornerstone Gate will be instantly reduced.

As a result, Genkami Island, an artificial island, is in danger of sinking!

"Go to the ground for safety and leave the rest to me.

"here you are.....…"

Qian Cong looked at Chu Mu blankly.

Why didn't she know that the latter had this magical power?

"I can prove the power of seniors."

At this moment, a cold voice came from the side.

When Qian Cong heard this, she looked around and saw that it was the junior high school transfer student she met at the station.

She remembered... the other party's name was Ji Hiiragi Xuena.

"What...are you?"

With a complicated look on his face, Lan Yu Qiancong asked this question.


The girl in sailor uniform holding the Snow Wolf wolf answered quietly.

"I am a trainee swordsman affiliated with the Lion King Organization."

“As for the’s up to him to decide his identity.

Hearing this, Qian Cong turned his attention to Chu Mu.

But that didn't mean that she wasn't surprised by Yukina's identity.

As a talented hacker girl, she knows the information that no one can match.

The Lion King Agency is an organization that ordinary people have never heard of.

For shallow onions, it is already a name that cannot be more mature.

"The specific reasons are very complicated, but I can be considered a vampire for the time being.

Chu Mu chuckled lightly and said calmly.

"Vampire... no wonder you are lazy during the day."

After hearing this answer, Lan Yu Qiancong seemed to have remembered something and said suddenly.

"Anyway, after this is over, you need to explain to me carefully about this Xuecai-san and your identity as a vampire..."

"Now, I won't disturb you two. We must stop that hateful attacker!"

After watching Lan Yu Qian Cong escape in the emergency elevator used by employees.

Chu Mu stretched and looked at Xuecai.

"Let's go. If we solve this matter within an hour, we can still catch up with dinner when we get home."

..........Senior. "


For some reason, Xuecai suddenly fell silent mid-sentence.

Just when Chu Mu was confused, the girl suddenly and nimbly turned the silver gun in her hand.

The sharp gun blade was pointed straight at herself, and then...she took the initiative to move her white neck towards her.

A bright red blood line was drawn on the delicate neck.

"What are you doing?"

Chu Mu narrowed her eyes slightly and asked with a slightly playful expression.

What answered him was the girl's declaration containing determination.

"Senior, please...suck my blood."


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