Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 105 Soldier Master

In the dark alley, Xu Yue stared blankly at the white ball of light in front of him that was killed by Le Yuan's blow.

‘That’s it? No, you just acted so high-end, you crossed the world wall, and you were invaded by the will of the world. How can you do it now? ’

Just when Xu Yue was stunned by the scene in front of him, something happened again, and a light blue light curtain appeared in the alley. The light curtain first swallowed up the fragments of light balls scattered on the ground, and then continued to extend until it completely covered the alley. All the figures inside are covered.

After a while, a large number of paradise prompts appeared in the alley like a swipe on the screen.

[The fragments of foreign invaders have been collected and are being detected...]

[Detection completed, intruder information has been determined. 】

[The intruder is a digital life, belonging to the system mall, not a void creation, containing information from the outer universe, extremely rare, and being sealed...]

[The invasion route of the outer universe has been detected, the area will be completely blocked, and the timeline will be reviewed. 】

[Thirty-two trace traces such as mystery, cause and effect, destiny, and true spirit have been started. 】

[Timeline traceback begins. 】

The beep stopped, and instead countless light blue transparent chains emerged from the void. With the figure on the ground as the center, the chains intertwined to form a light blue ball, completely sealing off all spaces within a ten-meter radius.

After the blockade was completed, the inside of the sphere began to show images of the previous time period like a projection, but it was just flowing backwards.

The thunder that struck down began to rise, and the ball of light reappeared. The originally expanding ripples turned inward. Then the ball of light fell into the head of the figure on the ground. The figure lying on the ground turned to float upward, and the void slowly cracked. A light red tear.

The moment the breach appeared, the pause button seemed to be pressed inside the ball, and all images stopped flowing and turned into a still photo.

[The timeline has been positioned and reality is being reset. 】

The still picture in the ball began to shake and collapse, and everything returned to the way it was at the beginning.

The figure was still lying quietly on the ground, and a light blue light curtain enveloped the figure's body. The only difference was that now there was a light red hole in the air.

[The intrusion route has been locked and trace tracking is started. 】

Countless densely packed chains derived from the inner wall of the sphere and began to rush into the breach suspended in mid-air, and continued to expand the size of the breach.

A few minutes later, several frightened yells and curses came from the breach.

"Fuck, what is this thing? Quickly, close the gap in time and space."

"What the hell did No. 083 go to? This kind of existence can also attract people. How could the one-way valve be counter-intruded?"

"Can't close, can't close, the other side has completed the time and space lock!"

"Gan, implement the void annihilation. We don't want this small world anymore. It will be over if the coordinates are locked by the opponent. Hurry!"


A muffled sound came from the breach, followed by a clicking sound like broken glass, and dense black cracks began to appear in the air.

The black cracks continued to expand, tearing apart the light red breach within the scope, and the transparent chain that entered the breach also disappeared without a trace.

After a while, the cracks slowly disappeared, and the space inside the ball began to return to normal, with nothing special about it.

[Trace tracking failed, target information has been recorded, event 269 - system intrusion. 】

[The second intruder detection has been completed. 】

[Human race, adult male, with unknown bloodline (not activated), special talent (predation), harmless. 】

[This target has qualified potential and meets the recruitment conditions of the park. It has been marked. 】

As the last paradise prompt sounded, everything strange in the alley disappeared, leaving only the unconscious figure on the ground and Xu Yue with a complicated expression in the corner.

After a long time, the figure on the ground moved his fingers and woke up from his coma. He slowly sat up while stroking his painful head, looking at the unfamiliar environment around him in confusion.

"Where is this?"


The picture froze and gradually returned to darkness, but when the darkness spread halfway, it suddenly stopped and Xu Yue, who was waiting, was stunned.

"what happened?"

[The supply of divine power is interrupted, the fault has been eliminated, and the deduction continues. 】

[It has been detected that more than half of the Golden Dragon Baoyu has been consumed. It is estimated that the best effect cannot be achieved. Whether to consume Paradise Coins for energy replenishment. 】

"Determine the consumption. If the paradise coins are insufficient, all items and equipment in my space will be consumed."

Facing the reminder from the paradise, Xu Yue did not hesitate at all. He could make more money after consuming resources, but the current opportunity was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Soon, the solid darkness spread again and then dissipated, and a picture that made Xu Yue's expression stiff appeared in front of him.

This is an elegant building similar to an auction hall. On the high platform, there is a white gentleman in luxurious clothes standing, holding a small gavel and talking to the crystal coffin placed in the center of the high platform.

Under the high platform, small light balls of different colors were suspended on the neatly arranged chairs, quietly listening to the white gentleman's product introduction.

Xu Yue also sat on one of the red soft chairs, staring blankly at his naked self in the crystal coffin.

"Here is today's eighth lot, an excellent host."

"Natural human race, adult male, with a trace of pure Jiuli blood, excellent potential, suitable for the mythological development system."

"The character is decisive in killing, resolute, ferocious, and calm. It is suitable for various tasks such as conquering foreign lands and multi-dimensional combat."

"With the quality of this host, even if he participates in the next plane live broadcast battle, he will not be inferior. All systems must seize the opportunity."

"The starting price is ten points from the origin of the world."

After the white gentleman said the last sentence, there was a burst of bidding in the venue. Finally, the crystal coffin was successfully bought by a white light ball at a high price of fifty points.

"The following is the ninth collection, the three latest cosmic coordinates detected by the Eye of the Void."

"This is guaranteed to be the only one. They are all brand new universes that have not been conquered outside the currently known territory. The starting price is: 100 points from the origin of the world."


The scene in the auction hall disappeared, but Xu Yue was still in a daze. He finally solved the mystery of why he traveled through time, but more doubts came to him.

In confusion, the scenes in front of him flowed again. This time it was finally not a strange scene he had never seen before, but the first half of his life in his hometown. However, this time it was played back quickly in flashback, from youth to teenager, and then again. to early childhood.

Xu Yue looked at the first half of his life in silence as he gradually retraced his steps. This time the picture was particularly detailed. Amidst the sounds of hammers and irons clashing and sparks flying, he re-reviewed the entire process of his work, study, and growth, all the while. After a cry came from the delivery room, the scene fell into darkness again.

Next, figures that were extremely unfamiliar to him began to appear in the picture. There were ordinary traders and soldiers, scholars, peasants, and merchants, as well as rare famous families, powerful officials, and some extraordinary-looking chivalrous Taoist priests mixed in among them.

As time goes by, the figures' costumes become more and more ancient, and their identities and abilities become more and more exaggerated.

There is a warrior who can break rivers with his palm.

There is a swordsman who cuts through mountains.

There are warriors who wield swords to crush monsters.

There are archers who use strings to shoot dragons.

Eventually, all the figures disappeared and the scene was frozen.

It was a bloody battlefield full of killings. On the ground were huge giants fighting each other. They were either wearing animal skins or wearing heavy armor. In the sky were gods, demons and beasts with different shapes and powerful powers. The old man who calls for wind and rain, the girl who burns the sky with blazing flames, the giant dragon with wings on its back...

But whether they were giants or gods and demons, they were all doing the same thing. They were fighting each other on this bloody land, fighting to the death. The killing arrogance that soared into the sky even made the sky and the earth change color, and the sun and moon disappeared.

In the center of the battlefield, a giant with black and white beasts, ears and temples like swords and halberds, and two horns looked up to the sky and roared, and the roar filled the entire battlefield.

"Ji Xuanyuan!"

Amid the roar, the scene in front of Xu Yue began to focus. He raised his head and looked at this huge giant with a majestic head and horns, glaring angrily, with axes, swords, swords and halberds floating behind him. He felt that the blood all over his body was gradually flowing. It boiled.

[Bloodline tracing is over, the hunter has awakened a special bloodline: Jiuli. 】

[The professional condensed template has been locked to the ancient god of war - Chi You. 】

The beep disappeared, and the giant in front of Xu Yue slowly lowered his head. The moment he met the angry eyes, Xu Yue felt a sea of ​​blood rushing in, and his consciousness fell into nothingness in an instant.

[Congratulations on the successful integration of the hunter profession. Current profession: Soldier Master. 】

I’d better post this chapter first. I’ll sort out another chapter and post it at noon tomorrow.

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