Reincarnation Paradise: The Crucible

Chapter 130 Golden Star Sea

In the spacious martial arts arena, the wind howled, Xu Yue walked like a dragon on the marble floor, and danced the halberd in his hand into a ball of silver light as he moved around.

Gradually, little sparks appeared around him, and there were more and more sparks, floating in the void like a galaxy.

As Fang Tian danced the halberd, the sparks began to be stirred by the tip of the halberd. Following the trajectory of the halberd's swing, the little sparks condensed into a long golden-red river in the void.

As the speed of the halberd accelerated, the golden-red river continued to absorb the scattered sparks around it, becoming more and more solid. Until at a certain moment, the long river accumulated to its limit, and turned into a long flaming dragon several feet in size with a roar.

The long dragon exuded warm firelight and kept circling in the void of the martial arts arena. Surrounded in the middle was a silver figure practicing a halberd. The whole scene looked majestic and magnificent.


A sharp shout came from the venue, and the halberd in the figure's hand was smashed down angrily, and following it down, there was also the long dragon flying in the air. The dragon's head was raised high and it roared, and then it rushed down.

Continuous roars resounded throughout the venue, and a long dragon several feet in size landed on the marble slab, its body exploding inch by inch, turning the entire vast martial arts arena into a raging sea of ​​​​fire.

The violent combustion of the flame causes the air above to become distorted. The heating of local air leads to the emergence of updrafts. A rotating air vortex is gradually formed between the surges of airflow.

Then, in the middle of the fire field, a huge and powerful flame tornado descended, and a raging hurricane also appeared. Even the weapon racks at the edge of the martial arts field were whipped by the hurricane and made a hunting sound.

Weapons began to break away from the wooden weapon racks, and were caught by the raging whirlwind in the air, whizzing away in the direction of the flame tornado.

When all kinds of weapons were about to be completely swallowed by the tornado, Xu Yue's faint tone sounded in the center of the flame tornado.


The originally boiling and rotating tornado stopped momentarily after Xu Yue's order came out, and then suddenly exploded into sparks all over the sky. The weapons that were lifted up by the hurricane in mid-air also fell to the ground, and the sound of clanking metal was heard one after another.

After a while, the chaotic movements of the martial arts arena completely calmed down, and the flames all over the place disappeared without a trace, revealing a marble floor full of broken pits and scorched stone slabs. There were also handfuls of various weapons lying on their sides or inserted diagonally around. Weapon.

Xu Yue, who had taken back Fang Tian's painted halberd, stood in the center of the martial arts arena and glanced around the messy martial arts arena with indifferent eyes.

"The momentum is quite high, but it takes too long, consumes too much mana, and is difficult to implement in reality."

"It is included in the sixth item of alternative moves and needs to be improved."

After briefly evaluating the power of the experimental moves, Xu Yue walked towards the outside of the martial arts arena. With every step he took, everything in the martial arts arena began to change drastically.

The damaged ground began to repair, the dark scorch marks faded away, becoming bright and smooth; the huge pits were filled, becoming as smooth as new; the scattered weapons fell back and were neatly arranged on the weapon racks...

After Xu Yue walked out of the martial arts arena, the venue behind him seemed to have gone back in time and became completely intact. There was no sign that it had been ravaged by the sea of ​​​​fire before.

Not far from the martial arts arena, there is an exquisite green brick courtyard, which consists of three houses. In the north is the main hall with the largest area, which is a place for daily living and rest. On the left and right sides are wing rooms, and one is a forging room. , the other is a study room.

In the middle of the three houses is a quiet and elegant courtyard. A jujube tree with lush branches and leaves like a canopy stands on the left side of the courtyard.

Under the jujube tree, there is a square table and several round stools. Xu Yue, who has just left the martial arts field, is sitting here drinking tea. From time to time, the wind blows the leaves above, rustling, and in front of him is the green tea cup. The buds are floating and the fragrance is lingering.

Looking up, looking down from a high altitude, outside the small courtyard, except for the martial arts field on the left front, there is a large grassland that extends to a hundred meters away before the grassland suddenly breaks and turns into a cliff.

Looking along the edge, there is an endless sea of ​​purple fire below the cliff, with jumping and boiling flames everywhere.

This is Xu Yue's spiritual space. After several major attribute improvements, the current spiritual floating island has expanded several times compared to the past, from the area of ​​a farmhouse to the size of a small manor.

If the spiritual space in the past was like a snowflake bonsai ball on an endless sea of ​​fire, now it truly has the appearance of a small world.

The methods that Xu Yue can use in the space have also increased. The previous scene where the martial arts field was restored as if going back in time is the best example.

In front of the square table, Xu Yue's somewhat distracted eyes quickly focused. He had just shifted his vision to the top of the floating island to measure the entire spiritual space.

Nowadays, he is manifesting more and more supernatural powers in space. It is foreseeable that as his attributes continue to improve, perhaps the floating island under his feet can grow into a vast continent.

And he will also grow into a true god in this world, especially after awakening the bloodline skill of integrating soul and body, he feels that the entire spiritual space has become much more active, as if it is more real.

After taking a sip of the tea on the table, Xu Yue looked up. A faint blue light appeared on the surface of the spiritual barrier above. The barrier that had been deeply bound to the spiritual space was also upgraded to blue quality.

[Psychic Barrier] (Growth Equipment)

Origin: X-Men, Professor X

Quality: blue

Category: Psychic Protective Gear (This is an extremely rare item)

Durability: None. (Psychic equipment has no entity and no durability.)

Equipment requirements: This equipment has been bound, bound by - Fire

Equipment effect 1: Isolation (passive): Immune to most mental damage and mind control skills, the strength is determined by the quality of the current equipment.

Tip: At this stage, you are only immune to blue quality skills.

Equipment Effect 2: Mind Chain (Active): Mind Chain can contact the soul and has extremely strong binding ability.

Tip: This equipment has been deeply bound to the spiritual space, and its quality will improve as the space grows.

Rating: 70 (The equipment defaults to this quality extreme value.)

Introduction: Job well done, kid, here's my commission.

Price: Cannot be traded, cannot be transferred.

The biggest change in the spiritual barrier after promotion is the addition of a spiritual chain effect, and this chain can be displayed externally.

Previously on the real-life Sun Chaser, Xu Yue was able to pull the spiritual body Taotie out of the spiritual space forcibly, relying on this ability.

Otherwise, in reality, he has no means of controlling souls. This is generally the expertise of legal professions such as necromancers and shamans.

After reading the introduction of the soul barrier, Xu Yue continued to look through the milky white translucent film and looked at the golden sea of ​​stars at the top of the soul space with a deep gaze.

There is also such a sea of ​​stars in the professor's spiritual space, but it is blue. That blue starry sky is the collective subconscious ocean of all humans in the X-Men world. Every star in it is connected to a human mental body. .

So what is this golden sea of ​​stars connected to?

When he first awakened to the spiritual space, he discovered the anomaly in the sea of ​​stars above his head, but he still didn't understand it clearly. He was not a psychic, and he did not teach the ability to connect the mental body.

And he seriously doubted that these golden stars were really the same as the blue stars in the professor's mental space, were they the mental bodies of certain human beings?

If it is true, which world of humans is it connected to? X-Men? The earth we are on now? Or is it his hometown?

Looking at the sea of ​​stars above his head, doubts abounded in Xu Yue's mind. Suddenly, a picture he had seen while condensing his career jumped out of his memory.

It was in a magnificent auction hall. System light balls of different colors were suspended in the seats. A white gentleman in a suit held a gavel and talked downwards on a high platform.

"The following is the ninth collection, the three latest cosmic coordinates detected by the Eye of the Void."

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