Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 124 Pure Yang Yan

Skill two.

Hundred Soldiers Specialization: LV.6 (Passive)

Skill effect: Increase melee attack power by 20%, and proficiency with bladed weapons. (The current weapon is Fang Tian Hua Ji)

After consuming all the soul crystals, the melee bonus of Hundred Soldiers Specialization reached 20%, but the biggest change was Xu Yue's more skillful use of the halberd in his hand.

Now he was sitting cross-legged on the futon with his eyes closed and meditating, silently consuming the extra knowledge in his mind. After a long time, a pair of purple eyes opened in the room, with strong eagerness in them.

"Is it because of the soul crystal? It's really a good thing."

Unlike the pain of upgrading physical attributes, there was no discomfort during the entire process of upgrading techniques, and after the upgrade, he clearly felt that his spirit was a bit more energetic.

Being able to use high-end resources such as soul crystals, the benefits of upgrading skills are not just as simple as the numerical increase on the panel.

After feeling that the knowledge in his mind was almost digested, he stood up from the futon, took a sip of tea that had been cooled to the right temperature, then took out an old-fashioned mobile phone from the space and dialed directly.

He needs to contact a chamber of commerce to exchange the paradise coins in his hand for items he urgently needs. There are many large chambers of commerce in the paradise, including Black Sail, Red Maple, Shadow and so on.

The old-fashioned mobile phone in his hand is the contact certificate of one of the chambers of commerce. It is famous for its complete product range and high quality. Apart from the low price, there is no other fault.

"This is the Black Sail Chamber of Commerce. Only the guests can't think of it, but we can't do it."

The call was quickly connected, and an obviously mechanical electronic sound came from the other end. Xu Yue went straight to the point and explained his request:

"A blue-quality investigation item, a high-quality flame within the second-level range."

"Guest, please wait a moment."

After the words fell, there was no sound on the other side of the phone. They were probably counting the equipment. Xu Yue was not in a hurry and drank tea while waiting quietly.

"Guest, do you need to determine the charm attribute or the intelligence attribute for the reconnaissance equipment?"


"Okay, both items are fine. When will the customer be ready to make the transaction?"

"Now, the Shengxia Tea Shop next to Tongtianma Square is trading."

"Okay, I'll be there in 20 minutes."


Twenty minutes later, inside the Shengxia Tea Shop.

The atmosphere here is still as quiet and peaceful as ever, which seems a bit out of tune with the overall atmosphere of the park, but that's why Xu Yue always likes to come here.

Of course, maybe it was also because this was the first store he stepped into after coming to the paradise.

"Please use your 'green shade' with caution."

"Thank you."

In the corner of the shop, Yunling, the owner of the tea shop, placed two cups of emerald green tea on the table, smiled lightly at the guest on the left who was thanking him, and then turned and left.

She didn't know the name of this guest, but he could be considered a familiar face. He had been here several times, but he didn't have much interaction with each other.

He seems to be a newcomer brought here by Xiao Xi before. Not long ago, he can actually trade with black merchants. Those merchants charge a lot of money, and most of the people who choose to trade with them have strong assets.

He was able to accumulate a lot of resources not long after entering the park, so he seems to be a pretty powerful person.

His eyes moved away from the two people who were talking in the corner, and a few thoughts passed through his mind, but they were quickly thrown away by Yun Ling.

These things were too far away from her current life circle, and she had no intention of understanding them in depth. Anyway, there were always some powerful people among the customers coming and going in the small store. This was a paradise after all.

"Make sure, the customer's needs are investigation props and high-quality flames, right?"


Xu Yue nodded. The black merchant opposite was very punctual and dressed mysteriously. He was covered in a black robe, not showing any skin. Even his voice was a processed mechanical and electronic sound, making it difficult to identify his gender.

"These are two pieces of reconnaissance equipment that meet your requirements. Take a look."

As he spoke, he took out a small metal ball and a magnifying glass and placed them on the table, indicating to Xu Yue to check them at will.

"This magnifying glass is the true seeing glass on the magic side, and the metal ball is the manifest eye on the technology side."

Xu Yue's eyes swept over the two pieces of equipment on the table one after another. The scores of the two pieces of equipment were not much different. However, in addition to the detection effect, the Eye of Manifestation on the technology side also had the ability to trace traces, making it more functional. comprehensive.

【Eye of Manifestation】

Place of Origin: Samsara Paradise, Hammond Factory

Quality: blue

Category: Investigation equipment

Durability: 40/40

Equipment requirements: Intelligence 15 points

Equipment effect: Biological detection (active): It consumes 40 mana points to detect information on the target life form. After the skill takes effect, the opponent's information will be obtained. The completeness of the information is determined based on the intelligence attributes of both parties.

Tip: Biodetection (active) cooldown time is 1 hour.

Equipment effect: Trace tracking (active): Consumes 10 mana points to conduct a detailed scan within a 30-meter radius and perform trace tracking. The tracking range includes but is not limited to 16 pieces of subtle information such as body fluids, odors, footprints, and fingerprints.

Tip: After trace tracking (active) is turned on, 1 mana point will be consumed every minute.

Tip: Trace tracking (active) can effectively trace the remaining valid information within 48 hours.

Rating: 54 (blue items are rated 31 to 70)

Introduction: I see you, and you are nowhere to be avoided.

Price: 10,000 paradise coins

"What's the price of the Eye of Manifestation?"

"Thirty thousand paradise coins."

The price the black merchant spit out made his eyebrows twitch slightly. The price was indeed black enough.

"It's expensive. A weapon with a 54 rating is only this price, and this thing is just an auxiliary prop, costing up to 20,000."

"Guest, not many companies can sell blue-quality reconnaissance equipment. This kind of thing is rare and expensive."

Xu Yue was silent. The black merchant was right. Green-quality investigative equipment might occasionally flow in the market.

However, those with blue quality and above are basically controlled by major chambers of commerce. The huge resources bring almost a monopoly on high-end channels.

Thinking of this, he didn't try to negotiate the price. There was no need to worry about selling this thing, and the other party had the right to raise the price.

He took out two enchanting scrolls from the space and placed them on the table. These were chips he specially made before the transaction.

"Enchanting scroll! Guest, are you an enchanter?"

Noticing the two scrolls Xu Yue took out, after checking the properties, the black merchant's surprised words came from under the hood.

Due to the high development cost of enchanters, this sub-profession is rare in the entire park, and special resources such as enchanting scrolls are also very scarce.

Seeing Xu Yue nodding and taking out a portion of the magic dust from the space to show it, the black merchant pondered for a moment and said:

"Twenty-five thousand points of the Eye of Manifestation. Correspondingly, you can provide me with 20 copies of this scroll in each world. I will buy it at the market price. How about a 15% discount on all equipment purchased from me in the future?"

"The Eye of Manifestation is twenty-five thousand. In the next three worlds, I will provide you with 10 copies at each interval. Each white quality one costs 400 points."


After a few words, the two parties reached a deal. Xu Yue paid 25,000 to get the Eye of Manifestation, and the black merchant got the two scrolls on the table, as well as 10 purchase rights that lasted for three worlds.

As for the transaction after three worlds, both of them tacitly agreed not to mention it again. Xu Yue deliberately pointed out the white quality to remind the other party that his enchantment science is constantly growing. If he wants to always have this special channel, he must To continuously provide corresponding value, just a little discount is not enough.

As a businessman, Black Merchant is undoubtedly very aware of the importance of channels. After understanding the implication of Xu Yue's words, he stopped arguing and agreed neatly.

Anyway, there are already three worlds of long-term transactions, and the future is long. A qualified businessman never lacks patience.

However, it looks like the next transaction will bring something good.

"Guest, this is the flame you need, see if it suits your liking."

After putting away the enchanting scroll, the black merchant once again took out a crystal ball from the space. Inside the crystal ball, there was a tiny ray of golden-red flame wrapped around it.

As soon as the crystal ball was taken out, there was a wave of Fenjue fire in Xu Yue's dantian, which was the desire to see the hunter's heart.

"This is...pure Yang Yan!"

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